Thursday, August 4, 2011

Article: Karma

Karma is defined as an Indian religious belief of cause and effect.Humans have the right to free will and to choose right from wrong; good from evil; bad versus in life. I like to define Karma in two ways.

Karma-What comes around ;goes around

In karma it's what is done to me will be done to others. I know for many of you it's the experience of a broken relationship or feeling betrayed. How is it that someone can go through life taking advantage of people without suffering the consequences. Why is it that they are happy while you are sad? My belief is that eventually what comes around goes around. In other words they will have what is coming from them. The bad part of it all is that it may not come anytime in the near future. It could be years. It may be in regards to an event that occurs in their life that you never know or hear about. It just ends up happening. You may not ever know how they end up having their struggles in life. You may believe they are happy and you just ended up learning a valuable lesson. Just remember that you do have choices in life. If you give too much you may be taken advantage of by someone who cares more for themselves than for others. You may run into someone who is selfish and self-centered. You choose to be with them or not. You invest your time for them or not. It's free will to make your own decisions or not. You can't blame others when you are volunteering to be there or too give too much of yourself.

Karma--It's meant to be-Past Life

I also define karma as events from the past that come back in your current present life. You may meet people who are from a past life. They are in your current life cycle to continue a life lesson, destiny or path. It could be for good or bad. It depends what is happening in your life that you either use the opportunity for growth or you use it for your own free will. You can prosper and grow in the process of meeting others. It is destiny to be with someone whom you grow up with but never met or never built a relationship. It could be that you are changing career that relocates you to a city, state or country that connects you to people or events from a past life. You may meet someone special or a person that helps you grow in your career. Why were you placed in that are? Could it be so you could meet this person? It is detined for the event to occur in your life. In astrology we believe everything happens for a reason. You have the decision of free will to complete the cycle of life. Do you take advantage of opportunity or let it slip by you. I always lecture people that you can't just let there and wait for it to happen. Karma isn't a miracle worker.

You will run into several definitions of karm out there. It will usually have a connection to free will and destiny. Destiny relates to the cosmos. I being an astrologer believe in destiny. It's a cause of events lead by the cosmos in your life and even in your birth chart. Again it's up to you to take advantage of opportunities and to take advantage of the opportunities in life. If you meet the great love of your luife who is a soul mate or past life connection but you sabotage the relationship well you can't blame destiny. You blame yourself and your psychological issues. If you focus on the "eventually" in life then you excuse your own personal beliefs and habits. Stop making excuses or else you get nowhere in life. It could relate to your own fears and insecurities. Eventually everything will work out is an excuse to hold back on trying or taking chances. Taking a risk or chance may bring good or bad. Remember what comes around goes around. Free will and your destiny. You decide what matters most and move forward.

Tell me your story of karma. How has it affected you? What did you learn in the process?


The Psychic One

Psychic Readings $1.89/min


(2011), Wikipedia-Karma-the free encyclopedia.

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