Sunday, August 28, 2011

New Moon in Virgo August 28, 2011

The new moon on August 28th will fall in the sign of Virgo. It is the sign of working hard for the money , providing service and taking care of your health. You will work hard and even look for a new job. The job may require you to take care of tedious tasks and projects. You may also be providing a service for others especially in the field of mssage, therapy, sewing, baking and counseling. You will focus on giving more of your time to others to help them versus helping yourself. It will also be a time to take care of your health. You may begin a health regimen to lose weight. It could be you begin to eat healthier. You may also focus on the health of a pet especially if you get a new pet. You may take them to receive routine checkups and exams. It could be you in need of a routine checkup or exam. The focus may also be on the bones. You may focus on your teeth or spine. It could be time to go to the dentist or chiropractor. The Sun and Venus support the new moon which can bring great opportunities for love, beauty and pleasure of the finer things in life. You seem to be open to new possibilities and opportunities. You may indulge in love, food and drink. Be careful not to indulge in money as you may be a bit careless. Mars supports the new moon which can bring a great sense of activity and motivation to get projects done. It is a time to exercise and lose weight. You seem more motivated and energized. I feel this is a time to take charge and ask for what you want.

The new moon will affect everyone but especially those born from the 24th through 31st of any month from any sun sign. Also Virgos, Pisces, Taurus and Scorpios will feel the energy of this new moon on a personal level. It could relate to friendships or relationships. Enjoy the new moon and use it as an opportunity to organize yourself especially with your work projects, closets and daily schedules. Enjoy.

Read how this new moon will affect you by reading your monthly and weekly horoscopes at


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