On August 24th and 27th you may experience stress and anxiety due to hard work or other obligations and duties. You may feel that you are carrying too much at this time and may feel overwhelmed. Try to handle things one step at a time. Do not push too hard or you will feel depressed and stressed. Your career should improve on August 25th. You may receive a promotion, job offer, advancement or other financial opportunity. You may also plan or begin a business venture. You can expect to work hard for the money but you will see results. You may also experience problems with a partner. The partner may be a lover, spouse, business partner, friend, coworker, lawyer, accountant or anyone else you have to work closely with at this time. Try your best to resolve issues. On August 26th Mercury goes direct from your 5th house of love, relationships, children, sports and hobbies. You may improve communication with a lover, spouse or children. You may act like a kid and play games or sports. The new Moon on August 28th will fall in your 6th house of work, service and health. The next two weeks will bring a time for you to work hard for the money. You will notice a great amount of work projects, task, shores and duties. You will be a very busy person trying to get many work projects done. Pluto supports the new Moon and the Sun from your career house. I feel this is great news because they can bring you more money or career opportunities. You may find yourself having to invest more work and effort to get projects done but you will also advance in your career. Venus support the new Moon which brings great love and affection with the people around you. You may find love at work or connect well with people at your work including clients and customers. You are social and outgoing and will make a great impression on others including coworkers, employees and customers. Mars supports the new Moon from your fourth house of home. It could be that you have to bring your work home or you are able to take care of work projects at home. It may also be a time for you to relocate to be closer to home or closer to your work. If you just received a new job offer then you may have to relocate for that job. I feel that overall this would be a very positive new Moon for you and you will enjoy the opportunities that come to you. You may receive a financial gain or opportunity on August 29th when Venus and Jupiter give you a positive boost in your house of income earned. It could bring you a job offer or opportunity to make more money. Jupiter retrogrades from your second house of earned income on August 30th. The next four months will bring a time when your finances may be affected. It could be that you will be working harder for the money. That one surprised me sense you seem to have a lot of energy and your 6th house of work projects, tasks and duties. It could also be that you are starting to look for a new job because you lose a job position or you have to focus on new ways to make more money. If you are trying to build financial security and stability than the next four weeks may be a bit difficult for you to get ahead in your finances. It could be that every time you save a new financial obligation arises. Try to do your best to set a budget and save for the future. During the retrograde cycle you most likely will do well on saving and budgeting for the future.
Your mind seems to be racing with many thoughts and ideas on August 24th and 27th. You may feel a bit worried or anxious so try to exercise to balance your health and well-being. You may plan a trip or take a trip on August 28th. It may be a bit costly. It could be you spend money on advertising costs for your business or job. You may also find yourself entering college or investing in classes to further your career. Mercury goes direct on August 26th from your 4th house of home which should improve communication in the home. You may sign contracts for the home including a lease or loan documents. The new Moon on August 28th will fall in your fifth house of love, children and creative projects. The next two weeks will bring a time for you to find love, fall in love and spend time with children. It could be that you hear of a baby on the way or a child is conceived. It may be that you spend time with children especially in sports, hobbies and recreational activities. You may get involved in music, sports, hobbies and games. You are social and outgoing and will find that the next two weeks you surround yourself outdoors and special events, parties, bars and clubs. If you're looking for love than this would be the time for you to put yourself out there as Venus supports the full Moon which can easily bring love to you. Mars supports the new Moon from your third house of short trips, communication, siblings and neighbors. You could possibly find love nearby you may be even a neighbor .It could be that you find love on the internet. You may find yourself having frequent communication via text messages, emails and phone calls with a lover, child or even a friend or coworker. On August 29th the day seems to be all about you and your wants and needs. You are social and can make a sale or make a new friend. Get out and let the world know you are ready to make connections. Jupiter retrogrades from your own sign on August 30th. The next four months may be a challenge for you as Jupiter is in your own sign right now. It could be that you are feeling depressed because you are working harder thing you have in the past for the same amount of pay. You may have to invest a lot of time, effort and energy in order to advance in your career. It may also be a time for you to focus on your future the feel that your options are limited. It is a time for you to plan a and focus on what will make you happy. It could make you feel bit depressed right now but you have to keep thinking on the positive side. Try to set goals for your career and put yourself out there so people know you are interested
On August 24th and August 27th friends may create problems for you. You may experience a disagreement or argument with a friend, group or organization. It may sever a relationship. Financial opportunities including taxes, credit cards, loans, bonuses and commission may bring a positive gain on August 25th. You may receive a bonus or commission or gift or reward. It may come through a discount or coupon. Your sex life may also improve at this time. You may experience problems with a lover, partner or child. There may be disagreements so try to remain calm and try to resolve issues. The new Moon on August 28th will fall in your fourth house of home. The next two weeks may bring a time for you to relocate, renovate and make some changes around the home. It will also be a time for you to decorate or design the home. You may purchase new furniture or rearrange the furniture. It could be that someone moves in or moods out of the home. Venus connects well with the new Moon which will help you to look for new place to live or to decorate the home. Mars supports the new Moon from your second house of earned income which tells me that you seem to make a profit or gain from the home. It could be that you sell a home or purchase a new home. You may have roommates moving in which help you to make a lover more money. It could also be that you rearrange the furniture or by some new furniture. It also could be that you add value to your current home by making some repairs and renovations. I feel that the next couple weeks will be a very positive time for you to entertain and health the home or just enjoy spending time with family and friends at home or at their home. You may plan a trip or take a trip on August 29th. It could be that you are attending a special event or party. You are social and could make a new friend. Jupiter retrogrades from your 12th house of secrets and solitude on August 30th giving you the next 3 months a time to reflect and see what has not been working for you. It could make you a bit depressed but it's time to face the music and face your fears and anxieties.
On August 24th and 27th you are focused on your career and job. You may lose a job or a source of income. It could be that you are changing jobs. You may also experience difficulties with emails, internet or with a coworker or employee. You connect well with a partner on August 25th. You may meet someone new who could be a long term partner. A partner may be a spouse, lover, friend, business partner, coworker or employee. It could also be you work with others to further your career, education or personal relationships. You may also feel a bit stressed in regards to the home. You may relocate, renovate or make some repairs in the home. It may be that someone moves in or out of the home. Mercury goes direct on August 26th from your 2nd house of earned income. It is now time to focus on financial and budget and save for the future. The new Moon on August 28th will fall in your 3rd house of short trips, communication, siblings and neighbors. The next two weeks will bring a time for you to take a set a short trip to visit family and friends. It could be that others come to visit you. Communication will increase via e-mails, text messages and phone calls. You may purchase a vehicle, computer, cell phone or telephone. Venus supports the new Moon from your third house of short trips and communication which could bring a new love into your life because you meet them through the Internet or through your travels. You may travel to visit someone special or they may come to visit you. You will also find yourself communicating and connecting with others via text messages and phone calls. The words you express will show love, compassion and affection. Mars wall also support the new Moon from your own sign which shows great vitality and energy. You will also make a great impression on to others as you will be the center of attention and show great love and respect towards others. I feel that the new Moon will be very positive for you to travel and to connect and communicate with the people closest to you. Friends are highlighted for you on August 29th. I feel this is a time for you to build friendship and connections. The connection may bring a new job or lover. You may also attend a event or party. You may a positive impression on others especially through interviews and meetings. Jupiter retrogrades on August 30th from your 11th house of friendships. The next four months will bring a time for you to experience difficulties with a friend, group or organization. You may have a disagreement or argument with a friend or organization. It could be that your views or different than theirs. It is okay for you want to have different view points and opinions just don't try to force others to think just like you. It will also be a time for you to attend special events and parties. It could be delayed and planning and organizing a special event or party. You may also feel a bit depressed that others may not think like you. Take time for a little solitude as you will appreciate the people around you.
On August 24th and 27th your focus will be on long distance trips, education, marketing, court, religion and law. You may have some obligations to take care of with one of these issues or concerns. You may plan a trip or take a trip. It could be you advertise or promote a product on the internet or radio that could also be costly. You may have some legal issues to take care of. You work hard for the money on August 25th. It should bring positive results including sales, bonus, commissions and business. You may feel like you are working hard for the money but you should see that hard work pay off. You may find yourself writing a lot. Mercury goes direct from your own sign on August 26th giving you the next two weeks a time when you are mobile, talkative and active. The new Moon on August 28th will fall in your second house of earned income. The next two weeks will bring a time for you to make more money or receive a job offer or opportunity. It could be that you are finding new ways to make more money and to gain financial stability and security. Venus supports the new Moon from your second house of earned income which is positive news if you're looking to make more money. A great opportunity may present itself to you at this time. Mars supports the new Moon from your 12th house of secrets and solitude which tells me you may run into an opportunity in private or in solitude. I feel that this to be a positive time for you to plan your financial future and run into opportunities to build financial security and stability for yourself. I would suggest for you to use the energy of the new Moon to plan ahead for the future in regards to your finances and to save and budget for the future. You will work hard for the future and work hard to complete tasks and work projects. Your career is looking awesome on August 29th. You may receive a promotion, advancement or job. Jupiter retrogrades on August 30th from your 10th house of career. The next four months may bring a time for you to focus on where you would like to be in the future in regards to your job and career goals. You may run into some disappointments especially in connection to advancements and promotions. There could be delays in receiving a advancement or promotion. If you run into any kind of delays at this time there is a reason behind that even though you may not see the message at the time. I feel that this is a positive time for you to be much more focused and dedicated on your work so that you can work hard to show others what you can accomplish in your career. You will receive praise and recognition in the future so all the hard work will pay itself off eventually. You may feel a bit depressed at this time because of these delays are setbacks. I am not indicating in any way that this is guaranteed I am just saying that this could be a possibility. The retrograde will help you to focus thoroughly on where you would like to be at in your career future.
You may have to take care of some financial obligations connected to taxes, credit cards, loans, child support, alimony, settlements or other obligations on August 24th and 27th. You may have to pay a hefty debt or bill. Your love life is looking positive on August 25th. You may find love or fall in love. It could be you spend time with children or join a sport or hobby. Mercury goes direct from your 12th house of secrets and solitude which brings you 2 weeks to keep thoughts and ideas to yourself. You may be making plans for the future. The new Moon on August 28th will fall in your own sign. The next two weeks will bring a time for you to receive plenty of praise and attention. It could be that you are focusing on your own appearance by getting a new haircut or hairstyle. It could be that you buy a new wardrobe or change your appearance in some way. Venus supports the new Moon from your own sign which tells me you will be the center of attention. You will easily attract people in your direction and people want to be around you. I say use this opportunity to socialize and connect with groups and organizations. It is a time for you to expand your horizons by meeting new people and connecting yourself with new friends, coworkers and employees. It is not a time for you to stay at home and be secluded as this is the right time for you to be outdoors and connect with other people. I feel that you will make a great impression on to others especially if you are attending a meeting or interview. You will receive invites to special events and parties or it could be that you make a new friend at this time. Your active with friends and you seem to be the one in lead. People will follow your lead so use this energy at an opportunity for you to gain praise and recognition. On August 29th you are focusing on a long distance trips or future plans. You may submit applications and resumes that can pay off at the end. You may be focused on marketing a product. It could be that you are focused on education especially for a child. There may be financial gains at this time. Jupiter retrogrades on August 30th from your 9th house of long distance trips, foreign people and places. You may experience problems while traveling or making travel plans. It could be that you have obligations and duties to take care of with others. It may be that you are in the middle of a divorce. It will be a time for you to focus on your future even though you may feel a bit depressed about the outcome. Stay focused and keep moving forward. Do not give up as the future does look bright and you will have opportunities coming your way. It is not the time to sit back and wait for opportunities to come to you. You need to do the work in order to make it happen. Put yourself out there and don't give up
You may experience problems with a partner on August 24th and August 27th. There may be issues to discuss. It could create arguments and disagreements. A partner may be a spouse, lover, friend, business partner, coworker, employee, lawyer, therapist, doctor or even a financial advisor. You may relocate, renovate or make some changes around the home on August 25th. You may feel a bit depressed or stressed on this day. Try not to let yourself be brought down by doubt. The mood will pass. Mercury goes direct from your 11th house of friendships on August 26th. The next couple weeks increase communication with family and friends via the internet, emails, text messages and phone calls. The new moon on August 28th will fall in your 12th house of secrets and solitude. The next couple weeks bring a time for you to get rid of what you don't need in your life. It could be therapeutic for you. You may discover what has not been working and needs to be released. You will focus on being able to let go of your past in order to move towards your future. It is time for you to catch up on sleep or just seek solitude. Take a vacation so you can recharge yourself. Venus joins the new moon from the 12th house so it's time to show love in a private way. You are compassionate and loving towards others and they appreciate your affection. It could be towards lover, partners, children, friends and coworkers. You are sympathetic to others wants and needs. You are selfless and giving of your time. Mars supports the new moon from your 9th house of long distance trips, foreign people and places making the next couple weeks a time when you may take a vacation or get rid of some old belief pattern. You may seek solitude to study and learn especially if you are going back to school. I feel the new moon will help you to let go and release any bad energy you have been carrying lately. On August 29th finances should look positive especially in connection to taxes, credit cards, loans, child support, alimony, bonuses, commission, gifts and rewards. Jupiter retrogrades starting August 30th making the next 4 months a time when you have to deal with issues relating to taxes, credit cards, joint resources, assets, loans, bonuses, commissions, settlements, child support, alimony and other debts and bills. It could be time to let go and pay off some bills. It may be that you are in debt and are having difficulties paying off these bills. Handle them one step at a time and go from there. Do not try to push yourself too hard or you will be careless. It is a great time for you to set a budget and begin making financial plans for the future.
It is time to work hard for the money on August 24th and 27th. You may feel stress and anxiety so try to meditate or relax. You may take a short trip on August 25th. It could be for education or to spend time with family and friends. You may have them come to visit you. Communication increases via emails, text messages and phone calls. Mercury goes direct on August 26th from your 10th house of career. It is now time for you to focus on the future of your career and were you would like to be at in the future. Meeting and interviews increase and should go well. The new Moon on August 28th will fall in your 11th house of friendships. The next two weeks may bring a time for you to make new friends and connect with old friends. You may join a group, organization or special event. It is a time for you to socialize and connect with the people around you. It will also be a time for you to expand your horizons by meeting new people and surrounding yourself with different people. Your are outgoing and social and want to make new friends and connections. Venus supports the new Moon from your 11th house of friendships which could bring a new love or new group of friends. You are social and people will want to connect with you. Mars supports the new Moon from your ninth house of long-distance trips, foreign people and places. It could be that you connect with others via the Internet, radio or television. It could be that you make a new group or friends through school or a group or organization. You may make a new friend or even meet a potential lover or partner over the Internet and may have been to be a foreigner or live in a foreign country. I feel that the next two weeks seems to be a great time for you to be invited to special events and parties and to socialize with the people around you. Get out there and enjoy yourself as you never know who you may meet. A partner connects with you on August 29th. You may form a partnership with others to further your career, education, finances or personal relationships. You may form new friendships at this time. Jupiter retrogrades on August 30th from your partnership house. The partner may be someone including a spouse, lover, friend, business partner, coworker or employee. You may experience some challenges or difficulties with a partner. It could be time to revise and discuss any issues or problems with the partner. You may have to end a partnership or relationship. It all depends on what has been going on lately that will require the ending of a relationship or partnership. If things have not the working themselves out lately then the ending of a relationship will occur. If there have been issues or problems in a partnership then it would just be time to discuss the issues and work them out to be able to move forward in the partnership. It could also be a time of therapy whether you seek therapy or you work together to work out the issues and problems. It may be a difficult time but it the end of the retrograde cycle it can help build a stronger union, bond and partnership.
On August 24th and 27th your focus will turn to love, relationships, children, sports and hobbies. There may be problems with one of these individuals or groups. It may be time to resolve issues relating to a lover or child. Finances should go well for you on August 25th. It may be that you gain more financially through a new job offer or opportunity. There may be problems with a friend, group or organizations. it could bring disagreements and arguments so be careful what you say at this time. You may also experience the ending of a relationship or friendship. Mercury goes direct from your 9th house of long distance trips, foreign people and places giving you 2 weeks to plan a trip or take a trip. You may broaden your horizons mentally and physically. You may enter college or return to school. Advertising and marketing also brings positive results. The new Moon on August 28th will fall in your 10th house of career. The next two weeks will bring a time for you to receive a promotion, advancement or even start a business venture. It is a time for you to expand your horizons and focus on new possibilities and opportunities for your career. There are so many things that can be happening for you right now. For one, it can bring more money or recognition. If you are a student been it could be a time when you are recognize for your career projects and endeavors. You are planning for your future and this can easily be a time for you to advance in your career or receive a new job offer. You seem to be more open to building financial security and stability for yourself. Venus supports the new Moon from your 10th house of career which could bring love at work. You may find love among and employee or coworker. It could be that you love your job or the clients and customers you value. Mars supports the new Moon from your 6th house of work, service and health which tells me you will have plenty of work to take care of but you will also have the energy to take care of these projects. I feel that the new Moon will bring a transformation or change with your career. It could be that you take on new task, projects and duties that can bring you new status or authority. If you are working the same job then it could be that the people you are surrounding yourself with may change or the job obligations and duties may change. There seems to be a transformation for the positive at this time which should help you to prosper and grow. If you run your own business the you may take on a new way of making money or marketing your product or yourself. It is a time for you to explore new possibilities as you may seek change in you to help build greater stability and security for yourself. On August 29th you are working hard for the money but you should also see money, opportunities, benefits or gains. It should be a good day for you that can easily bring you a job offer or opportunity. Jupiter retrogrades from your 6th house of work, service and health on August 30th giving you 4 months to focus on your health and any issues or problems connected to your body. You will exercise and lose weight but it may be easy to gain the weight back too. Stay away from fatty foods even though it may be difficult at this time. You may also have to take care of pets or you decide to adopt. You seem more nurturing and sympathetic to others needs. It is time to take care of your health and well-being.
The home will be your primary concern on August 24th and 27th. You may relocate, renovate or make some changes or repairs around the home. It could be that someone moves in or out of the home. It's all about your own wants and needs on August 25th. You seem to be a bit of a tyrant just pushing yourself to the extreme but you can accomplish plenty of work at this time too. You may easily lose weight and take care of your appearance. Mercury goes direct from your 8th house of joint resources, taxes, credit and loans on August 26th giving you 2 weeks to take care of issues relating to taxes, credit cards, loans, child support, alimony or any joint resources or assets affiliated with others. The new Moon on August 28th will fall in your 9th house of long-distance trips, foreign people and places. The next two weeks may bring a time for you to take a long-distance trip or you may have others come to visit you. You may also enter college or University. It is time for you to expand your horizons and to study and learn a new topic of interest. You may also market or promote a product via the Internet, radio or television. Venus connects well with the new Moon which can bring an opportunity for you to travel with a lover or partner. It could be that you take a trip with a lover or partner. Mars supports the new Moon from your partnership house which tells me that this would be a great time for you to travel with others. It could be for business purposes or it could be that you are traveling with a partner for a leisure vacation or trip. You may also find yourself communicating with others via e-mails, text messages and phone calls. It could also be that you're connecting with them through the Internet. I feel that the next two weeks will be a great time for you to expand your horizons mentally and physically. It is your time to broaden your horizons and study and learn something new even through reading a book. If you are a student then this would be a great time for you to study for your education that can help the future of your career. Your love life looks positive on August 29th as you may meet someone special to fall in love. It could be that you marry or get engaged. It's a pleasant time for love and relationships but also to enjoy the company of children. Enjoy a sport, hobby or movie. Jupiter retrogrades on August 30th from your 5th house of love, relationships, children and recreational activities. You may have problems with a lover or child.. it could be that you are focusing more on taking care of project relating to music, sports, hobbies, and other activities. Children may create problems for you. It is a time to create or procreate but you may have problems creating the results you seek. If you feel a bit depressed or in a bad mood just hang in there and take it a day at a time.
Short trips, communication, siblings and neighbors will be highlighted for you on August 24th and 27th. You may experience problems with a vehicle. cell phone, telephone or internet. Mercury is still retrograding so that doesn't help. You seem to be taking care of obligations with child support, alimony, or other legal issues. You may also focus on finances connected to tuition or loans. Mercury goes direct on August 26th from your partnership house which can bring about 2 weeks to communicate with a partner regarding any issues or problems. The partner may be anyone you work closely with personally or professionally. The new moon on August 28th will fall in your 8th house of joint resources, taxes, credit and loans. The next two weeks brings a time for you to gain financially through taxes, credit cards, loans, child support payments, alimony, bonuses, commissions, settlements, gifts and rewards. You may also gain through a discount or coupon. Venus supports the new moon at this time which tells me you may gain through others or through a great financial profit or gain. There may be the possibility to gain through the lottery or casino but that needs to be promised in your birth chart. Don't spend the rent money as you may easily be disappointed later on. Mars supports the new moon from your 6th house of work, service and health making this a time when you may gain through work or others obligations, duties and tasks. I feel this new moon should bring positive results with finances and opportunities to save for the future. You may focus on retirements, savings and investments. On August 29th your focus turns to the home. You may relocate, renovate or make changes around the home. It could be you purchase a home or lease an apartment. You may also purchase furniture or home accessories. Jupiter retrogrades on August 30th from your 4th house of home. You may experience difficulties with the home for the next 4 months. You may lose a home or have to take care of obligations relating to the home. It could be that you feel obligated towards parents or the people that live with you at home. You may seem more like an introvert which is a challenge since you are a social sun sign.
Finances seem to be your concern on August 24th and 27th. You may have some bills to pay or feel obligated towards others. You may lose a source of income. It could also be you get a new job or side venture. Friends seem to be your focus on August 25th. You gain friendships and may join a group or organization. You seem to be focused on working with others. It could also be that there are obligations towards this group. Financial obligations may be taxes, credit cards and loans. You may have to pay a debt or bill. Mercury goes direct on August 26th from your 6th house of work, service and health. Expect to be busy with emails, phone calls and work projects. You are social and communicate well with coworkers, clients and customers. The new moon on August 28th will fall in your partnership house. The partner may be a spouse, lover, friend, business partner, coworker or employee. The next couple weeks will bring a time for you to form a partnership including a love relationships, business partnership or marriage. You may get engaged or marry. It could be that you meet someone new whom you feel a strong enough connection to build a long term relationships. It may be time to work out any issues or problems with a partner, lover or spouse. Any issues will be resolved or at least discussed. Venus supports the new moon from your partnership house being able to give you great love from others. You are willing to compromise for the sake of the relationship or partnership. It is time to connect with others and build great stability and security. Mars supports the new moon from your 5th house of love, relationships, children and creative projects. You may work with others on a creative project including music, dancing, singing and theater. It is time for you to find love with someone that can help you connect on a deeper level. You may work with children on a project or if you participate in a sport or hobby. I feel the new moon will bring you great opportunities to open the door to connect with others to further your career or personal relationships. It can bring new beginnings or new chapters in your life. It may be time to take a short trip on August 29th. Communication increases via emails, text messages and phone calls. You may plan a trip or take a trip. You may purchase a vehicle, computer, cell phone r telephone. Jupiter retrogrades on August 30th from your 3rd house of short trips, communication, siblings and neighbors. The next 4 months may bring difficulties with a vehicle, computer, internet, cell phone or telephone. You may experience problems while traveling or when planning a trip or vacation. Jupiter tends to lose its spark of happy times and feeling good while retrograding so you may feel a bit depressed or obligated. You may discover that you need to purchase a new vehicle or computer because your old one is dying on you. Even though you may be able to afford it you may feel obligated and a bit depressed because it brings a new debt or bill. You may see communication increase via emails, text messages and phone calls. It could be overwhelming for you even if it does bring you more money or sales. I feel that the retrograde cycle can help you to take care of obligations connected to siblings, neighbors, family, electronics and children. It is time for you to take care of these projects and obligations but it will also help you to get organized. If you incur a debt it can end up being a worthy investment at the end. Be careful while driving as you may run into vehicle problems.
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