Thursday, September 30, 2010

Taurus Horoscope for October 2010

Your focus for the month will be on partnerships and work projects. Your health will also be a primary focus and concern. i feel it's going to be a great month if you are looking for another job or looking to lose some weight. You start the month on October 1st by focusing on career projects. Make sure to double check everything you hear because you may be confused about your job assignments. A career opportunity may be offered to you but I suggest you get it in writing. A project may need to be revised or you may be a bit tired to complete the project.

There are a couple of other wonderful career dates to look forward to including October 16, 18, 19, 20, 27 and 30th. I feel all these dates are great for your career. You may receive a promotion or advancement. It could be that you tackle on more work for yourself but it's all going to pay off when you receive great recognition for it. It could be that you decide to pursue a business venture or new job for yourself. I have more work and career dates to mention soon so hang on.

Mercury will enter your 6th house of work, service and health on October 4th. The next 3 weeks will increase your work projects but you seem to be very productive. It's great to work on tedious projects like invoicing, accounting, bookkeeping, crafting and sewing. You seem to have the patience for it. On October 21st Mercury will enter your partnership house which brings 3 weeks to focus on a partner. The partner will be open to communicating and working on persona issues and problems. The partner may be professionally or personal related. The Sun will join Mercury on October 24th.

Taurus Weekly Horoscope


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Mars will enter your 8th house of joint resources, taxes, credit and loans on October 28th. The next 7 weeks can bring about some problems with credit, loans, joint resources, money and assets. You may be going through some legal problems or going through a divorce or breakup. Financially it could be a time when you spend freely and carelessly. If you have the money to spend then that is one thing. If you don't have money to spend then you will find yourself racking up the credit cards. There could be problems with your credit report so if you can I suggest to check your credit report for any errors. You may feel that it's time to handle your finances differently by paying some bills or looking into a retirement fund. You may learn new ways to invest and save. I think it's a great idea to plan for the future as you never know when you may need that nest egg.

The new moon on October 7th will fall in your 6th house of work, service and health. The next couple weeks brings a time for you to work hard for the money. You may receive a job offer or opportunity. Your health will also improve. You may lose weight or eat healthy. Pets also seem to be a priority or concern. You may get a new pet or spend time with a pet. It could be that you are focused more on a pet's health. It would be a good idea to exercise with your pet by taking walks together. If you have a dog your dog will appreciate the walk as they love to discover new scents and people. Mercury and the Sun will support this new moon giving you the opportunity to connect and collaborate with others. Saturn also brings great support for this new moon creating long term security and stability. Obviously if you get a new pet it will bring a great commitment and long term happiness. A job could also bring it's long term rewards. You will also feel a great security in your work and for your health too.

Venus will begin to retrograde on October 8th from your partnership house. It is big for you because Venus is your ruling planet. The partner can be anyone that is professionally or personally connected to you. It could be a spouse, lover, friend, coworker, boss, lawyer, doctor or even a therapist. I will warn you that I have seem many times a breakup or ending of a partnership during a Venus retrograde. I have seen divorces occur during a Venus retrograde and it does not help you at all being that Venus rules your sign. i am not saying that you are going to see a breakup but if your relationship has already been falling apart then the retrograde will heighten those issues. I want you to make sure that you read my Venus retrograde article so you grab more insight on what to expect during the retrograde cycle.

Venus retrograde

Work projects and assignments improve and increase on October 20th and 27th. Expect to stay busy during those days. I also feel a great time to receive a job offer or opportunity.

The full moon on October 23rd will fall in your 12th house of secrets and solitude. You may spend the next couple weeks just catching up on sleep. it could be that you are working hard in solitude trying to complete many projects and assignments. You may feel lonely and isolated. It also seems to be a time when you will look deep within yourself and take care of any unhealthy people and habits around you. The last full moon in this same house came on September 24th so you have been dealing with these issues since back then. It's time to get rid of what you don't need in your life. It may be time to let go of the past and unhealthy people and things in your life including addictions like drugs and alcohol. It's time to seek help if you need it. Neptune is supporting this full moon from your career house telling me part of your seclusion will be career related so expect to work long hours. It comes naturally for you either way.

Finally, friends seem to be a great source of pleasure on October 2, 3, 6, 24 , 25 and 28th. You enjoy your friends and make some new one's too. It's the right time to throw a party and enjoy the people around you.

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