The new moon on September 8th will fall in the sign of Virgo. The sign of Virgo is the sign that likes perfection. It's time to be tidyand neat organized and tedious. It's time to set budgets and balance the checkbook. You will also focus on your health by exercising and taking care of routine care and hygiene. You may go to the dentist or receive a routine checkup. It also seems to be a great time to craft, sew, create and decorate. You will take care of pets, get a new pet or even look after the health of a pet. Virgo is the sign that likes to be critical and judgemental so be careful not to be harsh on someone when you believe you are trying to be helpful. Venus and Jupiter seem to be create problems with one another making this a time when you may fall ill or feel ill. It could also be that you eat too much and end up with a bad case of heartburn or indegestion. If you notice that your stomach does not take well to certain foods then quit and eat something light to help with your digestive system. Do not try to push on eating fatty foods when your system does not go well with it right now. You may also fall sensitive to alcoholic drinks or unique foods so be careful. It's time to take care of tedious projects and chores around the house so use the time to get work done. The new moon will afftect all sun signs but especially Virgos, Pisces, Cancer or Capricorns because the new moon falls in personal houses.
To read how this new moon will affect you make sure to read your weekly and monthly horoscopes at
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