Mercury goes direct on May 12th making this a time when you can move forward on agreements and negotiations. It may be that you need to take the time to clearly focus on positive decisions that need to be taken care of. I would suggest to not making any final decisions for another 5 days unless there are critical decisions to make during the time that Mercury goes direct. Below is a revision of where Mercury is currently at in your own sun sign and how it's still going to affect you even when Mercury goes direct.
On April 3rd Mercury will enter the sign of Taurus. The sign of Taurus is what I like to call the workaholic sign. It wants to make money and work hard to build financial security for the future. The problem is that it can become more like an obsession than a duty or career. Mercury love to connect and communicate will connect well with the hard working Taurus because it will build the security needed for success. The next 7 weeks you will focus on building value for your future by investing and finding greater ways to make more money. You may study on how to invest properly through retirement funds or stocks. Real estate and material possessions seem more enticing for you. If it can make you money or the goal is making more money will catch your attention. You will work hard to accomplish your goals.
Mercury will retrograde from Taurus on April 18th bringing you 3 weeks were some of these financial opportunities and investments may become a problem. You may find yourself having to revise or change the way you want to make more or build greater financial security. An investment or income may create problems for you. It could be that money you are expecting gets delayed or does not come in at all. Projects may need to be changed or revised. Mercury rules communication so it could simply be miscommunication with others. As long as you are aware and alert of the possibilities you will be able to handle any challenge easier and with great flexibility.
Aries- It's all about the money. You may see more money or just find new ways to make money for your future.
Taurus- You are just everywhere networking and making great connections. Communication goes well for you.
Gemini- your ruling planet supports you until it retrogrades then you have problems of the mouth whether it's saying things you shouldn't or hearing things you shouldn't.
Cancer- You increase contact with friends but be careful when Mercury retrogrades as some friends may reveal their true colors.
Leo- It's all about business and succeeding in your career. Great time to advance or sign a business contract that brings more money.
Virgo- Travel mentally and psychically these next few weeks. You will learn so much and make some new discoveries. Travel plans may change once Mercury retrogrades.
Libra- Credit, taxes and loans are highlighted as you may focus on budgeting and saving. Issues related to taxes and loans may become a problem during the retrograde cycle.
Scorpio- Communication increase with a partner. Issues of the past creep back up during the retrograde cycle as these old issues need to be resolved once and for all.
Sagittarius- You work hard for the money and your health seems to improve. Work assignments increase but expect to make some changes during the retrograde cycle. Great time to become a workaholic.
Capricorn- Lovers act like children and may play games. You involve more in sports and communicate with a lover or child of important issues. Children come to you.
Aquarius-The home is where you will spend your time. You may relocate, communicate or make changes around the home. Don't move during the Mercury retrograde as you can expect to relocate again later.
Pisces-You will be a chatterbox these next few weeks. Increase of emails, phone calls and text messages. Be careful when sending a message during the retrograde cycle as it may not go through or be taken the wrong way.
You can read in greater details of Mercury in Taurus and the retrograde cycle on your monthly horoscope. Make sure to check occasionally on what to expect during the Mercury retrograde too. Click on the link below to read your monthly horoscope and Mercury's affects on your sun sign.
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