On August 17th and August 18th your focus seems to be on finances. You may receive a job offer or opportunity. It will also be a time for you to begin a business venture. You may find new ways to make money or save for the future. Venus enters your 6th house of work, service and health on August 21st. The next four weeks will bring a time for you to indulgent fatty foods and sweets. It will also be a time for you to connect well with coworkers, employees, clients and customers. You may find love at work or could be that you connect well with your coworkers and employees. You want to be careful if you are on a diet as the next four weeks may be difficult for you to stay on your diet. On August 21st and August 22nd you feel a greater sense of compassion and compromise towards others. You may give selflessly to others including charity, groups and organizations. You care more about helping those in need than for yourself. The Sun will enter your 6th house of work, service and health on August 23rd giving you 4 weeks to focus on work projects, tasks and projects. Your health will improve through exercise and eating healthy. You will also focus on getting medical exams and routine checkups. Pets will also be important as you may get a new pet or take your pet to receive routine exams and checkups.
On August 18th and August 19th it's all about your own wants and needs. You are very active and can accomplish many tasks and projects. It is also a positive time for you to begin a health regimen or exercise to lose weight. You feel confident in yourself and accomplish plenty. Venus enters your fifth house of love and children on August 21st. The next four weeks will bring a time for you to find love, follow love and spend time with children. If you are single and available then this would be the time for you to get yourself out there and find and meet someone new. It could be that someone pursues you. You enjoy music and spending time with children. You also find yourself outdoors and may even hang out near bars and clubs. On August 21st and August 22nd your career is highlighted. You may receive a job or career opportunity. It could be you begin a promotion or advancement. You may decide to build a business venture. It could be that you are building your career future and finding a new job. It may be that you attend meetings and interviews. The Sun will enter your fifth house of love, children and creative projects on August 23rd. The next four weeks will bring a time for you to find love, follow love and spend time with children. You will also enjoy the creative arts including music, singing, dancing and movies. You may attend a concert or good more frequently to the movie theater.
On August 17th and August 18th it is time for you to keep to yourself and plan for your future. You may discard what you don't need in your life including unhealthy people and bad habits. Your health will be a concern or it could be someone else's health and well-being that concerns you. It is time to exercise, lose weight and receive routine checkups and exams Your finances may also be a concern as you may find new ways to build financial security and stability. Venus enters your fourth house of home on August 21st. The next four weeks will bring a time for you to relocate, renovate or make some changes around the home. It could be a time for you to look for new place to live. You may also decide to decorate and design around the home or a room. You may purchase new furniture or purchase home accents to decorate a sofa, bed or room. It is a time for you to paint and draw or decorate in the home. On August 21st and August 22nd your focus turns to decorating or designing the home. You may purchase new furniture or home accessories. It is time to host events at home. You may lease an apartment or purchase a home. It could be that someone moves in or moves out of the home. You are social in the home and may connect with family and friends at the home. The Sun will join Venus on August 23rd. The next four weeks will bring a time for you to relocate, renovate or make some changes repairs around the home. Someone may move in or move out of the home. You may purchase a new home or sign a lease to an apartment.
On August 17th and August 18th it is time for you to socialize and connect with friends. You may make a new friend or build connections for your career. It could also be that you are open to new possibilities to network with groups and organizations. They could further your career or personal goals. It may be that you attend special events and parties or you host an event or party. You may connect with old friend especially through social networks and with family events and parties. Venus enters your third house of short trips, communication, siblings and neighbors on August 21st. The next four weeks will bring a time for you to travel to visit family and friends or to spend time with sibling, relatives, parents, neighbors and friends. Your communication will also improve through e-mails, text messages and phone calls. You show greater compassion and affection towards others including a partner or lover. You may also see love on the Internet be a social network or dating site. On August 21st and 22nd you may take a long distance trip or have others come visit you from afar. It could also be that you enter college or a University. You may market or advertise a product via the internet, radio or television. You may study and learn a foreign language or culture. Connect with the people you love and matter most to you because they will want to spend time with you too. The Sun will join Venus on August 23rd giving you four weeks to take short trips around town and nearby out-of-town and to receive an increase of communication via e-mails, text messages and phone calls.
From August 17th through August 19th your focus will be on your career. You may receive a job offer or opportunity. It could be that you receive a promotion or advancement that could help you bring in more money. It may be a time for you to find new ways to build financial prosperity and security. You will receive praise and recognition for your hard work. It could be that you begin a business venture on this day or around this time that can help you increase your finances. Venus enter your 2nd house of earned income on August 21st. The next four weeks will bring a time for you to make more money but you also spend it lavishly. You may invest your money and material items that you think will bring you a long-term value or investment. on August 21st and August 22nd your focus turns to financial obligations connected to a partner, lover or other individual or entity. It could relate to taxes, credit cards and loans. You may also compromise for a partner as it would be a great time to work out any issues or problems. The Sun will also enter your 2nd house of earned income on August 23rd. The next four weeks will bring a time for you to make more money and to find new ways to build financial security. You may receive a job offer or opportunity.
On August 18th and August 19th you may spend time focusing on planning a long-distance trip or connecting with people from afar. It could be that others come to visit you. You may enter college or University. It could be a time for you to study and learn a new topic of interest. It is time to broaden your horizons mentally and physically. You may plan a trip or take a trip. Venus enters your own sign on August 21st. The next four weeks will bring plenty of praise and attention for you. you will also focus on your own personal wants and needs. You may change your parents or style by purchasing new clothes or even changing your appearance. It is a time for your own personal change and what you would want for yourself. You will receive plenty of praise and attention. You will feel like the center of attention. It is a time for you to attract people into your life including family and friends. It is time for you to get a new haircut or hair color. On August 21st and August 22nd work obligations, task, duties and projects are highlighted. You can expect to work hard for the money but it would also be a great time for you to take care of projects that require your artistic and creative skills. You seem to be more selfless towards coworkers and employees. The Sun enters your own sign on August 23rd which will give you for weeks to focus on yourself. It is going to be all about you and what you want for yourself.
It will be a time for you to take care of financial obligations and duties connected to others on August 17, 18th and 19th. The financial obligations may be connected to a partner, lover, business partner, employee or other joint resources and assets. It may be time for you to focus on taking care of debts and bills. You may also pay down a credit card or take care of a loan or taxes. You may collaborate with others to build a business venture or to find new ways to build financial security and stability. Venus enters your 12th house of secrets and solitude on August 21st. The next four weeks will bring a time for you to keep emotions and feelings to yourself. You may also keep secrets to yourself. It is also a time for you to give selflessly to others. You want to be careful that you do not give more than what you can afford emotionally and financially or else others will take advantage of you. It may also be a time for you to keep secret love affairs. I hope you are not pursuing a love affair because you're feeling neglected. If you are involved in another relationship like a marriage then you first want to see what can be fixed in the marriage before opening the door to someone else as you may later regret it. On August 21st and August 22nd your focus will turn to a lover, partner, child, sports and other recreational activities. You may find love, fall in love or spend time with children. It is a time for you to be more selfless and giving towards others including children. Your artistic and creative side will heighten and you seem to be involved in giving towards others. You will go out of your way to make others happy but be careful not to deceive yourself or you be deceived by others. The Sun joins Venus on August 23rd giving you 4 weeks to rest and relax. You may find it as an opportunity to catch up on sleep or seek solitude for healing purposes. It will also be a time for you to seek therapy to get rid of any unhealthy people or habits from your life.
Your focus will be on a partner on August 18th and August 19th. The partner may be a spouse, lover, business partner, coworker, friend or employee. It may also be a financial advisor, lawyer, therapist or doctor. It is a time for you to work alongside with someone else to further your career or education. It could be to further your personal relationships. Venus enters your 11th house of friendships on August 21st making the next four weeks a time for you to socialize and connect and communicate with family and friends. The next four weeks will bring a time for you to spend time with friends and enjoy the company of friends. A friend may turn into a lover or a lover acts more like a friend. You are social and outgoing and will connect with people around you. You will find yourself outdoors meeting new people and making new friends. You may find yourself attending parties and special events or it could be you that is putting together a special event or party. On August 21st and August 22nd your focus turns to the home. You may relocate, renovate or make changes around the home. It could also be that you are decorating a room in the home. You are social and may host an event at home. The Sun enters your 11th house of friendships on August 23rd. The next four weeks brings a time for you to socialize and attend special events and parties.
You will be focused on taking care of tasks and projects on August 17th and 18th. You seem to be working hard for the money and may receive a job offer or opportunity. You may also receive a bonus or commission. Your health improves by exercising and losing weight. You seem more energetic and active. You may take a walk with a pet as a different form of exercise especially if your pet needs to walk too. Venus enters your 10th house of career on August 21st. The next four weeks will bring a time for you to receive plenty of praise and attention at work. It could be that you receive a job offer or opportunity. It is your time to advance in your career and to receive recognition for the hard work that you have done in the past. You may also find love at work or you are social and friendly to others at work. You connect well with coworkers and employees. On August 21st and 22nd your focus turns to short trips, communication, siblings, neighbors and the home. You may take a quick short trip to visit family and friends. Communication may increase via emails, text messages and phone calls. You are social and outgoing and may invite family and friends over to your home. The Sun will enter your 10th house of career on August 23rd giving you four weeks to focus on your career. You may receive a promotion, advancement or even start a business venture. It is your turn to seek recognition for a job well done. If you are a college student then this is your opportunity to put yourself out there with projects that can help further your education or career.
On August 17th and 18th you seem to be focused on love, relationships, children, sports and recreational activities. It is time to be active in sports and event join a sport, hobby or recreational activity. You enjoy music, singing, dancing and having fun. You may find yourself around bars or clubs. It may be that you find love, fall in love or spend time with children. You may be active with children in sports, hobbies and music. Venus enters your ninth house of long-distance trips, foreign people and places on August 21st. The next four weeks will bring a time for you to travel with someone special or you may travel to visit them. It could also be that you will be open to learning something new including music and the arts. You will enjoy spending time with the in-laws and they may come to visit you. It would also be a very positive time for you to expand your horizons and learn something new. On August 21st and 22nd you seem to be focused on finances. You may indulge on something new. It may be on a vehicle, computer, cell phone or telephone. The Sun will enter your ninth house of long-distance trips and foreign people and places on August 23rd. The next four weeks will bring a time for you to travel long-distance or to have others come to visit you. You may also study and learn law, religion, music, art or foreign cultures and languages.
The home seems to be your focus on August 17th and August 18th. You may relocate, renovate or make changes around the home. It could be that someone is moving in or out of the home. It is also a time to clean up or get rid of what you don't need in your life including old items and people. Venus enters your eighth house of joint resources, taxes, credit and loans on August 21st. The next four weeks will bring a time for you to gain financially or materialistically through other sources. It could be through give the rewards. It could be that someone lend you money or you gain through a loan or credit card. It could be that you just receive a special discount or free gift. Also, your sex life will improve at this time. On August 21st and 22nd you seem to be selfless and giving of your time and support to others. You may also give of your finances. There may be discussions of finances with a partner, lover or spouse. It is time to budget and save. You may receive a job offer or opportunity. The Sun will also join Venus on August 23rd giving you four weeks to take care of financial or material obligations connected to credit cards, loans, child support, taxes, loans and other financial obligations connected to others. If you are in the middle of a divorce then the next few weeks might be a bit difficult for you to come to an agreement with a partner or lover especially since you are doing with Mercury retrograde at this time.
From August 17th through August 19th your focus will be on short trip, communication, siblings and neighbors. You may decide to take a short trip to visit family and friends. It could be that they decide to visit you. Communication increases via e-mails, text messages and phone calls. You may also decide to purchase a computer, vehicle, cell phone or telephone. Venus enters your partnership house on August 21st. The next four weeks will bring a time for you to collaborate and compromise with the partner. The partner may be a spouse, lover, friend, business partner, employee or coworker. If there are any issues or concerns than this would be the time to work them out. On August 21st and 22nd you are compassionate and caring towards other people's wants and needs. You show support and affection which could help towards charities and group. You may find yourself having to compromise with a partner, lover or friend. The Sun enters your partnership house on August 23rd so expect 4 weeks to work with others for personal or professional reasons. It may be time to compromise and discuss or work out any issues or problems. The partner may also be a financial advisor, therapist, doctor or lawyer.
The Psychic One
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