Mars enters your 4th house of home on August 3rd. The next seven weeks will bring a time for you to relocate, renovate and make some changes repairs around the home. It could be that someone moves then or moods out of the home. You may have disagreements and arguments with someone in the home including a partner, lover or roommate. It may be a time for you to get rid of items that you don't need in your home especially in the closet thing garage. You may relocate at this time to a place where you feel greater comfort. It may also be a time to and a relationship. The warning that I want to give you at this time is if you have been having problems with the current relationship once Mars hits your fourth house of home the issues and problems will only increase for it to lead into the ending or breakup of a relationship or marriage. If you want to save this relationship then I suggest to start working out the issues and problems and now so that when Mars hits your fourth house of home it will be much easier to handle. On August 3rd and August 8th your focus turns to your own health and well-being. You are feeling a bit scattered and confused. You may also feel deceived or you deceive others. Partnerships are highlighted on August 5th and August 7th. it is time to discuss and work out any issues or problems. You may also form a partnership including a business partnership. A partner may be a lover, spouse, friend, coworker or employee. Mercury enters your 11th house of friendships on August 8th making the next couple weeks a time to communicate via emails, text messages and phone calls with friends, groups and organizations. You may spend lavishly on food and drink on August 4th so be careful.
Mars enters your third house of short trips, communication, siblings and neighbors. The next seven weeks may bring a time for you to take frequent short trips around town and out-of-town. You want to be careful as you may find yourself driving a bit aggressively which could get you into a vehicle accident. Your communication will also be a bit more harsh and aggressive towards others. You will also see communication increasing via e-mails, text messages and phone calls. You will enjoy connecting and communicating with sibling, neighbors, cousins, relatives and aunts and uncles. You may also focus on studies relating to reading and writing. You want to be careful as you may disagree or argue with the sibling a neighbor. Friends are highlighted on August 3rd and August 8th. You may deceive friends or they deceive you. It could be time to work out any issues or problems with a friend, group or organization. You are artistic or creative. Be careful not to indulge in food, drink and money on August 4th. You may spend more than what you can afford. You can expect to work hard for the money on August 5th through August 7th. You will also take care of your health by losing weight and eating healthier. Mercury enters your 4th house of home on August 8th making the next couple weeks a time to communicate in the home or take care of issues relating to the home. Be careful on August 9th as you may be careless and have an accident. You seem to be take care of projects and tasks at home and at work.
Your career is looking awesome on August 3rd and August 8th. You may receive a promotion, advancement or raise. You may receive a job offer or opportunity. Be careful as you may deceived by coworkers and employees or you deceive them. Mars enters your second house of earned income on August 3rd. The next seven weeks will bring a time for you to make more money and find new ways to make money. You may argue over money because you are not receiving the pay that you deserve. The next seven weeks will bring a time for you to make more money and to find new ways to build financial security. You may have an aggressive or pushy approach to bringing in more money. It's great news a few are in sales and need to build greater productivity so you can gain bonuses and commissions. I feel that this would be a great time for you to find new ways to make more money including starting a business venture. You may also argue over money especially if this is connected to a divorce are pay check. If you can find a way to come to a resolution regarding the financial issues the you will make great progress in the next seven weeks. It's time to be careless with finances and food on August 4th. Your love life looks positive on August 5th and August 7th. You may find love, fall in love or spend time with children. It's a couple of positive days to work out issues and problems with a lover or child especially in connection to finances. Mercury enters your 3rd house of short trips, communication, siblings and neighbors on August 8th giving you 2 weeks to take frequent short trips and to connect with others via emails, text messages and phone calls. You may argue or disagree with a friend, group or organization on August 9th. Stay calm to avoid confrontation.
Mars enters your own sign on August 3rd. The next seven weeks is still all about you. You will be highly motivated and active to get projects done. It's a great time for you to focus on your health by exercising. You seem to have the vitality and energy to exercise on a daily basis. A great time to complete work projects and tasks. Your tone it may be a bit aggressive so be careful not to come out to pushy towards others. You can accomplish plenty at this time so I suggest to use the energy to get work done. You may travel or plan a trip on August 3rd and August 8th. Mercury is retrograding so some of your plans may change or be delayed. The home is highlighted on August 5th and august 7th. You may relocate, renovate or make changes around the home. Mercury enters your 2nd house of earned income on August 8th making the next couple weeks a time when you may run into problems with finances. There may be problems with a paycheck or others paying you back money owed. It is a time to party and have a good time especially on August 4th. You may indulge in food and drinks. It is not a good day for a diet as you seem to be a bit careless with food and money.
Mars enters your 12th house of secrets and solitude on August 3rd. The next 7 weeks bring s a time for you to take care of your health and well-being. it is a time to get rid of what you don't need in your life including bad people and unhealthy habits. You may seek solitude for medical purposes. You may go to the hospital or visit others in the hospital. it is a time to catch up on sleep and to rest and relax. It's a great time for you to seek therapy or to get a massage. You want to make sure that you are taking care of your body and to do your best to receive the medical attention you deserve. You may focus on others health including a parent or relative. It's time to get rid or discard from your life. It may be time to let go of your past. Financial obligations and opportunities may present themselves on August 3rd and August 8th. You may gain through a bonus, commission, gift or reward. You may also gain through taxes, credit cards, child support, alimony and settlements. Be careful not to deceive others or you may be deceived. Your career is highlighted on August 4th as you may receive a job offer, opportunity, promotion or advancement. It could bring more money. Communication, short trips, siblings and neighbors are highlighted on August 5, 6th and 7th. It could be that you make a purchase including a vehicle, computer, cell phone or telephone. You may find yourself writing frequently. Communication increases via emails, text messages and phone calls. It may be time to have a serious talk with a neighbor, sibling, friend or relative. It could also be time to have a serious conversation with a lover or partner. Mercury enters your own sign on August 8th giving you a couple weeks to feel mobile and talkative. You seem to be running around taking care of projects, errands, chores and tasks. You may decide to take a trip around August 9th. You may also promote or market or product via the internet, radio or television. It is also time to expand your horizons and study and learn a new topic of interest. You may enter college or a university.
The partner seems to be your main concern especially on August 3rd and August 8th. The partner may be a spouse, lover, friend, business partner, coworker or employee. You may deceive a partner or they deceive you. It could be that you give selflessly to them and are willing to compromise to make everyone happy. Mars wall enter your 11th house of friendships on August 3rd. The next seven weeks will see an increase of invitations to special events and parties. You will find yourself being more social and outgoing with friends, groups that organizations. Be careful as you may argue with a friend or group. It is a time for you to show others that you can lead in a group. You may take the initiative and decide to take on a project for the group or friends. You will also find yourself being more active around friends and groups. It could be that you join a sport, hobby or other recreational activity. You will find yourself being more active and energetic. As stated before be careful that you do not argue with friends as this could sever for a friendship. You may find yourself collaborating with others to put a special event or party together. A great time for you to get out and socialize and meet some new people. Finances are highlighted on August 5th and August 7th as you may receive a job offer or opportunity. It could also be that you gain financially. A great time to budget and save for the future. You may indulge on a trip on August 4th. it could be that you plan a trip or take a trip. Be careful not to spend more than what you can afford especially on gifts, food and drink. Mercury enters your 12tth house of secrets and solitude on August 8th giving you two weeks to keep emotions, feeling, thoughts and ideas to yourself. Due to the retrograde some secrets may be revealed. You may have to pay a hefty debt or bill on August 9th. Be careful not to rack up the credit cards or spend more than what you can afford.
Work obligations, tasks and duties seem to increase on August 3rd and August 8th. You may find that you are willing to invest more time for the sake of coworkers, employees or employers. You are hard working and willing to get tasks and projects done on time. You will invest more time and effort to work as a team. You may also receive a job offer or opportunity. Be careful not to deceive others. Mars enters your 10th house of career on August 3rd. The next seven weeks will bring a time for you to expand your opportunities to succeed in your career. You may pursue a new career field or opportunity. If you're looking to began a new business that you will be able to accomplish many tasks at this time to get this business going. I also feel that you will have many projects to take care of a you seem to have the energy and motivation to take care of them at this time. If you are seeking employment then you seem to be highly active and putting out resumes and applications. You also may be open to network and connect with others who may possibly bring you a job offer or opportunity. On August 4th you may find yourself having to pay a hefty debt or bill. It could be that you owe financially to others or you are obligated to pay some bills. It's not a good time to spend as you may regret your purchase later on. It's all about you on August 5, 6th and 7th. You seem to have a serious state of mine. You are disciplined and may feel a bit depressed. Mercury enters your 11th house of friendships on August 8th as it bring about two weeks to communicate and connect with friends. By August 9th you may argue or disagree with a partner. The partner may be a spouse, lover, friend, business partner, coworker or employee. Try to resolve the issue but stay calm to not create a bigger issue.
Mars enters your 9th house of long distance trips, foreign people and places on August 3rd. The next 7 weeks may bring a time for you to travel to visit family and friends. You may have others come to visit you. You may enter college or a university. It could be that you study and learn a new topic of interest. It will also be a time for you to focus on religion, law, courts and philosophy. You will have your own strong beliefs and you may try to aggressively push them onto others. You want to be aware that everyone has a right to their opinions so do not try to make them believe they same way as you. Respect others and they will respect you. You may also promote or market a product on the internet, radio or television. Your love life is highlighted on August 3rd and August 8th. Actually this entire week your love life and the creative arts is highlighted. You may find love, fall in love or spend time with children. it could be that you deceive a loved one or they deceive you. You show great love and compassion to children and lovers and partners. You may indulge in love and affection to a lover or partner on August 4th. It could be that you give more than what you should to a loved one. It is a time to seek solitude on August 5, 6th and 7th. You may have a serious conversation with someone or find ways to budget and save for the future. Mercury enters your career house on August 8th giving you a couple weeks to revise or continue to work on projects that still need to be completed. You may see an increase of projects and tasks. It may be a time for another interview or meeting. You can expect to work hard for the money on August 9th. Work projects seem to increase or you feel you are working hard for the same pay. It is also time for you to receive an opportunity to make more money. Good luck.
Your focus turns to the home on August 3rd and August 8th. Actually the entire week will be all about the home or mother. You may relocate, renovate or make changes or repairs around the home. It may be a time to decorate or design a room for the home. Someone may move in or out of the home. Be careful not to be deceived in connection to the home especially when signing contracts or making negotiations. Mars enters your 8th house of joint resources, taxes, credit and loans on August 3rd. The next 7 weeks will bring a time for you to focus on issues relating to taxes, credit cards, loans, child support, alimony, settlements, inheritance, bonuses, commissions, gifts and rewards. It may be a time when you argue over some of these issues especially if you are going through a divorce or endings of a partnership. It could bring disagreements over finances or joint assets. You may also run into problems with credit cards and credit reports. I would suggest to check your credit report for any errors. You will also find yourself working hard to make more money especially if your job provides you with bonuses and commissions. You seem to be disciplined to get work done. It is a time for you to stay focused on what you want to accomplish for yourself especially for your financial future. It is a time to save for retirement. You may invest in savings and make an investment. You may seem a bit aggressive in your approach to succeed. Your sex life will also improve. You are full of fun and laughter and may indulge in fatty foods and sweets on August 4th. Be careful not to spend more than what you can afford. On August 5, 6th and 7th friends are your concern. You may rely on a friend for advice. You may also make a new friend or build a friendship. It could be time to join a group or organization. Mercury enters your 9th house of long distance trips, foreign people and places on August 8th making the next couple weeks a time for you to travel or plan a trip. You may study and learn a new topic of interest including a new foreign language or culture. By August 9th you may have a disagreement with a lover or partner. You may also argue with a child. Be careful not to be too hasty as you may run into problems that you later regret. Try to remain calm and compromise...if possible.
Mars enters your partnership house on August 3rd. The next seven weeks will bring a time for you to openly communicate with the partner. There may be also argument with the partner. It could be a business partner that you have a disagreement with on how to run a business or in connection to any duties or obligations connected to the business. There are many reasons why argument may be created here. It could be joint resources and finances. If the money is running thin even in a personal relationship then the arguments may easily come about on how to handle finances. It won't be an easy situation to resolve so obviously there needs to be some form of compromise. I do want to warn you that if no one is willing to compromise it could sever a relationship or end a partnership even a business partnership. It will be a great disappointment to have any partnership end just because no one wanted to work with each other to compromise these issues. You can see this as a warning that the next seven weeks may create a big enough problem to end a relationship or partnership. If you do not want any relationship to end and you have been having problems in the past that is not bringing any kind of resolution then don't be surprised once Mars enters your partnership house that it creates an ending. All I will mention is that the possibility is there and your chances do run high when you have already been having problems. On August 3rd and August 8th you may take a quick short trips out of town or nearby your place of living. You may see an increase of communication via emails, text messages and phone calls. it could be that you purchase a vehicle, computer, cell phone or telephone. The energy continue for the entire week so be careful not to be deceived when making a purchase. On August 4th you are optimistic and bit confident about love, relationships, children and creative projects. You may spend carelessly for one of these individuals. Don't max the credit card just because you want to make an impression. Your career is highlighted on August 5th and August 7th. You may receive a job offer, opportunity, promotion or advancement. I know its close to the weekend so keep an eye on the days surrounding the dates mentioned for possible career news. You may also be working on a project or going to interviews. Mercury enters your 8th house of joint resources, taxes, credit and loans on August 8th giving you 2 weeks to focus on financial or material assets and obligations connected to others. Mercury is retrograding so you may experience problems at this time rather than opportunities coming your way. Be careful on August 9th when Mars and Uranus clash from your 4th house of home. You may run into electrical problems in the home. It could bring arguments with people you live with or the mother. it could be a day full of activities.
Mars enters your 6th house of work, service and health on August 3rd. The next seven weeks will bring a time for you to work hard for the money. It will also be a time for you to exercise and lose weight easily. If you have been indulging and fatty foods and sweets then you will enjoy having Mars enter your 6th house as you would discipline yourself to exercise on a regular basis so you can keep your weight down. You may also focus on the health of of pet as this may be a time to take care of routine checkups and exams. It may also be a time for you to take care of any medical issues or concerns for you or someone else. Finances are highlighted on August 3rd through August 8th. You may receive a job offer or opportunity. It is a time to make more money. Be careful as you may also be deceived in regards to finances. It could be a time for you to take care of the home on August 4th when you may decide to make an expensive purchase for the home. You may relocate, renovate or make some repairs for the home. It could be that you host a special event or party. On August 5th and 7th you are planning a trip or others come to visit you. You may enter college or a university. It could be that you are marketing and promoting a product over the internet, radio or television. Mercury returns to your partnership house on August 8th giving you a couple weeks to connect and communicate with a partner. By August 9th you may be a bit aggressive while driving so slow down. Do not try to cut people off on the road. Be careful when communicating with others as they may feel you are being pushy or aggressive. You may experience problems with a vehicle, telephone, cell phone or internet and/or computer.
Mars enters your 5th house of love, relationships, children and creative projects on August 3rd. The next seven weeks will bring a time for you to find love, fall in love and spend time with children. I know I sound like a broken record but that is only because there is so many planets falling in your 5th house but with the eclipse from July 1st in your 5th house of love you have several months to find love and fall in love. You have so many opportunities this month find love and fall in love. If you are single and dating there is no excuse for you to meet someone new. If you want to get out there and be social then it one not be difficult for you to go to a place nearby and meet new people. Even if you are social and wanting to connect with friends and family it will not be difficult for you to do at this time. It will also be a great time for you to connect with children and get involved in sports and hobbies or activities with children. You want to feel part of a group or organization in this would be a great time to do so. There may be arguments with a lover or child. You want to be careful as this can create problems with a lover or child and could bring the ending of a relationship. I hope that you have been able to do work out the issues and problems so you can move on and build a stronger relationship. It's all about you this week as Neptune is highlighted from August 3rd through August 8th. You are highly creative, spiritual and artistic. You seem to shine and people want to be surrounded by you. Be careful not to deceive others or they may deceive you. A simple lie can turn into a big problem later on. You seem to indulge on August 4th in connection to a trip, vehicle, computer, cell phone or telephone. Make sure you can afford it and set it as part of your budget. On August 5, 6th and 7th financial obligations and duties connected to others are highlighted especially with credit cards, bonuses, gifts and rewards. You may gain through a loan, credit, bonus, alimony, settlement or other Financial gain. You may also gain through a discount or coupon. Mercury enters your 6th house of work, service and health on August 8th giving you a couple weeks to take care of many tasks and projects. You are working hard for the money but you should see money at the end of all this. If your on salary then you may receive recognition and praise for all your hard work. You may have to take care of financial obligation or debt on August 9th. It could be that you find a new way to make more money. You are busy and hard working.
The Psychic One
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