The week begins on a great note with Mercury finally going direct on May 12th from your 2nd house of earned income. You will feel that finances are running smoothly and everyone is praising you for a job well done. You will also focus on different ways to make more money. It's a great time when you may easily see financial opportunities come your way. The full moon on May 14th will fall in this same house. The next couple weeks seems to be a great time when you may see more money or find a new source of income. It will also be the time when you may receive a new job offer. Jupiter and Uranus will support this new moon bringing you lucky opportunities to advance and it may come in the most oddest way. Mars and Neptune will square off with this new moon, which could bring some hard work, labor and creativity. You may find yourself investing a great time to create and work hard for the money. Before signing anything make sure to read every line so you are not caught up in something you will later regret. On May 16th and 17th will be a wonderful time for you to indulge in food and in love. You may run into some luck opportunities or great deals. By May 18th you are focused on working hard for the money. Work obligations seem to take the best of you but you are focused in getting projects done. You are working hard and seem to take on tedious tasks. You will feel focused and willing to work. Your health will also improve and it's a great day to lose weight and you will see results. Good luck.
The week starts with Mercury finally going direct from your own sign. You may have felt sluggish and bored. Now that Mercury is moving forward your own energy will pick up. The new moon on May 14th will fall in your own sign giving you two weeks of praise and recognition. Jupiter and Uranus will support this new moon from your friendship house making this a time when friends bring great support to you. You may spend quality time with friends or make new friends. It could be that you are getting ready to attend a special event or party. You want to be around the people that make you feel good about yourself. Neptune and Mars will square off with this new moon, which will bring you hard work and disagreement or tensions at work. You may feel a bit frustrated that everything you are doing seems to not get you too far. It could be related to a work project. You will invest plenty of time and effort into it and see progress but it could be that you are feeling that you are climbing a mountain upstream that is trying to pull you down. In other words expect to work hard this week. On May 17th you seem to be enjoying time with friends or socializing with friends. You are enjoying the time together with friend indulging in foods, drinks and good times. By May 18th your focus turns to love, children and creative projects. You may finally complete the work projects you began earlier or find new work projects and opportunities. It's a great time for you to find a great love but expect them to be critical towards you. You may be critical towards a lover or child yourself. Be patient and relax before saying something you may later regret.
Mercury will finally go direct on May 12th from your 12th house of secrets and solitude. You will spend the next couple weeks finalizing projects or being able to focus. You may have felt a bit unfocused or even not being able to concentrate. It could of cost you a good grade or sale. Now you are ready to get back on track. On May 14th the new moon in your 12th house of secrets and solitude will bring great support for you to venture out and rest. You may decide to take a vacation or retreat to a place that brings peace and tranquility. You will feel rested and motivated to begin new projects. It's a great time for you to start projects that asks for some quiet time including writing a book or venturing out into a new business. Uranus and Jupiter will support this great new moon from your career house so you may travel for your job or even work on a project that needs solitude. Neptune will also support this new moon as you may be a bit confused on the ideas for your work but you are full of great ideas so take your time and relax. You will also be very open to a place near water so a great time to seek a vacation near a lake or beach. You may receive a job offer or opportunity around May 17th. You seem to feel lucky and I feel great opportunities can easily come your way. By May 18th you are taking care of tedious projects around work and home. A great time to balance the checkbook or clean up around the home. Enjoy.
As you begin the week Mercury will finally go direct on May 12th from your 11th house of friendships. You may have seen old friends appear into your life or it could be that you may have had some issues that need to be discussed with a friend. Friends are your gift right now and you will make more friends or increase communication with friends. You may find yourself emailing, texting or making phone calls to friends. It's time to catch up and gossip. The new moon on May 14th will fall in your 11th house of friendships. The next couple weeks will bring a time for you to make net friends or spend quality time with friends. It could be that you are attending a friend's wedding or special event. It's time to just get out and socialize. Uranus and Jupiter will support this new moon from your house of long distance travel and foreigners. You may travel to see a friend or friends come to see you. It's a great time to explore new ventures and meet others from other cultures and languages. You are open to new discoveries and ventures. It could even take you to a place near water. On May 16th and 17th you seem to be making time to spread your wings and broaden your horizons. You are open to new opportunities that could bring you great news. The opportunity may relate to a job or other venture. It could be education or foreign language. I feel this will be the time to spread your horizons and see what is out there for you. By May 18th you are focused on communication, siblings, neighbors and family.
The greatest news for you starts on May 12th when Mercury will finally go direct from your 10th house of career. You will see projects and transactions run smoothly. You can move forward on negotiating and making final agreements with others. It seems to be a busy time for you but at least you have the energy for it. The new moon on May 14th will fall in your 10th house of career giving you two weeks of great opportunities to advance or seek a promotion. You may feel that it's your turn to shine and receive the praise for efforts well-invested. Jupiter and Uranus will support this new moon from your house of joint resources. You may enter a job or career that bring greater benefits including bonus and commissions. It seems to be a great time for you to gain through other sources includes rewards and connections. It's time for you to move forward with a business venture as Saturn will bring great security and stability from your house of earned income. You couldn't ask for a better new moon for your career. Take advantage of it. On May 17th you may be given the opportunity to move forward on a project that will bring great rewards and money. It could be the opportunity that you have long been waiting for. Finances are looking great on May 18th, as you will feel great financial security. A job offer may easily come your way on this day or you may hear news or find a way to make more money. It's going to be an awesome week for you financially so keep your eyes and ears open. Don't expect to land on your doorstep so expect to do some work for it. Good luck.
Mercury will finally go direct on May 12th from your 9th house of long distance travel, publishing, foreigners and education. It will be the right time to travel, enter college, move forward with publishing projects and being able to take focus on your career. You may advance in projects regarding foreigner or a foreign culture. A great time to plan your future by reading, learning and studying. The new moon on May 14th will fall in this same house so it's good to hear Mercury is now direct. The new moon will bring you a couple of weeks of travel or wanting to broaden your horizons. It could be that you just want to learn something new. Jupiter and Uranus will support this new moon from your partnership house making this a great time to explore and learn of new places with someone special. It could be that you are investing in a new business as this will be a great time to publish or market a product via radio, television or the internet. Saturn will make you focus on what makes you happy and where you would like to advance in your future. It's about your priorities and how you want to advance in the future. A partner may bring great opportunities for you on May 17th. You seem to want to expand your horizons and plan more for the long haul. You seem to be focused on what you where you would like to be than what is going on right now. Plan ahead but also be realistic about it. By May 18th you are doing well with your health. It's a positive time to take care of your body including seeking medication attention and receiving the right medical tests and procedures. It will be a wonderful time for you to exercise and eat healthy. You will notice results.
Finances related to taxes, credit and loans should begin to move easily for you now that Mercury has gone direct on May 12th. You will be able to focus on taking care of financial obligations related to credit, loans, child support and alimony. The new moon on May 14th will also fall in your house of joint resources, taxes and credit. The next couple weeks will bring a time for you to receive good news regarding loans, taxes, credit, alimony, bonuses and commissions. You may gain a bonus or seek a loan approval. Saturn will bring long-term security so any plans made around this time should bring great long-term benefits. Uranus and Jupiter will also support this new moon from your 6th house of work, service and health telling me that your gains may be more work-related. It could be that you are looking to build in a current home and will gain value to a home. It will be a great time for you to work with others as it could be you moving forward with plans for work, health or the home. If you are self-employed then you could easily see an increase of pay or work coming for you. A really positive new moon. Just be aware that you may have some disagreements with a female. You may indulge in sweets and fatty foods on May 17th. If you are on a diet then this will be a bad day for you. You will not be happy the next day when you gain a pound or two. By May 18th you seem to be focusing on tedious work projects, exercising and taking care of chores around the home.
It's going to be an interesting week for you now that Mercury will be going direct from your partnership house on May 12th. Your communication with a partner, lover, spouse or best friend will improve. You should see greater consistency and clarity. The new moon on May 14th will fall in your partnership house giving you two weeks to meet someone special or to form a stronger bond and connection with a partner. I feel that you will be able to build a strong connection to someone. It could even be a business partner or best friend. Communication improves and you feel connected to others by working alongside then and compromising. Uranus and Jupiter bring great love from your 5th house of love and children. Creative projects will bring wonderful results and you seem to be glowing. You may seek compromise for the sake of children. Love can be an all powerful emotional that will bring great energy and spirit to you with this new moon. If you seek someone new this week then this person can easily be someone who will be with you for the long term especially with Saturn supporting this new moon. You may find someone who is mature or older. You may be older than them by 5-7 years. It's a great time to seek therapy or work with a doctor to get healthier. You may indulge in love, for children or for a special hobby on May 17th. Be careful not to spend too much money on something you don't need or want at all. You will also be open to celebrating and enjoying time with friends and family. Friends will be highlighted for you on May 18th. It could that you seek advice from a friend or spend quality time with friends. A great time to make a new friend or just go out for a margarita with a friend. You are feeling social so get out and mingle or just meet someone new. It could be a simple chat with the person next to you while having a cup of coffee. You never know!
As you begin the week Mercury finally goes direct on May 12th from your 6th house of work, service and health. You will feel that work assignments and projects seem to be running smoothly. You will also be able to take care of your health better and find that you are able to lose weight easily too. Communication with coworkers and employers improve. The new moon on May 14th will fall in this same house of work and health giving you two weeks of being able to take care of your body and working hard for the money. You may find a new job that will give you able the same pay. It could be that you complete or receive new job assignments or opportunities. Your health improves through exercise and eating healthy. Jupiter and Uranus will support this new moon from your 4th house of home, which tells me you may be working from home. It could also be a time when you exercise more from home than in a gym. Saturn will support this new moon by giving you long-term stability and results. You will be dedicated and could bring a project that is with you for months or years to come. On May 16th and 17th your focus turns to the home as you may indulge in the home. You may relocate, renovate or make some repairs around the home. On May 18th your focus turns to career and work projects. You will work hard even focusing on tedious tasks. A great time to complete or catch up on projects. You may receive a job offer today.
You will begin to focus on love and children now that Mercury has gone direct on May 12th. You may reconnect with someone from your past or easily communicate with a child or lover. Communication with someone you care about or want to spend time with will be positive as you will be able to openly discuss your personal issues and problems. The new moon on May 14th will fall in your 5th house of love, children and creative projects. The next couple weeks will be a time when you may meet someone new or have a baby. You may hear news of a baby on the way. Creative projects and sports will be highlighted whether it's you playing in sports or a child being involved in sports. It's also a time to write music and enjoy music. Jupiter and Uranus will support this new moon from your third house of short trips, siblings, neighbors and communication. You may take a short trip to visit a loved one including a child or lover. It could be that your communication extends to family and special events with family. Saturn brings great security from you may find yourself traveling to visit someone from a different culture. It could be you enjoying the culture of music, dance and love. On May 17th you may indulge in a vehicle, computer or phone. It could be a new form of communication that seems to catch your attention. It could be a computer or cell phone gadget. It's a great time to take a quickly short trip but you will eat and spend plenty. By May 18th you are focused on what you want to do in the future or what opportunities may come for you in the future. Good luck.
It's all about the home this week. Mercury will go direct on May 12th from your 4th house of home making this a time when home projects should run smoothly. If you are planning to relocate into a new apartment or new home then you will be able to see projects run easily for you. It could be safe to sign a lease but still make sure to double check everything you sign or agree upon. The new moon on May 14th will fall in your 4th house of home. You may relocate, renovate or make changes around the home. It will also be a great time to decorate a room or home. Jupiter and Uranus will support this new moon from your 2nd house of earned income. It could be that you invest into this home or find a great deal in a new place. You may get lucky and find a place to live unexpectedly or at last minute. Saturn brings security and stability in connection to the home. It could be a place you will live in for the rest of your life or for many years. You may increase value to a place by making some repairs or renovations. A great time to save for your future home. On May 17th your finances will be highlighted. I feel that you seem to be spending more than expected or than what you feel like it. It could be that you go on a shopping spree or end up buying or renting a place that will be expensive or have some high costs. By May 18th your focus will turn to finances related to taxes, credit and loans. You may pay off some bills or catch up on certain bills or even receive the approval on a loan. It's easily a positive day when you may receive child support payments, alimony, a bonus or commission. Good luck.
Short distance trips, communication, siblings and neighbors have been highlighted for you for the last few weeks. Mercury finally goes direct on May 12th from this same house as communication will improve and you should see contact with your neighbors and siblings improve. It seems to be a wonderful time for you to catch up on emails, phone calls and text messages. Your communication with friends and family goes well. Problems with vehicles and computers should be fixed. The new moon on May 14th will fall in this same house giving you two weeks of opportunity to increase communication with others. You may decide to study and learn a new topic. Jupiter and Uranus will support this new moon from your own sign giving you a glow and shine. You feel good about yourself. Saturn will also bring some positive luck from your partnership house so you will work well with others. Neptune seems to be squaring off with the new moon making your creativity a bit wacky and different. Be careful not to idealize someone or something. On May 17th you seem to be enjoying laughter fun and friends. It's time for you to get out and enjoy the people around you. By May 18th you seem to be spending time with a partner. The partner may be a spouse, lover, business partner, friend, doctor, attorney or even a coworker. You will work closely with this person or spend quality time with them. It could be that you meet someone new at this time. Have fun and enjoy the Pisces in you. It's all about you and who you are. You will be accepted.
The Psychic One
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