Your going to be spending most of your time on getting rid of what you don't need in life. In some way you will become an introvert. In other ways it will help you to discover more of yourself and what you need in life. It is time to take stock of what has not been working out and what needs to change.
As you begin the month the main priority will relate to partnerships especially on August 1, 9, 16, 24th and 27th. It is a time for you to take care of a partner or build a new partnership. A partner may be a friend, lover, spouse, business partner, coworker or employee. It could be that you meet someone new that you feel a great connection with them. It may be that you are working closely with others to further your career. If you meet someone new then it could be through the internet or through a text message or email. It is ok to open the door to dating sites just be careful when meeting someone new. I feel that it would also be a wonderful time for you to build a stronger bond and connection with someone currently in your life and just take it one step at a time.
Mercury retrogrades on August 2nd from your 12th house of secrets and solitude making the next 3 weeks a time for you to reveal secrets to others. It could be that you open yourself up to others and tell them the truth about yourself or about them. You may keep secrets or finally tell the truth. Venus enters your 12th house of secrets and solitude on August 21st. The next four weeks will bring a time for you to keep emotions and feelings to yourself. You may also keep secrets to yourself. It is also a time for you to give selflessly to others. You want to be careful that you do not give more than what you can afford emotionally and financially or else others will take advantage of you. It may also be a time for you to keep secret love affairs. I hope you are not pursuing a love affair because you're feeling neglected. If you are involved in another relationship like a marriage then you first want to see what can be fixed in the marriage before opening the door to someone else as you may later regret it. The Sun joins Venus on August 23rd giving you 4 weeks to rest and relax. You may find it as an opportunity to catch up on sleep or seek solitude for healing purposes. It will also be a time for you to seek therapy to get rid of any unhealthy people or habits from your life.
Mars enters your 10th house of career on August 3rd. The next seven weeks will bring a time for you to expand your opportunities to succeed in your career. You may pursue a new career field or opportunity. If you're looking to began a new business that you will be able to accomplish many tasks at this time to get this business going. I also feel that you will have many projects to take care of a you seem to have the energy and motivation to take care of them at this time. If you are seeking employment then you seem to be highly active and putting out resumes and applications. You also may be open to network and connect with others who may possibly bring you a job offer or opportunity.
Work projects, tasks and duties seem to increase for you on August 3, 8, 21st and 22nd. Your artistic and creative skills are highlighted and you seem to do well making great presentations at work. Mercury is retrograding so you may find yourself having to revise some projects. I would suggest to be patient and just take your time so you are not making careless mistake that will cost you more time and effort. It may also be that you receive a job offer or opportunity.
Is Love Promised in your Chart
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The full moon on August 13th will fall in your 5th house of love, children and creative projects. The next couple weeks will bring a time for you to find love, fall in love and spend time with children. It could be that you are spending time with someone special in your life that can help you to build a long term relationship. It could also be that you are meeting someone new possibly through the internet. It will also be a time for you to spend time with children or you hear news of a baby on the way. You enjoy the company of children whether they are your own or someone else's. You may spend time with children in a sport, hobby or recreational activity. You may join a sport or hobby. Saturn supports the full moon from your own sign making it a time when you may decide to build a loving long term relationship. You want closeness and you want to feel complete with someone else. You may finally tell someone how you feel about them including saying they love and care for you. It can open the door to great opportunities for love and relationship. It can bring long term relationships and security. You may also focus on a hobby or activity that you enjoy for the long term including music, dancing and singing. Venus opposes the full moon from your 11th house of friendships which tells me you may give more of yourself to others including family and friends. I feel the full moon should be positive as long as you are open to love. It could bring an ending of a relationship but only if things have been already falling apart.
It's all about you on August 5, 7, 25th and 26th. Saturn is in your sign during these days and you are focused on getting what you want. It could be financial or career. It could be with love and relationships. It could be that you are fulfilling your dreams and you are accomplishing your goals.
Financial obligations and duties are highlighted on August 1, 18, 19th and 29th. You may have a hefty debt or bill. You may charge the credit card more than you expected. You want to be careful not to spend more than what you can afford or else you will regret it later on. time to budget and save.
The new moon on August 28th will fall in your 12th house of secrets and solitude. The next couple weeks bring a time for you to get rid of what you don't need in your life. It could be therapeutic for you. You may discover what has not been working and needs to be released. You will focus on being able to let go of your past in order to move towards your future. It is time for you to catch up on sleep or just seek solitude. Take a vacation so you can recharge yourself. Venus joins the new moon from the 12th house so it's time to show love in a private way. You are compassionate and loving towards others and they appreciate your affection. It could be towards lover, partners, children, friends and coworkers. You are sympathetic to others wants and needs. You are selfless and giving of your time. Mars supports the new moon from your 9th house of long distance trips, foreign people and places making the next couple weeks a time when you may take a vacation or get rid of some old belief pattern. You may seek solitude to study and learn especially if you are going back to school. I feel the new moon will help you to let go and release any bad energy you have been carrying lately. You will begin to focus on the future and begin setting plans for the future.
Jupiter retrogrades starting August 30th making the next 4 months a time when you have to deal with issues relating to taxes, credit cards, joint resources, assets, loans, bonuses, commissions, settlements, child support, alimony and other debts and bills. It could be time to let go and pay off some bills. It may be that you are in debt and are having difficulties paying off these bills. Handle them one step at a time and go from there. Do not try to push yourself too hard or you will be careless. It is a great time for you to set a budget and begin making financial plans for the future. You seem more thorough and careful. Good luck.
July 2011
The new Moon solar eclipse on July 1st will fall in your 10th house of career. The next six months will bring a time for you to receive a promotion, advancement, business venture or job offer or opportunity. It is a time for you to expand yourself and seek employment there brings you great recognition and praise. Saturn squares the eclipse from your own sign making this a time of great responsibility and security. You feel great obligation and duty to get work projects done and to work longer hours. You may invest a lot more of your time and effort to advance in your career or to show others what you are capable of accomplishing on your own. If you decide to start your own business you may feel that you will invest a lot of work just to get the business running forward. I will suggest for you to be as realistic as possible and not everything will happen right away. You need to be realistic on your goals that they can be accomplished but they won't happen as quickly as you would like them to occur. It is a time of hard work and discipline and the eclipse brings no exception. If you can stay focused and dedicated to your work then you will accomplish great success and achieve so much for the future.
Venus enters your 10th house of career on July 3rd. The next four weeks will bring a time for you to receive plenty of praise and attention at work. It could be that you receive a job offer or opportunity. It is your time to advance in your career and to receive recognition for the hard work that you have done in the past. You may also find love at work or you are social and friendly to others at work. You connect well with coworkers and employees.
Mercury enters your 11th house of friendships on July 1st. The next three weeks will bring a time for you to communicate and connect with friends. You will see an increase of social invites and greater connection to friends, groups and organizations. You may meet a new friend on a social network or connect with old friends on a social network, special event or party. Venus enters your 11th house of friendships on July 28th. The next four weeks will bring a time for you to make new friends and connect with old friends. You are social and outgoing and want to connect with the people around you. A friend may turn into a lover or a lover acts more like a friend. You find yourself attending special events and parties or it could be you that hosts a special event or party. Get out and socialize and meet new people. You never know who you may run into. The Sun will enter your 11th house of friendships on July 22nd. The next four weeks will bring a time for you to make new friends and spend time with old friends. You are social and outgoing and will connect the people around you. It's the time to party and live life to the fullest.
A partner brings great connection and opportunities on July 4, 7, 27th and 31st. You may meet a new partner or build a greater partnership with others. The partner may be a spouse, lover, friend, business partner, coworker or employee. You may meet someone new at this time then may possibly give you a long-term relationship. It could be that you work alongside others to advance in your career or your personal relationships. It is a positive time for you to collaborate and work with others so that you can work out any issues or problems. If you have been having problems with a current spouse or partner these dates will work well for you to discuss the issues and problems.
The full moon on July 15th will fall in your 4th house of home. The next couple weeks will bring a time for you to relocate, renovate or make changes around the home. You may relocate to be closer to work. It could be that someone moves in or out of the home. You may also decide to clean around the home to get rid of some old items. It may be time for you to make some repairs or changes in the home. It is a full moon so you may feel emotional that you may have to let go a part of yourself or a part of your home. For example you get rid of items from your past. It could be that you have to leave or let go of your home whether you have to or because you want to. Venus oppose the full Moon from your 10th house of career making this a time when you will feel a sense of duty and obligation with your work and home. It could be for instance if you have family coming over but you still have to work then you may find yourself having to readjust her schedule in order to accommodate your family. It may also be that you have to bring your work home in order to be able to spend more time with family. The next two weeks may be a little bit chaotic as and schedules and time for others. You are very motivated and willing to help those in need including family members and children.
Is Love Promised in your Chart
Get a more personalized astrology reading with your most personal top 5 questions answered for the low price of $65. This includes a 12 month forecast. Just send me your date, time and place of birth and your top five questions to get this astrology reading. Get your answers within 48hrs. Click the "buy now" button to order your astrology reading today.
You feel sense of duty and responsibilities on July 2, 6, 9th and 13th. You will work hard for the money and even work hard to get projects done around the home and at work. It would also be a very positive time for you to lose weight and take care your health. It would also be the ideal time for you to focus on your own personal wants and needs. You may take a class or course in order to advance in your career. It could also be that you are focusing on your own well-being and taking care of your own self. It will be all about you for these few days and what your own personal wants and needs are.
The new Moon on July 30th will fall in your 11th house of friendships. As you are well aware you will have a few planets including Mercury, Venus and the Sun all in your 11th house of friendships .It is a time for you to socialize and connect with others. You may meet a new friend or connect with old friends. It is time for you to surround yourself with groups and organizations. You may attend a special event or party or could be you that is hosting a special event or party. You may make new friends on social networks or through groups and organizations. It is a time for you to be social and outgoing and make the right impression on others. You may find love among your friends or have a lover to you more like a friend. You would actually feel quite comfortable in groups right now. A friend may connect you to someone special or it could be that you meet someone significant and special at a group or special event. You seem to do well surrounding yourself with friends and family. You enjoy a great connection to others and they enjoy communicating and connecting with you. Saturn supports the new Moon from your own sign telling me that you have a very serious demeanor and presence towards others. Uranus supports the new Moon from your partnership house. You may collaborating connect with a partner for a group event or for a special event. It could be that you are attending a friends wedding or it could be your wedding. You may work with others to advance in your career or personal relationships. It is a time for fun and laughter and to enjoy yourself. You may be a bit dramatic and outgoing and this would be a great time for you to make a great impression on others because they will want to be around you.
Financial opportunities and benefits will come on July 2, 5th and 8th. You may receive a bonus, commission, alimony, shout support, rewards, gift card, settlement, or any other financial gain or material benefits. If you are applying for a loan the you may receive the approval of a loan. You may also receive a credit card or tax gain a benefit.
It is a very social month for you and you seem to be putting yourself out there to others. Friends are very important for you this month and they want to connect with you. You will also make new friends and find yourself building a stronger bond in connection with old friends. You are social and outgoing and want to build great connection especially for your career or for your personal life. Enjoy and have fun a place a.
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