Jupiter will enter back into your 12th house of secrets and solitude giving you the ability to get rid of bad energy and people from your life. At the same time Venus enters your 8th house of joint resources, taxes and credit. You may see some wonderful financial gains. Your sex life improves too. Friends are highlighted and you seem to be making more friends or receive a special invite. Expect to work on and take care of obligations at 1:09pm. You seem to work hard for the money and take care of projects at home too.
Friends stand out starting today now that Jupiter has entered back into your 11th house of friendships. Venus will enter your partnership house helping you compromise with a partner. Work projects and opportunities come your way today. You may receive a job offer. At 9:26am you may feel a bit manipulated or controlled by others. It could be you trying to control someone else. By 1:09pm you are focused and working hard. A great time to take care of some chores around the home.
It's a wonderful time for you to receive a promotion, advancement or even begin a business venture. You may receive a raise now that Jupiter has returned to your career house. At the same time Venus enters your 6th house of work, service and health helping you to get along with coworkers and colleagues. Be careful as you may indulge in chocolate, sweets and fatty foods. It's a wonderful time to plan a long distance trip or connect with foreign people and places. Education and marketing is positive and time to be productive to the public. At 1:09pm you seem to be active around town and at work. You are hard working at this time.
Venus will enter your 5th house of love and children today giving you the opportunity to find love, fall in love and spend time with children. Creative arts like music and dancing stand strong. Sports and hobbies are positive too. Jupiter returns to your house of long distance travel and marketing so the next 4 months are great to take a quick trip. Finances connected to taxes, loans, credit, child support, alimony, bonuses and commissions are positive today too. At 1:10pm will be a wonderful time to communicate and connect with a loved one or partner.
You can be dramatic when you want. Venus enters your 4th house of home today giving you the time to decorate or look for a new place to live. You may host at your home too. Jupiter will return to your financial house which could bring you luck with taxes, credit and loans. Awards and rewards may come to you too. A partner is highlighted. You may marry, start a partnership or even work closely with someone on this day too. You work hard on projects or communication keeps you busy at 1:05pm. You may email, text or make some phone calls at this time too. You are social and outgoing today.
Communication and short trips takes your time now that Venus has entered your third house. You may meet someone via the internet or through a personal ad. You express your words of love and affection to someone you care for deeply. Jupiter enters your partnership house and this could be the time to build a personal or professional partnership. You may work closely with someone to get ahead in your career. You may meet someone new in the next few months. Work projects and health looks great today and tomorrow. You work hard but your health improves too. You will find yourself drinking plenty of water. You may spend time with a pet or get a new pet. At 1:09pm work projects increase or you seem to keep yourself busy around the home and at work.
Finances are coming your way now that Venus has entered your 2nd house of earned income. You will make more money but you may also spend it lavishly. Work projects, clients and customers will increase and improve too helping you to see more money and work. Love and children are positive today. You may find love or fall in love. You also connect well with children. You may join a sport, hobby or art project like music and dancing. Around 1:05pm you are focused on hard work and taking care of tedious duties around the home.
It's all about you now that Venus has entered your sign. You are receiving praise and attention from everyone. You may get a new wardrobe or haircut. Do it now and not next month when Venus retrogrades. You may regret it later. Jupiter returns to your 5th house of love and children making this a time to fall in love, spend time with children or even make time for the people around you. The home is important now as you may relocate, renovate or make some changes around the home. It's a busy day for you especially in the afternoon when you seem to be taking care of chores and tasks around you.
You keep feelings to yourself and may even give selflessly to others now that Venus has entered your 12th house of secrets and solitude. Jupiter returns to your 4th house of home making this a time to enjoy your home environment and space. A mother or parent will even a stronger connection to you. A short trip and communication seems positive today. You may take a quick trip or even make time for friends by communicating and connecting with them via the internet, emails and text messages. Siblings and relatives are important for you today too. You are serious in getting work done around 1pm. You are hard working and will accomplish plenty.
Friends come your way and you seem to make more friends now that Venus has entered your 11th house of friendships. You connect well with groups. A friend may turn into a lover or a lover acts more like a friend. Short trips and communication increase now that Jupiter has returned to your third house. Finances improve and a financial opportunity or job may come to you today. You are also focused on finances around 1:09pm. A great time to budget and balance the checkbook.
Your career should enjoy a little boost especially the next few weeks. Venus enters your career house giving you praise and recognition for a job well done. You may even receive a job offer. Jupiter returns to your financial house for about 4 months helping you to see a financial gain. I will just warn you that you could spend money easily too. You seem to also be willing to give more time and effort to your friends and family. You are open to connect and communicate with them. At 1pm you are reaching out to someone or a group that is long distance from you. It could even be on the internet or phone.
Jupiter will return back to your own sign for about 4 months making it all about you. Your greatest wish or goal may finally come true. Accomplishments and promotions may finally appear. You will shine because it's about you. Venus will enter your house of long distance trips, foreign people and places for the next couple months. You will connect with people at a distance and even focus on marketing, publishing and education. You will also feel a greater spiritual connection with others. A great day to feel your premonitions and intuition kick in. You are also selfless and giving. Expect hard work and focus on finances around 1pm. It could be related to debts, credit, loans and taxes.
All times are EST
The Psychic One
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