Thursday, August 18, 2011

Daily horoscope August 18, 2011


Your focus will be more on finances and making money. You may receive a job offer or opportunity. You may venture out into a new business or opportunity to build financial security. You seem to be a bit impulsive and excited around 4am. Tonight you are very affectionate to family and friends. It is also a time to connect with someone special in the home or to meet someone new. A day for love and to make a great impression on others.


It's all about you today. You focus on your health and your own wants and needs. It is time to get rid of what is unhealthy and lose weight. You seem more confident and optimistic. Your mind is racing with many thoughts and ideas around 4:03 AM Eastern standard time. You may also have a very active dream. You may indulge in love, affection, money and food tonight. You have a sweet tooth for food and love. You also connect well with the opposite today which makes it great t o work out any issues or problems.


It is time to get rid of what you don't need in your life including unhealthy habits and people. It is time to discard what is not working for you including old items in your home or unhealthy people. I feel it's a great time for you to focus on your health and well-being. You make go to a doctor to take care of routine checkups and exams. Be careful tonight as you may spend carelessly. Be careful not to spend too much as you may later regret. You connect well with others tonight.


Friends are highlighted on this day. You may make a new friend or connect with old friends. You are social and outgoing and will connect with the people around you including groups and organizations. It could be that you are venturing out and hosting an event or party. You seem to be full of energy and excitement around 4:03 AM. If you are still sleeping at this time then the energy will continue on throughout the morning. You connect well with someone of the opposite sex tonight. You will also enjoy the home or the people you live with tonight. It's time to relax in the home.


You may receive a job offer or opportunity today. It could be that you venture out into a new business or begin a new project for your business. You may receive a promotion, advancement, bonus or commission. New opportunities and new ventures come to you around 4:03 AM. It is very early in the morning so could be that thoughts and ideas are coming to you throughout the night. At 6:10 AM there seems to be a feeling of you wanting to have control over daily routines and tasks for the day. You may indulge in love, affection and food in the night hours.


You may plan a trip or take a trip at this time. It could be that you are focusing on advertising and marketing via the Internet, radio or television. You may also enter college or University. It is time to broaden your horizons and learn something new. At 6:17 AM you will experience a mood of control and dominance. It could be that a female is trying to control or dominate you. In the late hours you seem to be social and outgoing. You may show love and affection towards others.


You seem to be focused on financial obligations relating to taxes, credit, loans, bonuses, commission, child support, alimony, gifts and rewards. You may easily gain at this time. It is opportunity for growth. At 5:02pm you may receive a text, email or phone call from someone, possibly a female. You seem to be in a good mood by the end of the night and connect well with family, friends and coworkers.


Partnerships are highlighted on this day. You may form a business partnership or meet someone new. You seem to be open to working with others to further your career, education or personal relationships. Communication may increase around 5pm via emails, text messages or phone calls. You also seem to be feeling in a positive mood from those you live with or the opposite sex by the end of the night. A great time to work out issues or problems.


You can expect to work hard for the money or see an increase of work obligations and tasks. You are full of energy and can complete tasks and projects. It's also the perfect time to exercise and lose weight. Start a health regimen to feel healthy and strong. You are social and outgoing around 5:02pm. Get out and meet someone or friends. By the end of the night you mood is content and relaxed. Enjoy a movie or tv show.


Your love life is highlighted today. You may find love, fall in love, or spend time with children. You will also enjoy music or meet friends or someone at a bar and enjoy some fatty foods. It may be you enjoy a sport, hobby or recreational activity including music and movies. Around 5:02pm communication may increase with others. You seem to be open to working out issues and problems. By night time you are connecting well with others including a partner, lover or friend. You are showing love, affection and attention to family, friends and even pets.


The home is your focus today. You may relocate, renovate or make changes or repairs around the home. Take care of tasks and errands or chores around 5pm. You seem to be focused on the task at hand. As you progress to the night you are open to socializing and connect with family and friends. It will also be the right time to discuss issues and problems as you seem to be more loving and affection towards others. They appreciate your compassion and care.


Communication increases via emails, text messages and phone calls today. You may also plan a short trip or take a trip. You may be focused on education, family and friends to communicate and socialize. Communication may also increase around 5pm when someone may want to connect or communicate with you possibly a female. You seem to be in a good mood by the end of the night. You may connect with family and friends or those of the opposite sex. I would suggest to use this day to reach out to family and friends as they will appreciate your support and time.

All times are EST

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