Monday, November 1, 2010

Taurus Horoscopes for November 2010

The month will really make you focus on partnerships. The partner may be someone who is a spouse, lover, friend or even a relative. The partner may be someone professional including a business partner, coworker, employee, employer or even an investor, doctor or therapist. On November 1st your main concern will fall on travel, education and marketing. You will spend the day planning a trip or taking a trip. It could also be that you are entering college or a university. You may decide to learn a new topic of interest or taking some cooking or sewing classes. You may market a product or idea via the television, radio and the internet. Additional dates when you may be making these plans including November 11, 26 and 28th. You may purchase or sell products online or from a distance.

It's a time to look deep within yourself and get rid of what you don't need in your life. On November 4, 14, 23 and 30th as dates to cleanse the negativity in your life. It may feel a bit depressing to let go a part of your life but you will also feel that you need to move forward or else you will not be happy with yourself. Seek therapy if you need to so you can move forward in life.

Mercury will enter your 2nd house of earned income on November 9th giving you 3 weeks to see an improvement in your finances. You may receive a job or a way to make more money. It will also be a time to budget and save. The Sun will join Mercury on November 22nd. A 4 week period to see more money and see your finances grow.

Jupiter and Venus will finally go direct on November 18th. Venus was affecting your love life and finances. Jupiter was affecting you with relationships and friendships. You may have also been feeling that you were giving up hope with family and friends. A partner may have brought problems and arguments. You may have experienced a break up or divorce. Venus and Jupiter finally go direct so it can help the two planets move forward which helps you feel a sigh a relief. If you did experience some negative events in the last 8 weeks it was only because it had to help you wake up from the truth or you knew that eventually it was going to happen. Even if you weren't looking for it. It brought a new chapter in your life.

Taurus Weekly Horoscope


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The new moon on November 6th will fall in your partnership house. The next couple weeks will open the door for you to meet a new partner, compromise with a current partner or build a professional partnership. A partner is someone who wants to work closely with you to build security and stability. It could be for work or for love and relationships. Pluto and Venus greatly support this new moon giving you great love and support. It will be a time to work out personal issues with a partner, lover, relative or friend. Personal and professional partner are affected. It is time to clear up the issues from the past and present. Once this is figured out you will be able to clear up the problems and move forward.

Friends relationships are highlighted on November 4, 8, 15, 19 and 27th. You may find friends or spend time with current friends. Children are also important. You may spend time with children. hear news of a baby on the way or a baby is born. It's also time to get out and have some fun. You may receive a invitation to a special event or party. It could be a kids birthday party. You want to get out and connect with everyone including family and friends. Get out and make some new friends. You will be surprised at how you can attract the people you love and want to build a strong connection and relationship. The special invites may come through a social network too. Get out and fun fun. You never know who you may meet.

The full moon on November 21st will fall in your own sign. The next couple weeks is all about you. You will receive plenty of attention. It will also be a very emotional time for you. You may have a new baby or get married. Perhaps you graduate or complete a certification. It's all about you. Jupiter and Uranus will support this full moon from your friendship house telling me that friends or groups will be part of this full moon. You may attend a friends party or wedding. It could be your party or wedding that is happening at this time. Neptune is also supporting this full moon even though it is bringing a bit of a challenge. Your career or job will be affected by this full moon. You may need to take care of career or work projects. You may also be a bit confused on what needs to be completed or accomplished in these projects. Friends or groups come together in connection to your career. You may be work together in a project at work with other coworkers and employees. In this process you work hard to get the work done at the same time buildings friendships and connections. It's a time to network and connect as this could bring your next great job or promotion. The full moon opens the door to find yourself and figure out what will make you happy. Good luck.

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