Tip #1: Don't talk about your ex's
I know this one can be somewhat tough. Many times you would of mentioned it while talking over the phone or internet with the other person. During the first date you don't want to talk about the ex-lovers as it will make you seem as though you have an attachment to them. Do not send off this sign when you are trying to show off signs of moving on with this new person.
Also, do not try talk about an ex-lover as though if you saw them again you will want to kill them for the awful things they did to you. The other person will feel as though you are still attached to them and you are a psycho-crazy person whom they do not want to date for fear you may go psychotic on them.
Tip #2 Don't talk about religion
You may have already mentioned your religious background but do not try to carry a conversation about your beliefs especially if you are passionate about your religion. You will seem as though you are trying to impose your beliefs onto someone else.
Tip #3 Don't talk about politics
No matter what your political view may be the first date is not the time to talk about politics. Let politics be one of those topics you bring later on to the table.
Tip #4 Dress the part
You only get one chance to make the right first impression. If you are dressed as though you came from a farm or your business attire then go back and change your clothes. You are not going to a business meeting and you are not plowing or mowing a lawn. You are meeting the person that could be your next serious relationship. You can dress semi-casual depending on the place you will be meeting or having dinner. Make time for your appearance. Save the scruffy look for later.
Tip #5 Don't ask too many questions
You are not interviewing the person for a job you are trying to get to know their likes and dislikes. Take your time when trying to get to know them. Ask one question at a time or let them just talk to you even if its about nothing before asking another questions.
Tip #6 Be Confident
If you do not seem confident then don't expect another date. Men, especially, do not want to sit around reassuring you that you are worthy, beautiful, sweet, cute, nice, friendly 24/7 a day. If you are confident in yourself then they will want to be around you. Do not take this as being boisterous or arrogant. You are proud of your accomplishments and goals. They should be proud to date you because you are a wonderful person.
Tip #7 Don't Brag
This goes along with the last tip. It's ok to discuss your accomplishments but do not put it on a platter. Yes let the other person know you have your own success but do not make it seem that they should even be glad you are around them. All that will get you is a big turn off. If you want to turn people off for a living then go for it but do not expect another date. Hold back on mentioning your accomplishments. Mention it once but do not go beyong mentioning it two times throughout the entire date.
Tip #8 Do not have sex
You are trying to get to know the person not trying to sell your body. Once you have sex with the person the curiosity is over. If the person likes you then they still will want to get to see you again. Then again, if they like you they will want to see you even if you did not have sex with them. If their interested in your then its not all about the sex. There are some people who believe if they have sex then the other person will like them more when in reality they may not. Slow down and take your time getting to know the other person. Nowadays you don't want to make one impulsive mistake that may cost you years off your life.
Tip #9 Your first date can be casual
Do not feel that your first date has to be watching a movie and having dinner. You can set it up to meet for lunch or in another casual setting. I discovered that meeting in those types of environments helps people to relax more. You may not feel so pressured to make the perfect impression. You can meet them for lunch at a nice restaurant not your local fast food place. That will make the person think you want to rush through the date especially if you do want out fast. Go to a nice sit down restaurant were you have to wait at least 15 minutes to get your food. It will still you guys time to get to know one another without feeling rushed. Also attire does not have to be so formal.
Also another wonderful tip about meeting during lunch or in the afternoon is that there is no thought of a nightcap or the bedroom. It's purely about getting to know the person. Make time for the other person and do not try to meet them during your lunch break or while you are on your way to another meeting or event. Set up a schedule of time of at least 2 hours for that person.
Tip #10 Leave work and kids behind
In other words do not talk about your work and family as though its the only thing you have time for in your life when your trying to meet other people. If you say you are looking for a relationship and yet you mention you have very little time for family how do you think they will feel? They will feel as though you will have no time for them so what’s the point in trying to continue on with this date or any future dates. Do not talk about your work as though it consumes your life. It will make the other person think you live for your work. If you preach you are ready for a relationship but talk about work as though you live and breathe it the other person will feel that you do not want to find someone in your life. You have no time for them. Recognize what’s going on around you. If you want a relationship then make time for it. Do not say you want a relationship but are comfortable seeing or talking to the person once a month. Do not even put yourself out there at all.
I hope these dating tips will help you for the future. If you are trying to get to know someone new then take your time and do not feel that you have to rush into a relationship. You will eventually get there. Be positive. Good luck.
The Psychic One
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