Partnerships are highlighted on June 4, 9, 13, 19, 24 and 27th. All these dates would be a wonderful time to find love, fall in love, build a partnership including business partnership. It may be the time to get engaged or married. A partner may also be a best friend, coworkers, employer, doctor, lawyer or other associate. Be careful on June June 9th as you may be deceived or lied to by a partner. It will be a great time to communicate and connect with others. You will be able to discuss personal or professional issues.
Jupiter will enter your 9th house of long distance trips, foreign people and places on June 6th. The next few months will bring a time to travel long distance. You may explore new territories and environments. You will also want to study and learn topics of interest. It could get you back into college. You may take on some training classes for cooking, arts and painting. You will also be open to publishing and marketing. You may publish artwork, a novel or a website. If you are running a business it will be a great time for you to promote a product or yourself on the internet, radio and television. Jupiter will return into your 8th house in the early part of September but will return to your 9th house in the last week of January 2011. You have a few months to travel and explore new options. You will also connect well with the in-laws even if they are not your in-laws.
Mars will enter your 2nd house of earned income on June 7th. The next 7 weeks will bring a time for you to make more money but you will also argue about money too. It's a great time for you to advance in your career. You may receive a promotion or a new job. You will find new ways to make money grow. It will be a time for you to look over the finances and see what needs to improve. There may be arguments over money with a partner or friend. You may also spend money lavishly. Mercury will enter your 11th house of friendships on June 10th giving you a couple of weeks to increase communication with friends. On June 25th Mercury will enter your 12th house of secrets and solitude. The next 3 weeks will bring a time for you to run thoughts and ideas through your head but you will keep them all to yourself.
Leo Weekly Horoscope
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Venus will enter your own sign on June 14th. The next 4 weeks will bring a time for you to receive plenty of praise and attention. You may change your haircut and wardrobe. It could bring a time for you to invest time in your own appearance by adding something new to yourself including losing weight. A simple change can go a long way. The Sun will enter your 12th house of secrets and solitude on June 21st giving you 4 weeks to rest and relax. You may decide to take a vacation or take on a retreat. You will feel a greater need to sleep in or rest because your body is feeling ill.
The new moon on June 12th will fall in your 11th house of friendships. The next couple weeks will bring a time for you to make new friends or spend time with your current friends. The new moon falls in the sign of Gemini which indicates two of something. You may spend time with two friends or attend two special events or parties. Your communication may extend to a group of friends. Neptune brings great support to this new moon from your partnership house so you may work closely with a friend. It may be the right time to work with your friends to get ahead with finances, career or the home. Saturn will square off with the new moon fro your finances house telling me you will be working hard for the money. It could also be that you will help out friends financially or you will be investing money into a special event. It may be that you will be planning a party that you can expect a hefty party bill. You may collaborate with friends for a potluck event or to invest towards a special event. Venus and Saturn do well to support the new moon on their own so finances will be thought out and planned out but you may easily still expect to spend money. You will find yourself planning and thinking in advanced so I feel something important to you will be formulating.
Travel, marketing and education looks great on June 8th. It's a great time to plan for the future or advance in your education or career. Additional dates to look forward to will come on June 10, 14, 21, 25 and 26th. Be careful on June 21st and 25th as there may be changes with travel plans or schedule. Unexpected changes may occur for be aware of these dates.
The full moon lunar eclipse on June 26th will fall in your 6th house of work, service and health. An eclipse has the effects to last up to 6 months. The next 6 months will increase your work projects. You will work hard for the money but you will also receive more money for it. it will be a great time to find new clients and customers. A full moon eclipse will make you feel busier but you may also enjoy the great opportunities coming your way. Your career will improve so expect that the next few months may bring a greater job opportunity. Your health will also be your concern. You may focus on taking care of your body by exercising and eating healthy. It could also bring a time for you to receive medical checkups. You will take care of your teeth and even the teeth or health of a pet. You may finally take care of health-related issues that have been of great concern for you. Jupiter and Uranus will square off with this eclipse making this a time for you to spend more than expected. You may also invest more time and money to advance in your career. Pluto will support this eclipse by increasing emotions and bringing a new change to yourself. Creative projects including crafts, sewing and knitting will also be highlighted. You may learn a new technique of sewing and knitting. It will be a great time to create something new for the home. You will work hard to advance in work project. You may exercise and lose weight. You will focus on losing the weight to take care of your body. It will also be a great time to focus on a pet. You may get a pet or take care of the health of your pet and teeth. The next 6 months will be a wonderful time to build a financial secure future and to take care of you and your body so good luck.
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