Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Sun conjunct Saturn-A Tough Day

On September 30th the Sun will conjunct with Saturn making this a time when you will feel frustrated with work obligations and other projects at work and at home. You may feel blocked from being able to make progress at completing projects or even being able to connect well with others. A conjunction from the Sun and Saturn seem to bring a tough time with coworkers and especially those in higher authority. You may receive criticism from a male authority. It could bring a time when you feel that no one respects you or even wants to assist you in completing certain tasks. People you associate with may not agree with your thoughts or plans.
If you are a Gemini this conjunction will affect you with lovers and children. You may have a disagreement or arguments with a loved one. For Aries, this may be a time to disagree or argue with a partner. This partner may be a business partner, lover or spouse. You may not connect well with this individual but be patient and hear them out. Libras have it made as Saturn is traveling in their own. For instance this conjunction will help Libras focus on their health. A Saturn-Sun conjunction usually affect the bones so your spine or back may be the source of the problem. It could also bring a wonderful time to exercise and watch your weight. If you have been struggling to keep your weight down then use these next couple days to eat healthy and do some cardio or strength training.
The Sun-Saturn conjunction does have its ups and down as it will benefit anyone who can use this transit wisely. If you are feeling stressed due to work obligation then just know that the hard work will pay itself off. You will be able to get through this time and gain so much recognition at the end. Good luck.
Aries-A partner may bring difficulties or important issues are resolved.
Taurus-You work hard for the money. Tedious projects and tasks keep you busy.
Gemini-It's all about love and children. Serious conversations bring results.
Cancer-It's about the home. You may relocate or make changes around the home.
Leo-Communication, writing and conversations take on a serious tone.
Virgos-Finances are tight. Time to budget and save.
Libras-Great day to cut back on fatty foods and lose weight.
Scorpio-You may feel a bit depressed, stressed or anxious.
Sagittarius-Friends may be difficult. You may lose a friend.
Capricorn-Career projects keep you busy. Time to manage and take care of tedious work.
Aquarius-Take care of projects in marketing or with a relative. Take care of errands.
Pisces- Financial concerns and obligations regarding taxes, credit and loans.

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