Monday, August 1, 2011

Aries Monthly Horoscopes for August 2011

It's going to be a highly active month for you especially in love and relationships. You will also be very social and outgoing with friends and family and will connect with people in groups and organizations. Mars will enter your fourth house of home which could bring a time for you to relocate and renovate around the home. It is time for you to work hard for the money.

Finances will be highlighted for you on August 1, 4, 18, 19, 29th and 30th. All of these days a very positive for you to receive a job offer or opportunity. It may also bring a time for you to find new ways to make more money. You may receive financial opportunities through a connection or referral. I would suggest for you to be careful on August 4th as it could bring a time for you to indulge in fatty foods, drinks and money. You may also spend extravagantly or excessively on a material item or major purchase.

Partners including a spouse, lover, friend, business partner, coworker or employee are highlighted on August 5, 7, 16th and 25th. I feel that on these dates it will bring a positive time for you to build a committed partnership or relationship. The partner could be someone new that you meet who may be older or younger then you. It could be that you are forming a business partnership for a career or business venture. If you're already in a relationship then you may bring the relationship to the next level and make it into a committed relationship, engagement or marriage. It will also be a very positive time to discuss any issues or problems with the partner or lover. You may also have serious discussions with a attorney, lawyer, therapist or doctor.

Mercury retrogrades on August 2nd from your 6th house, work, service and health. The next three weeks will bring a time for you to take care of tedious. tasks and projects. There is a good chance you will have to revise old tasks and projects. You may have problems with the internet, emails, text messages and phone calls. I would suggest for you to focus on taking care of these projects and any communication issues well in advance so when the retrograde hits you are prepared for the unexpected. Mercury will enter your fifth house of love and children on August 8th. It is all part of the retrograde cycle as Mercury will briefly enter your fifth house of love and children which could bring old issues and problems with a lover or child. You could possibly run into someone from your past. I feel it can be a positive time for you to discuss any issues or problems with a current partner or lover.

Mars enters your 4th house of home on August 3rd. The next seven weeks will bring a time for you to relocate, renovate and make some changes repairs around the home. It could be that someone moves then or moods out of the home. You may have disagreements and arguments with someone in the home including a partner, lover or roommate. It may be a time for you to get rid of items that you don't need in your home especially in the closet thing garage. You may relocate at this time to a place where you feel greater comfort. It may also be a time to and a relationship. The warning that I want to give you at this time is if you have been having problems with the current relationship once Mars hits your fourth house of home the issues and problems will only increase for it to lead into the ending or breakup of a relationship or marriage. If you want to save this relationship then I suggest to start working out the issues and problems and now so that when Mars hits your fourth house of home it will be much easier to handle.

Aries Weekly Horoscope

Is Love Promised in Your Chart?

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Venus enters your 6th house of work, service and health on August 21st. The next four weeks will bring a time for you to indulgent fatty foods and sweets. It will also be a time for you to connect well with coworkers, employees, clients and customers. You may find love at work or could be that you connect well with your coworkers and employees. You want to be careful if you are on a diet as the next four weeks may be difficult for you to stay on your diet. The Sun will enter your 6th house of work, service and health on August 23rd giving you 4 weeks to focus on work projects, tasks and projects. Your health will improve through exercise and eating healthy. You will also focus on getting medical exams and routine checkups. Pets will also be important as you may get a new pet or take your pet to receive routine exams and checkups.

Jupiter retrogrades from your second house of earned income on August 30th. The next four months will bring a time when your finances may be affected. It could be that you will be working harder for the money. That one surprised me sense you seem to have a lot of energy and your 6th house of work projects, tasks and duties. It could also be that you are starting to look for a new job because you lose a job position or you have to focus on new ways to make more money. If you are trying to build financial security and stability than the next four weeks may be a bit difficult for you to get ahead in your finances. It could be that every time you save a new financial obligation arises. Try to do your best to set a budget and save for the future. During the retrograde cycle you most likely will do well on saving and budgeting for the future.

The full Moon on August 13th will fall in your 11th house of friendships. The next two weeks will bring a time for you to spend time with friends and connect with old friends. You could join a group or organization. It may be that you and a friendship or your Association with a group or organization. Venus opposes the full Moon from your fifth house of love and children. You may find love among when your friends or you treat a current lover or partner more like a friend. You are loving and affectionate towards others and it could be that you are trying to make time among your friends and a lover or partner. Saturn earned greatly supports the full Moon from your partnership house. It is a very serious time to focus on a partner including a spouse, lover, business partner, coworker or friend as it may be a time to have some great discussions in commitments. Your building stability and security with the partner or friend. It could be that you form a partnership with a friend for a business venture or project. You may work alongside others in order to advance in your career. It seems to be of great social time for you and to build security and stability with a partner or lover. You may get engaged or get married. It could be that you're going to a friends wedding, special event or party. It seems to be a positive time for you to enjoy yourself but it could also be filled with obligations and duties at the same time.

You are selfless and giving towards others on August 3, 21st and 22nd. It is a time to give your time and support to others including family and friends. You want to help others in time of need. You may have a great connection to your insights and premonitions.

The new Moon on August 28th will fall in your 6th house of work, service and health. The next two weeks will bring a time for you to work hard for the money. You will notice a great amount of work projects, task, shores and duties. You will be a very busy person trying to get many work projects done. Pluto supports the new Moon and the Sun from your career house. I feel this is great news because they can bring you more money or career opportunities. You may find yourself having to invest more work and effort to get projects done but you will also advance in your career. Venus support the new Moon which brings great love and affection with the people around you. You may find love at work or connect well with people at your work including clients and customers. You are social and outgoing and will make a great impression on others including coworkers, employees and customers. Mars supports the new Moon from your fourth house of home. It could be that you have to bring your work home or you are able to take care of work projects at home. It may also be a time for you to relocate to be closer to home or closer to your work. If you just received a new job offer then you may have to relocate for that job. I feel that overall this would be a very positive new Moon for you and you will enjoy the opportunities that come to you.

Your social and outgoing on August 1, 9, 16, 24th and 27th. I feel that this is a great time for you to take advantage of the energy from Uranus in your own sign and house to socialize and connect with others. It could be family and friends or your neighbor. It will also be a time for you to make new friends and even possibly find love. I feel that the month will finish with you filming that you have more opportunities to look forward to with finances and career. Good luck.

July 2011

The month of July will bring another eclipse for you falling in your 4th house of home. It could bring significant changes to the home or even with a parent. Your career is highlighted later on in the month when the full Moon hits your career house and love and relationships will heighten at the end of the month with the new Moon in your 5th house of love, relationships and children. So you can expect this to be quite an active month for you.

The month begins with the new Moon eclipse on July 1st falling in your 4th house of home. The next six months may bring a time for you to relocate, renovate or make some changes around the home. An eclipse has cosmic power to last up to six months. It may be a time for you to purchase a new home or to get a new apartment. It could also be that you are making some renovations and repairs around your current home. You may also focus on the health and well-being of a parent. Saturn squares the new Moon eclipse from your partnership house. You can expect some duties and obligations with the partner in connection to your home. You may have to relocate for a partner or it could be that there are obligations connected to this partner. For instance, you move in with a partner or lover to accommodate for them. If there are any financial obligations than this could be a time when the two of you agreed to move in with one another as it will help to get ahead in the finances the partner may also be a friend, business partner, coworker, employee or spouse. I feel that this would be a positive time for you to look carefully at the obligations that you need to take care of with the home and with someone house. If you need to relocate to get a better job than the obligation may be that it is for your career finances. You may also just relocate to be closer to a current job. The sense of duty to the home is highlighted for the next six months. Mercury enters your 5th house of love and children on July 1st. The next few weeks will bring a time for you to openly communicate with a lover or child regarding any issues or problems. It would also be a positive time for you to play games with children and enjoy spending time with children. I would suggest for you to be careful not to be playing games of love as you may regret it later on.

Venus enters your fourth house of home on July 3rd. The next four weeks will bring a time for you to look for new place to live or to decorate and change the decor in a current place of living. You may browse through houses or apartments to see and feel which house that the best for you. It may also be a time for you to paint and decorate a room or the home. You may also decide just to buy some new pillows or a new comforter set for your bedroom or furniture. You also entertain and host at home. Venus enters your fifth house of love and children on July 28th. The next four weeks will bring a time for you to find love, fall in love and spend time with children. It will be a time for you to enjoy entertainment and even go to a bar or club. You are social and outgoing and are open to connecting with the people around you. You also enjoy artistic activities like music, concerts and movies. The Sun will enter your fifth house of love on July 22nd. As you can see you will have Venus and the Sun in your fifth house of love which brings an additional four weeks of love and relationships. As stated before you may find love or fall in love. You also enjoy the company of children and and even play sports, hobbies or other recreational activities.

Is Love Promised in Your Chart?

Get a more personalized astrology reading with your most personal top 5 questions answered for the low price of $65. This includes a 12 month forecast. Just send me your date, time and place of birth and your top five questions to get this astrology reading. Get your answers within 48hrs. Click the "buy now" button to order your astrology reading today.

Your focus will be on a partner on July 2, 6, 9th and 13th. I feel all of these dates will help you to connect and communicate with the partner. You may feel a sense of duty and obligation towards a partner. The partner may be a spouse, lover, friend, business partner, coworker or employee. You have some duty and obligation connected to them. You also feel a sense of focus and discipline with them. In other words you are open to taking care of any issue or problem that needs to be resolved at this time.

Love and relationships and children are highlighted for you on July 4, 7, 27th and 31st. You may find love, fall in love or spend time with children. It is a positive time for you to enjoy the company of someone else by going out on a date and meeting somebody new. If you are already in a relationship or marriage then you will enjoy a stronger connection with a current lover or partner. It would also be a fun time for you to enjoy the company of children biplane sports and other recreational activities with them. It could be that you are enjoying a sport or hobby. You will also find yourself surrounded by music and other fun activities. You're willing to take chances and see what's out there. You enjoy fun and surprises and can expect the next dead to be thrown at you. In some way you also enjoy that.

Finances will be highlighted for you on July 2, 5th and 8th. It may be that you find a new job or opportunity. It could bring financial gain and opportunities. You may find a job at this time or even get a raise. I would suggest for you to keep your eyes and ears open if you are looking for a new job at this would be a great time for you to find something new.

The full Moon on July 15th will fall in your 10th house of career. The next two weeks will bring a time for you to receive a promotion or advancement. It could also be that you receive a raise, bonus or commission. You may also find a new job at this time. Uranus supports the full Moon from your own sign which gives you great freedom and flexibility. You may seek to change your schedule which creates sudden changes in surprises. It could be that you get a job where the schedule will be unpredictable yet interesting. I feel that the next two weeks can be very positive for you for financial gains and higher status .If you are a student then the next couple weeks may bring a time for you to find new ways to get ahead in your career by applying for college or University. If you are currently taking classes thing your main focus may be on how you can advance yourself so that you can get ahead in your career field for when you graduate from college or University. You are focused and making plans for your future and how to succeed in your future.

The new Moon on July 30th will fall in your 5th house of love, relationships and children. The next two weeks will bring a time for you to find love, fall in love and spend time with children. Venus and the Sun are both in your 5th house of love and children which brings a great big boost for you. If you are single and want to meet someone new then the next two weeks will be very positive for you to go out on a date and possibly meet your future long-term relationship or partnership. If you are currently in a relationship than this would be the time for you to build a stronger connection and bond with your current lover. Children are also important for you at this time and you will find yourself enjoying the company of children or looking to conceive a child. A baby may be born at this time or you are focused on how to conceive a child at this time. Uranus supports the new Moon from your own sign which can easily give you a great sense of excitement and fun with love and relationships. You're looking to find new ways to connect with someone special in you may even meet them on the Internet. Saturn loves to discipline and the new Moon brings no exception. Saturn disciplines from your partnership house which tells me that if you are in a love relationship it is now time to discuss the future of the relationship. You may also have serious discussions about children or obligations with children. If you are a divorced parent and have to set a schedule to spend time with a child than this would be the time when you seem to be working out all those obligations. It could involve having to make time for a child and that this plan of making time for them and their sports, hobbies and other recreational activities that they may be involved in. The new Moon brings a positive time for you to be able to enjoy spending time with others including family and friends. You are social and outgoing and may even find yourself attending a special event or party. It is a positive new Moon so enjoy it and take advantage of it. Be careful as you may indulge in food, drinks and fun.

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