It's going to be a busy week for you as you begin the week with a new moon falling in your 6th house of work, service and health. The new moon will keep you pretty busy with work assignments, tedious projects and tasks. Expect to have plenty of work to do and you will be able to get the work done on time. You seem to keep yourself busy. It's great time for your health as you seem to also take care of your healthy by exercising and eating healthy. You will drink more water and keep yourself focused on taking care of your body. Be careful not to indulge in junk foods and fatty foods. On September 9th Venus will enter your 8th house of joint resources, taxes, credit and loans. Venus will retrograde in this house next month so expect for Venus to spend about 2 months in your 8th house. The next few weeks will bring some material and financial benefits including loans, credit, rewards, bonuses, commissions, gifts and awards. You may gain through other means and sources. It could be that you are trying to buy a new vehicle, computer or other big item. You will be able to benefit in these gains. Your sex life will also improve too. Jupiter will reenter your 12th house of secrets and solitude. The next 3 months will help you to get rid of any bad habits and people in your life. You take care of your health too. Tedious projects and tasks are taken care of and completed on September 11th. You are prone to look over the small numbers and details to get things done correctly. On September 12th a career project or opportunity will present itself to you. You will take care of work projects. It could be that you receive a job offer or opportunity. You may even receive a promotion or begin a business venture. Mercury will finally go direct on September 12th from your 6th house of work, service and health giving you the freedom to move forward with your work projects and tasks. You seem to have the ability to move forward with your projects and can get work done with very little disruptions or problems. By September 13th and 14th you seem to be working with a partner. The partner may be a personal or professional partner. It's time to get your message across to others whom you need to work with. Compromise and consideration will bring great results. Communicate and work on the important issues to make great progress with other.
The week begins for you focusing on lovers, children, sports and creative projects. You are going to be open to new love and spending time with children. The new moon on September 8th will open the door to find love, fall in love, hear news of a baby on the way or even enter a sport. You will enjoy spending time with kids and making time for loved one's. Music and creative projects are also highlighted. You may enjoy music with a child or enjoy sports with children. You may coach or see a child in sports. It's also a time when you are socializing and enjoying time with friends. Be careful, as this could also be a time when you indulge and may drink too much. Venus will enter your partnership house on September 9th. The next few weeks will bring you the time to compromise with a partner. The partner may be a lover, business partner, coworker, friend or even a doctor or therapist. In October Venus will retrograde in your partnership house so you may have to take a closer look at your partner to see if you have to reevaluate an issue with them. Jupiter will return to your friendship house expanding your group of friends and groups. You are social and outgoing. Your career will also be highlighted on September 9th. You may receive a job opportunity or promotion. A great time to begin a business venture or do some research. Work assignments and projects keep you busy on September 11th. Mercury will finally go direct on September 12th helping communication with lover and children. You easily connect well with others and will be able to work out any issues or problems with a lover or child. At the same time you may also plan a trip or advertising and marketing on this day too. You may promote a product or yourself on the internet, radio and television. On September 13th and 14th will keep you busy and active. You are full of energy and motivation to get projects and activities done around the home or at work. You may be a bit too forceful or confident so be aware that not everyone may think the same way as you.
The new moon on September 8th will fall in your 4th house of home. The next couple weeks will focus your time on the home. You may relocate, renovate or make changes around the home. It could be that a roommate moves in or out. You may clean up around the home and even get rid of some old items in the garage or closets. Be careful as you may spend a little too much in the home including in rent or buying new furniture. On September 9th Venus will enter your 6th house of work, service and health giving you about 7 weeks to take care of work projects and to connect well with coworkers and colleagues. Venus retrogrades next month, which will add you a few more weeks into the same house. You will enjoy time at work and with coworkers especially female coworkers. Be careful as you may indulge in fatty foods and sweets. Jupiter will travel back into your career house for about 4 months giving you one last opportunity to receive a promotion, advancement or begin a business venture. At the same time your focus turns to marketing, publishing and even making plans for the future. It may involve trips or some opportunity to expand your business. On September 11th your focus will turn back to the home. You may sign a lease or make some plans for the home including making plans to clean the home or make changes in the home. Finances related to your joint resources, taxes and credit on September 12th. You may receive approval of a loan or credit. On the same day Mercury will finally go direct from your 4th house of home. You may relocate, renovate or move forward with a lease or mortgage. On September 13th and 14th your focus will turn to friends, communicating and connecting with friends. You will also feel a great activity with your friends. There may be arguments or disagreements with a friend so be careful what you say or you may later regret it.
As you begin the week you will spend your time taking care of obligations with children and loved one's. It may be that you meet someone special to fall in love with and build a strong relationship. The new moon on September 8th will fall in your third house of short trips, communication, siblings and neighbors. The next couple weeks will bring a time to travel and communicate with family and friends. You will reach out and feel great love to everyone. Communication increase via emails, text messages and phone calls. Be careful as you may indulge in a luxurious trip or on a computer or cell phone. Connect with family especially aunts, uncles and cousins. Venus will enter your 5th house of love and children on September 9th. The next few weeks will bring love your way. You may find love, fall in love or spend time with kids. Venus does retrograde next month giving you an additional 3 weeks total of about 7 weeks in your 5th house of love and children. You will enjoy time with kids especially listening to music and playing games and sports with them. Show people how much you care by giving them love and affection. Jupiter will return to your 9th house of long distance travel, publishing and marketing on the same day as Venus entering your 5th house of love. You may travel to visit loved one's or even market a product. Finances will be highlighted including taxes, credit, loans, bonus, commissions, rewards and gifts. You may gain or win a prize. Financial opportunities look great so you never know what may come your way. On September 11th you will take care of the small details and tasks around the home and work. Mercury will finally go direct on September 12th from your house of travel and communication. You may have to replace a computer or cell phone but now everything should be fine. You may also meet someone special on this say as Venus and Pluto share a little love with one another. By September 13th and 14th you seem to be taking care of projects around the home and you are full of energy. I feel it's going to be a great time to get work done and projects finally complete or are finalized.
It's a very productive week for you. As a Leo your mind is always working and you always seem to keep yourself busy. The new moon on September 8th has you focused on finances. You may see a new job or financial opportunity. Finances should improve. The energy will flow for the next couple weeks so this should help you grow your financial security. Be careful not to indulge and spend too much on non-essential items. Venus will enter your 4th house of home on September 9th giving you about 8 weeks to focus on the home. You may decorate, renovate or change the decor of a room. Venus retrogrades in your 4th house of home next month giving you the ability to carefully look at what has not been working in the home. Home security is questioned. You may seek a new place to live or decorate a room. A wonderful time to host or entertain in the home. Jupiter will return to your 8th house of joint resources, taxes, credit, loans, bonuses and commissions on September 9th. You will have about 3-4 months to be able to see some material and financial gains. The opportunity will be there for you to see progress with finances and even your career. You may gain through child support, alimony, bonuses and commissions. You may win a reward or raffle or other context. A partner will also be important for you as this individual or entity may help you to get ahead in your career or personal life. You may meet someone special to fall in love or build a great financial security. You are spiritual and charitable at this time too. Finances are highlighted on September 11th. You will take care of obligations relating to bills, taxes, credit cards and loans. Communication increases and improves at this time. Mercury will finally go direct on September 12th giving you freedom and flexibility with your finances. You may see money finally coming in with your job. A job opportunity finally comes through. On the same day work projects improve and increase. You seem to be connecting and networking well to see an increase of work projects. Your health also improves and you feel healthier. By September 13th and 14th you are feeling confident and ambitious at work. You are busy and seem to be bringing in the work projects and money. A great day to hear news of a job. Good luck.
The week will begin for you with a new moon on September 8th falling in your own sign. The next couple weeks will really open the door for you to advance in your personal and professional life. You will receive great opportunities for the future. It's time for you to shine and you will be the center of attention. People come to you and opportunities and doors open for you. Be careful as you seem to want to spend more than what you can handle. You may also enjoy too many luxuries. You may receive a special gift or opportunity. On September 9th Venus will enter your 3rd house of short trips, siblings, neighbors and communication. Since you will see Venus retrograde next month Venus will stay in this house for about 7-8 weeks. It's time to take short trips and enjoy time with family and friends. Communication increase via text messages, emails and phone calls. You are loving, affectionate and caring with family, friends and even your neighbors. You may find love on the internet or take a quick trip to visit someone you care deeply for. Jupiter will enter your partnership house on the 9th giving you about 4 months to focus back again to your partner. You will connect well with a partner. The partner may be business or personal. They will be outgoing and optimistic. Work projects and services are also positive for you on this day. Your creative skills are strong and you will produce some wonderful work. It's also a time when your health improves and you feel strong and confidence. You are focused on small details and numbers. A great time to balance the checkbook and pay bills. Mercury will finally go direct on September 12th. You are free to connect to communicate with others. You are also mobile and active. Love and children are highlighted on the 12th. You may find love, fall in love or meet someone new. Love is strong with a current partner. Children bring joy and love. You feel a greater bond and connection with others including children and friends. On September 13th and 14th you will be getting projects done and it seems to be a great time to exercise and lose weight. Have fun.
The new moon on September 8th will fall in your house of secrets and solitude. The next couple weeks will give you the time and opportunity to rest and relax. You may take a vacation or just catch up on sleep. You will feel a bit tired but you also seem to be more focused on getting rid of negative people and things around you. A great time to cleanse the spirit and negative thoughts in your life. You may indulge in food and drink or even indulge in love so don't exaggerate your emotions and feelings to others. Venus will enter your 2nd house of earned income on September 9th giving you about 7 weeks to make more money but you will also spend it lavishly. You may indulge in luxury items and may spend more than what you can afford. Jupiter will enter your 6th house of work, service and health giving you about 4 months to see an increase of work assignments and projects. If you’re looking to make more money then this is the time to see more money. Your health will improve but you may also catch yourself eating foods that are unhealthy for you. Your love life takes a nice boost as you may find love and fall in love. You will also give selflessly to the one's you love. It could be that you make time for children or hear news of a child on the way. A great time to enjoy sports and hobbies with kids. You make time for family on September 11th. A day to take time for family and the home. Mercury will finally direct from your 12th house on September 12th making this a time when all your thoughts and ideas begin to move forward. You will be able to plan projects and make them work for you. You will also be focusing on the home. You may relocate, renovate or make changes around the home around September 12th. By September 13th and 14th you seem to be busy with work projects and taking care of your health. Pets also are highlighted. You may exercise with a pet or take a pet to the vet. You may get a new pet too.
As you begin the week you will enjoy the energy of the new moon on September 8th falling in your 11th house of friendships. The next couple weeks may bring a new set of friends or a special event or partner. You are social and open to getting out and enjoying the time with family and friends. A special event may be attending a friends birthday party or wedding. Venus will enter your own sign on September 9th giving you about 8 weeks to enjoy the energy of your own sign. Venus does retrograde next month in this sign so it may be that you need to evaluate certain parts of your life carefully. You will dress differently and show off your new haircut or wardrobe. Jupiter will enter your 5th house of love and children on the 9th giving you 4 months to find love, fall in love and spend time with children. You may attend nigh clubs and bars frequently. You enjoy love and give love to family, friends and your children. The home also seems to be important on the 9th. You may relocate, renovate or make some changes around the home. It could also be that a roommate moves in or out of the home. You are focused on the small tasks and projects on September 11th. A great day to clean around the home. Mercury will finally go direct on September 12th from your friendships house. Friends are more social and talkative with you. You will get out and spend time with friends. Communication increase via text, emails and phone calls. By September 13th and 14th you are working hard for the money. It's great that you have plenty of energy to go around because you seem to be keeping busy with these projects. You get plenty of work done so it should help you to complete tasks and projects.
The new moon on September 8th will fall in your 10th house of career giving you a couple weeks to see a boost and gain in your career. You may receive a promotion, advancement or other financial benefit for your career. A simple gain can lead you to other opportunities. You may begin a business venture. I would warn you to be a little careful as you may believe and feel that the door of opportunity will bring great success when you have to make sure you need to work hard on these great opportunities and gains. You may get a job that can bring you a bonus only to find out that the bonus is based on your department success. Venus will enter your 12th house of secrets and solitude on September 9th giving you about 7 weeks to keep emotions and feelings to yourself. You are selfless and giving. The feeling and emotions may reveal itself once Venus goes retrograde next month. You may have a secret love affair. I would suggest not to pursue someone new just because you are feeling lonely at the time. You will regret it next month. You give more of your time to others. Jupiter will return to your 4th house of home giving you 4 months to relocate, renovate or make changes around the home. You may move into a more expensive place or your rent may even increase significantly. It's also brings a time to enjoy your new home environment. Short trips, siblings and neighbors are highlighted on this day. Communication increase via emails, text message and phone calls on September 11th. You seem to be taking care of small projects around town and at home. Mercury will finally go direct on September 12th from your career house. Projects and negotiations now seem to move forward easily. At the same time financial improve or increase. You may receive a job offer or financial opportunity. By September 13th and 14th you are making time to enjoy the company of family and friends. You may indulge in some drinks or just open to having a good time with friends. Enjoy.
As you begin the week you will focus on taking a trip or even expanding your horizons. The new moon on September 8th will fall in your 9th house of long distance trips, marketing, education, and relatives. The next couple weeks seems to open the door for you to travel long distance or have people come to visit you. You may enter a college or a university. Relatives especially the in-laws also stand out. You will read and educate yourself. It's also time for you to market and publish a product via the internet, radio or television. On September 9th Venus will enter your 11th house of friendships giving you the next 7 weeks a time to make more friends and spend time with friends. You will also be open to attending special events and parties. Get out and socialize. You never know who you may meet. At the same time Jupiter will enter your house of short trips, siblings and communication. The next 4 months increases short trips around town or even within a 200-400 mile radius. Communication increase via text messages, phone calls and emails. You are social and siblings, neighbors and even teachers are your primary focus. Get out and connect with the world. Finances are strong on the 9th too. You may receive a job offer or opportunity. It could be a new source of income or opportunity. You have a very serious tone and demeanor on September 11th. It's great to get work done and complete projects. On September 12th you do well in connecting with a partner, lover or friends. Emotions run high and you seem to be feeling a bit of a strong connection. Mercury will finally go direct from your house of travel and marketing so this seems to be a wonderful time to move forward on projects and trips. On September 13th and 14th you are doing well with the home. You may relocate or make some changes around the home. You are full of energy to get work done and you seem to be taking care of the small projects around you. It's a time to be productive and get yourself into a routine schedule.
The week begins with a new moon falling in your 8th house of joint resources, taxes, credit and loans on September 8th. It's also the house that supports alimony, child support, bonuses and commissions. The next to weeks obviously seem to highlight all these opportunities for you. You may gain through a financial perk or opportunity. You may win a raffle, gift or reward. it could be just getting a gift card or big discount. It could bring little financial gains but don't bet your rent money on lottery and the casino. Big winnings need to be promised in the birth chart. You may indulge in big ticket items especially if you do gain financially so set a budget so you don't crazy. Venus will enter your career house on September 9th giving you about 2 months to take advantage of career opportunities. Venus will last longer than the usual 4 weeks due to a Venus retrograde next month. The next few weeks brings praise and recognition for a job well done. The praise may be a bonus or commission. Jupiter will enter your 2nd house of earned income on the 9th giving you 4 more months to see an increase of money. Be careful as you may spend easily and carelessly. At the same time Mercury will finally go direct from your house of joint resources, taxes and credit freeing up the ability to see improvements in your finances especially with credit and loans. It is safe to sign contracts and negotiate any financial terms. On September 11th friendships, love and finances may come your way. You could make money through a business venture or job offer. A new friend may come your way and even perhaps a new lover. Love expands and you feel a stronger connection and attraction to someone. By September 13th and 14th you are communicating frequently and taking short trips around town. A quick trip to the store may cause an accident so drive slow. If someone cuts you off just let it go. Communication increase via the internet and messages.
It's a week for you to take time and listen to your partner. The partner may be someone personal or someone professional. On September 8th the new moon will make you take a closer look at your partner. You may meet someone new or build a partnership with someone already close to you. It could be a friend or coworker. You are working to build a strong bond and connection with someone else. It could be an entity or corporation especially if you are looking to build a business or company. You may meet someone special to fall in love with or a new friend or build a stronger connection and network. You are full of happy thoughts. Be careful not to get too happy and indulge in too much confidence in the person or business. You need to be wise and know that if you are willing to compromise it also means you need to listen. On September 9th there are a couple of wonderful events happening for you. For one Jupiter will return to your sign one more time for about 4 months. It will then move on and won't return for 12 years. You have one last opportunity to make it all about you. You attract people easily your way. You are open to connecting with people and will be the center of attention. People come to you and you seem to bring great attention your way. Take advantage of it and make it work for you. Take advantage of business connection or connect with someone special. At the same time Venus will enter your 9th house of long distance trips, foreign people and places. The next couple weeks opens the door to travel or to visit someone special. You may connect well with someone from a distance. It could be that you spend more time connecting and communicating with people from afar or foreigners. You are also learning, educating and reading new topics of internets. Advertising and marketing is positive too. Venus retrogrades next month so you may find yourself slowing down a little. I also wanted to quickly mention that on the 9th your spirituality heightens. You feel a stronger spiritual bond with others. You may be selfless and giving. It could be you come to the realization of some bad habits or people in your life are unhealthy. Communicating with a partner brings positive results on September 11th. Friends are important for you on September 12th. New friends bring new beginnings. Mercury goes direct finally on the 12th from your partnership house. Communication and compromise brings greater improvement to your relationships. By September 13th and 14th you are focused on finances. You may spend carelessly or to pay off some bills and debts. Good luck.
The Psychic One
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