As you begin the week your focus will turn to the full moon on May 27th that will fall in your 9th house of long distance trips, foreign people and places. The next couple of weeks will make you take advantage of opportunities to travel. You may plan a trip or take a trip. You seem to be open to exploring new adventures. It could also be a time to market a product via the internet, radio or television. You may start advertising a website or start a business venture. Education will also be strong too. Uranus will bring great support to this full moo indicating fun and exciting places. Not only is the internet strong during this full moon but you may travel to a locale full of adventures and excitement including Las Vegas. It may be a place you have been to before. You seem to be in positive spirits on May 28th. On the same day Uranus will enter your own sign giving you a few years to explore your own individuality. Your appearance may change or your personality changes. Read more of Uranus in your sign by reading your monthly horoscope. By May 30th Saturn will finally go direct from your 6th house of work, service and health giving you the focus, motivation and strength to complete tedious projects and take care of your health. It may be easier to lose weight or even take care of the weight of a pet. You are focused on taking care of work assignments and exercise. Good luck.
The full moon on May 27th will fall in your 8th house of joint resources, taxes, credit and loans. The next couple weeks can easily be a time when you have to pay a hefty bill or debt. It could also be that you are paying off some bills so you may make a larger payment to get in paid in full. You may also have to deal with legal issues especially it relating to child support. Custody and alimony. There could be other judgments or settlements to resolve. Uranus will bring some support to this full moon as you may receive help from an unexpected source. You may discover an opportunity to advance or you may receive a bonus or commission. It could bring a reward or connection may bring you a job offer or opportunity. On May 28th you seem to be focused on work opportunities or find a new job. Interviews should go well. On May 28th Uranus will enter your 12th house of secrets and solitude giving you years of opportunity to increase your spirituality. You may feel a great spiritual connection. You may receive dreams that bring premonitions. It could be that you begin to change your thought process. Read more of Uranus by reading your monthly horoscope. By May 30th Saturn will go direct from your 5th house of love, children and creative projects. The next few months brings a time to build a stronger love and bond with other's including a lover or child. Your concern is to help them take care of themselves or they may take care of you. Musical projects and concerts brings your greatest work. You may be more open to explore and learn music or the arts.
The week begins with you having a full moon in your partnership house on May 27th. The next couple weeks will bring a time for you to work closely with others including coworkers, a best friend, colleague, doctor, lawyer or therapist. Partnerships are highlighted in connection to a spouse, business partner or lover. You may get engaged or marry these next couple weeks. It could be that you need someone new or fall in love. A business partnership may easily come together for financial reasons. Uranus will bring great support to this full moon, which tells me it's time for surprises and great opportunities. You may be surprised at how you gain through this partnership. It may be related or they may come via the internet. On May 28th you seem to be open to spending time with friends. Communication is strong among friends. Uranus will not leave your career house and enter your house of friendships. The next 7 years will bring a time for you to suddenly gain or lose friends. The type of friends you surrounds yourself with may be eccentric or even Aquarians. You will find them interesting to talk to. They may be involved in astrology or the occult. By May 30th Saturn finally goes direct from your 4th house of home. Any obligations or tedious projects connected to the home will not run much smoothly and easily. You may have to relocate but the move will be much smoother and easier. Good luck.
The full moon on May 27th will begin the week by focusing on your work, health and pets. The next couple weeks will bring a time for you to complete work assignments or see an increase of work obligations. Your health will also be a great concern by you exercising and eating healthy. You may also take focus on your pet's health. It will be a great time to exercise with your pet. Take your pet to the vet and give them the medical checkups and routine vaccinations they may need in their life. Uranus brings great support to this full moon increasing new opportunities for work and opportunities. You may gain through the connection from a friend, coworker or other associate. Opportunities come to you from an unlikely source. On May 28th Uranus will enter your 10th house of career giving you about 7 years to see some changes in your career or business ventures. You may open the door to a new career path. You may suddenly lose a job or change jobs. It could be that you seek greater independence in your career and may venture out on your own. It's a great time to plan your future. On May 30th Saturn will finally go direct from your house of communication, siblings and neighbors. You seem to be taking on more short trips and communication improves with your neighbors, siblings and friends. Good luck.
The week starts on May 27th when the full moon enters your 5th house of love, children and creative projects. The next couple weeks will bring a time for you to fall in love, find love or spend time with children. You may spend more time listening to music or enjoying the company of musicians and going to a concert. A full moon may bring endings but it could also bring new beginnings. Uranus supports this full moon bringing you a sense of fun and excitement. You may meet someone on the internet or from your friends. It's going to be a very fun time for you so I feel this full moon should not be as bad as what it might seem. You will enjoy the time and attention around other's so it should be pretty interesting. Fun travels and family will be highlighted on May 28th. On the same day Uranus will enter your 9th house of long distance trips, foreign people and places, education and beliefs. Your morals, values and beliefs may change the next 7 years. You may also take sudden long distance trips or seek an education. It's also a great time to promote and publish your work or writings. By May 30th Saturn will finally go direct from your 2nd house of earned income. I know money has been a challenge but the finances should go a bit smoothly now. You will save easily and make more money even if you have to work harder for it. Hang in there and good luck. You have so much to look forward to soon.
Your priority will be on the home when the full moon hits on May 27th. The next couple weeks will bring a time when you may relocate, renovate or make changes around the home. A roommate may move out. It will be a great time to decorate or paint the home or room. Uranus will support this full moon as it can bring a time to receive help and support from loans or other joint resources. It's also a time to spend time with the mother or a mother-figure. Work projects will improve and increase on May 28th. On the same day Uranus will enter your 8th house of joint resources, taxes and credit. The next 7 years will bring a time for you to focus on issues related to loans and credit. It could also relate to child support and other financial obligations and concerns. You may have problems paying taxes or a loan. You may want to occasionally check your credit report as there may be errors or identity theft. On May 30th Saturn will finally go direct from your own sign. You will feel a great relief. You will lose weight easily and your health should improve. It seems to be a great time to take care of yourself by focusing on your future. You may pursue a new career path or change of life. It's time to feel mature by making grand choices for yourself. You seem to be focused on the direction of life you want to take so good luck.
It's going to be a time to focus on communication and short trips with the full moon coming up on May 27th. The next couple weeks will bring a time for you to increase communication with family, friends and neighbors. You may have problems with a vehicle, computer or cell phone. It could be that you make a major purchase of a vehicle or computer. It's time to take off and enjoy the road. You want to explore new places and people. Uranus will support this full moon making it a time for you to open the door to new possibilities and ventures. You may invest towards a cell phone with all the fun gadgets. It could be that you discover new possibilities on the internet. Friends may become eccentric or new friend are different than the norm. The next couple weeks will open your eyes to new things. Uranus will enter your partnership house on May 28th giving you 7 years to work out issues related to a partner. It could be that you end up getting a divorce. You may meet someone new and suddenly fall in love. Sudden endings and beginnings occur. You may also receive public criticisms. On the 28th you are also focusing on work projects and health. Increase work assignments come to you. Your health will improve or you take care of your body by eating healthy and exercising. By may 30th Saturn will retrograde from your 12th house of secrets and solitude making the next few months a time for you to look deep within yourself and figure out what has not been working for you. It may bring a little bit of depression but you also have to figure out why that emotion even exist. There may be worries about money when money is stable. Learn to focus, relax and meditate if you must.
It's time to focus on finances as the full moon on May 27th will bring you two weeks to take care of the money. You may change jobs because you want a job that brings you more money. It could bring a time for you to handle finances related to your bills and debts. You may be looking at your finances and wondering how you can advice in your career. Finances and material items are highlighted during this full moon, which means you are wanting and needing your greatest desires. It's time to focus on where you want to be at and finding ways to increase your finances. You may see a new job opportunity or offer and with Uranus help it may come in the lease unlikely source. On May 28th love is strong and you are meeting someone new or falling in love. It could also be that you are spending quality time with children. Uranus will enter your 6th house of work, service and health. I just want to quickly mention that Uranus in the 6th house increases anxieties and stress so if you are feeling this way make sure to relax or seek help with a therapist. A great time for work projects and opportunities. You will feel a greater need for independence from the usual. You may start your own business or your job may have more of a flexible schedule. Read more of Uranus in your 6th house by reading your monthly horoscope. On May 30th Saturn goes direct from your 11th house of friendships. The next few months are spent seeking the guidance of your friends who may be older and wiser.
It's going to be all about you with the full moon falling in your own sign on May 27th. The next couple weeks will bring attention and praise in your direction. You may lose weight or change the style of your clothing. You may buy something new for yourself. Uranus brings luck and excitement in your direction telling me you want to do something different during this full moon. It could be being impulsive and spontaneous. You want to try or do something different. You may take a sudden trip or reach out to people or someone who may be different and eccentric. On May 28th your focus turns to the home. You may change the decor around the home or even look for a new place to live. Uranus will enter your 5th house of love and children on May 28th giving you 7 years to focus on love, creative projects and children. Your love life may change or the people you meet are eccentric. They may have Aquarian qualities or be into astrology. A child may come suddenly or you spend time with children. It’s a time of surprises with love including the love of music and sports. It's time to have fun and celebrate by hanging out in parties and special events. Saturn will finally go direct on May 30th from your 10th house of career. The next few months will bring a time for you to work hard for the money and see an increase of work projects. Your career is very demanding but you will receive great respect. Slow down and take a vacation if you are feeling too exhausted that your work is suffering. You must rejuvenate yourself to focus again.
The full moon on May 27th will fall in your house of secrets and solitude. The next couple weeks will bring a time for you to feel tired. You need additional rest. It could be due to an illness. You will also take a vacation or seek retreat because you have been working too hard or too much. Uranus will bring a great sense of support by giving you opportunities to seek a place of solitude in someplace different. You may take a sudden trip to get away from it all. On May 28th your focus will be on communication including communication with friends, family and relatives. Uranus will enter your 4th house of home giving you 7 years to a time when there may be disruptions around the home. You may suddenly have to relocate. There could be electrical problems in the home. You may see roommates move in and out. There could be anxieties related to the home including having to lose your home. Read more of Uranus in your 4th house of home by going to your monthly horoscope. On May 30th Saturn finally goes direct from your house of long distance travel, foreigners and education. You may find new places to travel. Education may be your priority. You may also learn a new language. It could bring a time for you to promote or publish pieces of work including a book or music.
It's time for your friends, group events and parties. The full moon on May 27th will give you two weeks to spend time with friends. You will make time for your friends and even run into old friends. It could be that you are planning a special event or party. You are surrounded by people and want to make time for friends around you. Uranus brings great sense of fun and excitement so this full moon will not be dull and boring for you. On May 28th you seem to be focused more on money. Finances should look good around this time or the opportunity to advance in your career is looking positive. Uranus will enter your 3rd house of short trips, siblings, neighbors and communication giving you 7 years to connect and communicate with others. You may decide to take sudden frequent short trips. Communication extends to siblings, relatives, friends and even your neighbors. You seem to be open to connecting with everyone around you. You may want to learn about astrology or return to school. Read more of Uranus in your monthly horoscopes. BY May 31st Saturn will finally go direct from your 8th house of joint resources, taxes and credit giving you a few months were you should see some of these financial concerns ease up. You will also be able to take care of some money issues related to child support and alimony. There may be an opportunity to gain through a bonus or commissions so you never know what luck may bring for you.
Your priority will be about your career. The full moon on May 27th will make your prioritize your career and promotions. You may finally advance in your career or even build a business. It's time to venture out into new territories and be open to new opportunities. Finances may easily increase now that Uranus will be supporting your house of earned income. Possibilities and opportunities may come your way from unexpected sources. You seem to be open to new career ventures that may take you into a new career path. The full moon will heighten the desire and goals to succeed. It is the time to do it. Uranus will enter your house of earned income on May 28th. The next 7 years may easily bring a sudden increase of money. Financial opportunities may come out of the blue. Be careful as you may also get yourself into debt. Finances and job opportunities may come from unlikely sources or connections. On this same day Jupiter brings some light in your direction. Your spirituality and creativity are heightened. By May 31st Saturn will finally go direct from your partnership house. You may have been having problems with a partner including a spouse, lover or business partner. Now is the time to communicate and work out personal or professional problems. You seem to be open to taking care of these issues and will succeed.
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