The full moon on September 23rd will fall in your own sign. It is the first of two full moon in your own sign in a row. That means you will receive about a month of great opportunities. The full moon highlights emotions so you may be getting married, falling in love, having a baby or even making some great discoveries about yourself. You may lose weight or hear positive news of your health. It's a time of new beginnings and possibilities. The full moon will receive some support from Venus and Mars which is great because it will bring your creative and charming side out to the public. The problem is Saturn and Pluto creating problems with this full moon. It is time to face your frustrations and problems with a partner or career. I feel that even though this is a wonderful full moon for you it can also bring about some disappointments. I don't feel it's going to bring the type of disappointment that will leave you depressed. Just the disappointment that you could of accomplished more but weren't able to. The full moon can offer you so much it just depends on what is going on in your life right now. A full moon in zero degrees will usually closed one door but open another door. It could be professionally or personally for you. On September 25th and 26th will bring a time to focus on your career. You will work hard for the money or even lose or quit a job. If you are trying to make changes in your life then this may be the time to do so. It's also a time to look carefully and thoroughly on projects and assignments that need to be done or completed. You will have patience to take care of tedious details.
The full moon on September 23rd will fall in your 12th house of secrets and solitude. The next couple weeks will give you the time to catch up on sleep, rest and relax. You may also take this opportunity to get rid of bad habits and people in your life. It could be a life changing experience for you. It’s time to get rid of those addictions and bad habits. You may have to go to the hospital to get a procedure done or surgery. It's a time to let go of one part of your life to move forward to a new part of your life. The full moon is only the first in two full moons falling in the same house. You will obviously be focused on your health for the next few weeks. Saturn will oppose this full moon from your 6th house of work, service and health making this a very difficult time. You may feel anxious, stressed or worried about work projects or your health. It could be that you need to take care of your pet or the health of your pet. The next two weeks will open the door to fix yourself. By September 25th and 26th your concern will turn to expending your horizons and getting rid of what you don't need in your life. You may make a career change or enter college. It could be you take some classes in cooking, real estate or even management. You want to learn and manage. Take the opportunity to focus on your own personal wants and needs. You will be able to make plans for the future and even begin to focus on your future career. Marketing and publishing is strong too. You may market a product or even publish a book or works of art.
The full moon on September 23rd will fall in your 11th house of friendships. The next two weeks may bring an ending to friends. You may see a friend move away or you may leave your closest friends. It will also be a wonderful time for you to plan a special event or you may attend a friends party or celebration including a wedding. Saturn will oppose this full moon from your 5th house of love, children and creative projects. You may find it a bit difficult to make time for friends or you may hear of a friend having a baby. Your love life and children will somehow be at odds with your friends and family. There may be a birthday party for a child planned or that you will attend. It could be that you are doing something for a child that will bring people together. It could be for charity or you volunteer your time for a charity relating to children. You are working hard and feel fully dedicated to these projects and gatherings. you wants to connect with all friends and family. The full moon is the first of two full moons in a room in the same house. It tells me that you have more obligations relating to friends, organizations and groups. You seem to have a hectic and busy schedule so you might as well begin to learn how to balance it all now because it's not slowing down. On September 25th and 26th your focus turns to finances especially finances related to taxes, credit and loans. There may be a time when you have a big debt or bill to pay. You may have financial issues to deal with especially in connection to child support, alimony and settlements. You may gain a bonus, reward or commission too.
The full moon on September 23rd will fall in your 10th house of career. The next couple weeks may bring the ending of a career venture or job. You may be transferring into another career field or new job. You may receive a promotion or job offer. It is the first of two full moon that will fall in your career house. The next one will come at the end of October. Saturn will oppose this full moon from your 4th house of home. You may have to relocate for this job. You may need to bring work home. It could be that you need to look over your finances and see if you need to get a second job possibly neglecting your family. Expect to work hard and invest long hours at work. There may also be problems with a partner in this whole process so just know that adjustments need to be made for everything to work itself out. i know this could be a difficult and emotional time but you will be able to get through the challenges. Just know it is the first of two full moon affecting your career so expect more obligations and challenges. By September 25th and 26th a partner may bring or crate problems. There may be an ending of a relationship or partnership. if there are issues in the relationship then I suggest to work things out or else before the Venus retrograde shows up you will find yourself with a ending of a relationship. I also feel that this is the time to get rid of people or things in your life that are unhealthy. By September 28th you are beginning to see things clearly and know that it's time to move forward in your life.
The full moon on September 23rd will fall in your 9th house of long distance trips, foreign people and places. The full moon in your 9th house is one of two full moons heading your way. The next couple weeks may bring you the time to plan a trip or take a long distance trip. You may travel to explore new places and people. You will meet and bond with people of different cultures and languages. It could be that this will be the time for you to learn a new foreign language. You may attend school or enter college or a university. Mass marketing and publishing will also be highlighted. You may promote a product via the internet, radio or television. You will meet people from all different backgrounds. It could be that you study and learn of different foreign backgrounds. Saturn will oppose this full moon from your third house of short trips, communication, family and neighbors. There could be a greater bond and connection to someone nearby you or to a nearby. There seems to be a sense of obligation at this time to a family member or neighbor. You connect well with everyone you meet. Pluto seems to be a bit tough right now from your 6th house of work, service and health. You may find yourself busy at work getting many projects done. There could be a time schedule and obligations to work projects. Your health may be affected but I feel it's more due to a lack of sleep. From September 26th through September 28th your work projects will increase and you seem to be busier than ever. It's great if you want to make more money or see more money come in from a business. You are busy and will look over the numbers carefully. It can bring in financially security too.
The full moon on September 23rd will fall in your 8th house of joint resources, taxes, credit, loans, child support, alimony and debts. The next couple weeks may bring a time to pay off a debt or pay a hefty bill or debt. You may find that this bill is related to credit issues or loans. It is the time to take care of old debts as they don't seem to go away. You may have to deal with a partner or ex-partner regarding child support, alimony, joint assets and ventures. The partner may be business related or it could be personal like a spouse or lover. The full moon will be the first of two full moon in this same house. Obviously it tells you that you can expect about a good month of having to deal with these issues. Next month you have the Venus retrograde which rules money and joint ventures so this is a door of opportunity. You may also decide to venture into a business with someone. It could be that you combine resources with someone else including a partner or lover. The resources may be by moving in with a roommate, friend, relative or partner. Saturn will oppose this full moon from your 2nd house of earned income. I feel that this will bring you a time of financial obligations. You may have to take care of some debts so you are finding ways to pay them off by moving in with someone or they move in with you. If you have limited funds and resources you may have to borrow money to pay off some bills or debts. It's a bit of a tough situation to put yourself in but you manage. It feels very temporary so this could be for the week. Next month full moon should be a bit easier for you. Pluto will also square off with this full moon from your 5th house of love and children. The financial obligations may be related to a child, lover or partner. These bills or financial obligations seem to weigh you down for the time but as a true Virgo you find a way out. On September 26th and 27th you are getting rid of what you don't need in your life. You may end a relationship or even decide to get rid of some bad habits around you. It's time to look over the little projects at home. You may also help to focus on the finances. It's a great time to take care of tedious projects too.
The full moon on September 23rd will fall in your partnership house. As I mentioned in the past a partner could be personal or professional. It may be a spouse, lover or friend. Professionally it could be a coworker, business partner, private, entity or company, employee or employer. The next couple weeks may open the door for you to meet someone special, get engaged or marry. You may form a business partnership. The partner may be a lawyer, doctor or even a therapist. You will work closely with others to get ahead financial or with your career. The full moon is the first of two in your partnership. I feel this can easily be great news for you as it can really open some doors of accomplishments. I won't lie but will say that full moons can bring endings including the ending of a partner or relationship. If this ending occurs it is because it's necessary in your life at that time. Saturn will oppose this full moon from your own sign so you can expect to take on some responsibility for yourself and your relationships. Obligations and responsibilities are important now because it will show you a sense of growth and maturity. Once you fix or resolve these partnership issues you will become strong and prosperous. Pluto will be a bit tough on you but again growth makes you stronger. The home seems to be highlighted for you on September 25th through September 28th. You are cleaning out the closets and getting rid of anything broken on useless. You clean and take care of chores around the home. A great time to clean out the garage or closets.
The full moon on September 23rd will fall in your 6th house of work, service and health. The next couple weeks will bring an increase of work projects, tasks and assignments. You may finally complete a project or assignment. You will find yourself working hard for the money or the same pay. You may receive a new job or new job assignment. Your health will also be a great concern. It's the right time to exercise and lose weight. You will also eat healthier. Take the next couple weeks and take care of routine checkups and any vaccines that need to be updates. Pets are also important right now and it may be your pet's health you will be concerned. You may get a new pet or spend time with pets. The full moon in your 6th house will be the first of two full moon falling in the same house. The next one will come towards the end of October. You will be taking care of all these obligations with work, health and pets for about the next month. It may be time to get healthy and take care of your body. It will only be wise to get rid of any bad habits that could be risking your health including smoking and drinking. The full moon will oppose Saturn so be prepared that obligation will increase at work or with pets and your health. You will dedicate time to your health. You are disciplined. I feel that you will also be disciplined with your work projects and tasks. It's even tasks around the home that you will be able to take care easily too. Take your time as you will be able to focus on your own personal or professional obligations and needs. Pluto will square off with this full moon from your communication house. You seem to be feeling the need to control others or you feel controlled by others. It could be that some projects are within someone else's control and you must accommodate to their schedule. You may take a quick sudden trip on September 25th and 26th. You will look over the tiny details and communication is precise. Your conversations extent via emails, text and phone calls. Be careful as a computer, phone or vehicle may break down at this time. It could be that it just needs to be repaired.
The full moon on September 23rd will fall in your 5th house of love, children, creativity, sports and recreational activities. The next couple weeks may bring a time to find love, fall in love or spend time with children. You may hear of news of a baby on the way or spend time with children. The interesting part is that this is the first of two full moon that will fall in the 5th house of love and children. That tells me that you will have about a full month of having to deal with some of these obligations. It can be a fun time for you. You may get back in the dating scene after a bad breakup. It could be that you are open to socializing and meeting someone new. Family functions and special events are also highlighted. You may see an increase of invites and parties. You may find yourself hanging out in bars and clubs. It's also a time of endings and new beginnings. You may end one relationship to enter into a new relationship. It could be that you change your view about relationships. It's a time of growth and new beginnings and endings. If you end a relationship it's only because it was a relationship already falling apart. Saturn will oppose this full moon which will bring obligation and duty to your love life, children and creative projects. You may work hard at a sport or hobby. Pluto will also square off with this full moon from your 2nd house of earned income which may bring some financial obligations or concerns with this lover, partner, child or sport. it could be a costly hobby or sport. You may also have a busy schedule full of obligations at work and may get in the way of your private life and time. On September 25th and September 26th you seem to be focused on your finances and taking care of any bills or debts. At the same time you are getting rid of bills or other financial obligations. By September 28th you seem to be feeling a bit more confident regarding your finances and home.
The full moon on September 23rd will fall in your 4th house of home. A full moon usually represents endings. It could be the ending of a home or home town. You may be moving into a bigger home or even a smaller home to save money on a mortgage or rent. Saturn seems to be opposing this full moon from your career house telling me the obligations have more to do with your work than family. You may relocate for a new job but have to move the entire family. It could be that you are taking work home or need to build a home office. It seems to be a time of responsibilities and obligations and you are going to be working hard for the money. On September 25th and 26th you are getting rid old items around the home or at work. If it doesn't work then you must accept to let it go or throw it away. By September 28th you seem to be focused on taking care of obligations around the home or focused with the family. A trip or education seems to be important at this time too. You may enter college or even complete a class or topic of interest.
The full moon on September 23rd will fall in your third house of short trips, communication, sibling and neighbors. The next couple weeks will bring a time for you to take sudden short trips. You may not have to take a quick trip for professional or personal reasons. Communication increases or improves via internet, emails, text messages and phone calls. You will take time for family, friends, cousins, aunts and uncles. It's also a time when you may have to buy a new computer, vehicle or cell phone. The full moon in your communication will be the first of two full moons falling in this house. Communication and short trips will be important for you. You may find yourself having to take a couple of trips to visit family and friend in the next few weeks. You may study and learn new things about your family and your surroundings. It’s time to get out and explore. Family will be important and reaching out to them will be your priority. You may finally let go of the past and move onto the future. It’s a time to take care of your health especially on September 25th through September 27th. You may decide or figure out that in order to move forward you need to get rid of unhealthy habits and people. It's time to get a routine checkup or get vaccines. You will be able to save yourself and take care of your body. It also seems to be a time when you are letting go of the past and making way for your future. It could be emotional and psychological. In order to be happy you need to accept the truth and take care of the problems or else it will continue to live inside of you.
The full moon on September 23rd will fall in your 2nd house of earned income. You will have two full moon back to back that will fall in your 2nd house. The current full moon will be the first of two full moon in this house. You will have about a month focused on your house of income. The next couple weeks will really highlight a time for you to be able to make more money or see your finances increase. You may finally receive a bonus, raise or commission. I feel this could be the time when you receive a job offer or opportunity. If you have been patiently waiting to get a job you will be surprised at how it finally all comes together. It’s a positive time for the finances to come through. Saturn will oppose the full moon from your 8th house of joint resources, taxes, credit and loans. You may gain but also have to feel obligated to a bill or debt. It could be that you are paying off a bill from money you are gaining or making. Pluto will square off this full moon from your 11th house of friendships making this a time when you will feel a bit pulled in different directions. The duties and obligations may be a bit beyond your control but you do need to take care of the tasks and duties around you. Money can be made but it may also be gone through investments or from you having to buy some luxurious item. You see more money but turn around and pay off the bills or buy something new and possibly expensive. Opportunities are there for a job or benefits. Your finances seem to still be an issue for you on September 25th and 26th. It could relate to your taxes, credit and loans. You may be paying off a debt. Friends also become a concern or issue. It could be time to let go of a friend or you see a friend move away. There could be a disagreement or argument with a friend.
The Psychic One
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