Aries- The conflicts of your work and health can take a toll on you. You may need to rest and relax to be able to complete projects. There may be conflict among coworkers and employers.
Taurus-Your lover, child or friends may be asking a lot of time from you. You may have to find balance among friends and the home. It could be a child needs time and attention while friends need time from you.
Gemini-Your work obligations and the home are full time. You may have to take work home or you set up a work office. Projects may increase or work becomes busy.
Cancer-Travel, education and thoughts of the future are your concern. Your future plans include money, career and the home. You will be detailed in your goals.
Leo-Finances related to earned income, savings, retirement and credit take priority. You may have to budget to save for certain expenses. Loans and credit concerns increase.
Virgo-A partner may create conflict related to finances. You may feel your wants and needs aren't being met.
Libra-Work projects, health and anxieties may increase. A great time to exercise with noticeable results.
Scorpio-A lover or child takes priorities. Friends offer good advice or you view your friends with great respect. You may meet someone older and wiser.
Sagittarius- It's about the home and your career. Make plans for the future as your career brings great results. You may improve around the home or home obligations increase.
Capricorn-Communication improves with family, friends and neighbors. You are open to discuss important issues.
Aquarius-Finances are important. You may gain financially but you will have other financial obligations related to taxes, credit and loans.
Pisces-It's going to be time to focus on your own wants and needs. You may feel obligated towards a partner, friend, family or spouse.
You can read more about this opposition on your weekly and monthly horoscopes at
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