Jupiter will enter your 6th house of work, service and health on June 6th. The next few months will bring a wonderful time for you. For one you will be seeing an increase of work assignments and projects which should bring more money. Your health will improve as you will take care of your body by eating healthier and losing weight easily. You will also spend time with pets or get a new pet. You will feel a closer bond and love with a pet and even take care of their health too. Jupiter will remain in the 6th house for about 4 months before returning back to your 5th house then making it's way back into your 6th house in February 2011.
Mars will enter your 11th house of friendships on June 7th giving you about 7 weeks to enjoy time with friends. You will see an increase of invites from friends. You may also argue with friends. Activities with friends will increase. You may play sports or start an exercise program with your friends. It seems to be a wonderful time to socialize and make new friends. Mercury will enter your 8th house of joint resources, taxes, credit and loans on June 10th. The next couple weeks will increase the time for you to focus on finances related to taxes, credit cards and loans. You may decide to pay off some bills or get ahead financially by cutting back your spending habits. On June 25th Mercury will enter your 9th house of long distance trips, foreigners and education. You may plan a trip or read into a new locale to visit. You will also spend time on reading, learning, studying and broadening your horizons. The Sun will join Mercury on June 21st. Venus will enter your 10th house of career on June 14th. The next 4 weeks will give you the time to receive praise and recognition for a job well done. You may receive a promotion or advancement. You will make the right impression on your boss or other higher authority. You may receive an award or reward for a job well done. Opportunities for advancement may come to you.
Scorpio Weekly Horoscope
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The new moon on June 12th will fall in your 8th house of joint resources, taxes, credit and loans. The next couple weeks may bring a time when you receive a loan or credit approval. You may also gain through a bonus, commission or reward. The new moon falls in the sign of Gemini, the sign of the twins which could bring two great opportunities for you. it could be two bonuses or two loans. The new moon may also bring a time for you to gain from a child custody case or alimony. The new moon will bring great support from Neptune which is currently in your 4th house of home. You may receive a loan for a home. You may move in with someone. The sharing of resources and finances is also strong. Saturn will create some problems by making you spend more or go beyond your means of affordability. It may be that you are receiving a big home loan to purchase a home which will give you a high monthly payment. There may be some obligations in the home that need to be taken care of which may tighten the wallet. It will be a great time for you to watch your finances so this could easily be a great time for you to get rid of old bills and debts to get ahead financially. You may feel that it is time to cut off some credit cards so you aren't spending lavishly. The new moon will allow you to look at yourself and eliminate what is not needed in your life including credit cards, and debts. You may join forces with a partner to start a business venture. A great new moon can bring money from other sources which can help you get ahead financially.
The home will also be important for you on June 4, 9, 13, 19, 24 and 27th. You may relocate, renovate or make changes around the home. You may purchase a new piece of furniture or paint a room. It seems to be a wonderful time for you to explore new places to live or how to improve your living space. A mother or mother figure will also be highlighted at this time. You may spend time with a mother or help her relocate.
Work obligation and opportunities increase on June 8, 10, 14, 15, 23 and 25th. You may get a new job or see an increase of work assignments that brings more opportunities and money. A new source of income may come to you.
The full moon lunar eclipse on June 26th will fall in your 3rd house of short trips, siblings, neighbors and communication. An eclipse has the energy to last up to 6 months. The next 6 months will bring a time for you to take more frequent short distant trips. Your communication will increase via email, text messages and phone calls. It's great if you are running your own business and looking to increase your sources of clients which can bring in more money. You seem to be busier and popular. You will be able to advance in your career. You will also find new ways to market yourself by promoting and advertising. It will be a wonderful time to reach out to other's and increase your exposure. You seem to have luck on your side for that too. Jupiter and Uranus support each other but will square off with this eclipse telling me that you may indulge financially or in your emotions. You may feel a greater sense of confidence so you may impulsively make some irrational decisions. Think clearly an focus on your desire but do not get too confident to lose track on your goals. Pluto also seem to be supporting this eclipse but will increase your desires to either get ahead and succeed or to think beyond your means. The eclipse will help you improve communication and connections with others including siblings, relatives, friends and even your neighbors. You may spend time with your neighbors or be involved in a neighborhood watch program. You seem to be connecting with your relatives including your cousins, aunts and uncles. Everyone seems to be enjoying your company. You are full of fun and laughter. I feel this full moon eclipse brings you many opportunities and choices. You may buy a new computer, cell phone or vehicle. It could be you spend or indulge in one of these items. Try not to get caught up in the latest gadgets because you may find yourself dumping it later on or even regretting it. The month of August is great to find good deals with computers so focus on getting a a ton for your money and for an awesome deal. The eclipse will affect all Scorpios but especially those born around the October days even more.
The month will bring so much to look forward to especially with the full moon lunar eclipse. You will run into so many opportunities so keep your eyes and ears open. Good luck.
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