The week is going to make you get down to business. You may feel a bit overwhelmed with so many priorities and duties to take care of. On September 29th and 30th you will be focused on a partner. The partner may be a business partner, coworker, employer or employee. It can be a spouse, lover or friend. There will be stress and tension. It could be that they aren't spending enough time with you or vice verse. A coworker or employer may be complaining that you aren't getting all the work done necessary to get ahead with the projects. Expect to feel a bit of tension. How you handle it will make a big difference. On October 1st friends may enliven you with many demands and your attention. You may lie to a friend or a friend lies to you. You may be a bit confused regarding one of your friends. Confusion comes easily and it may be that what you discover about someone may not be entirely true. It's also time to meet someone new or you may attend a wedding or special event. On October 2nd you are feeling a bit anxious regarding money. It could be that bills are all due at once. Finances may be a bit tight right now so time to budget. On October 3rd you may be in a very romantic and intense mood to meet someone. It could be a first date or you find a strong attraction to a current love. A great first impression. Friends are also highlighted as you will enjoy time with them. On October 4th Mercury enters your partnership house. The next 3 weeks will give you the opportunity to improve communication with a partner. It's time to clear the air and discuss important issues and problems with the partner.
It's time to get down to business and work. Actually as a Taurus it's always about work. On September 30th you will focus on tedious projects and assignments. You will keep yourself busy but you become a workaholic. Your health will also improve. it could be that your back or teeth need attention so go to the doctor if you are in pain. Take care of yourself by eating healthy and exercising. You will be able to get routine checkups and any vaccines. Pets are also a concern. You may take a pet to the vet or you get your first or another pet. Work projects grow on October 1st. You are keeping busy. It could bring a career or job offer or opportunity. Be careful not to scatter yourself so much as you will really feel a bit lost in the woods if you try to take on too much right now. On October 2nd a friend may come to you or you spend time with friends. It may be a bit of a challenge since this friend may be a bit of trouble or a challenge. You may have a conversation with someone that brings confusion with a message they are sending to you. As you get closer to October 3rd you are social and friendly. You seem to be spending time with a partner. It could be a business partner, client or customer. It may be a lover, spouse or your best friend. Enjoy the time and energy going around now as it could bring great results for business and personal. On October 4th Mercury will enter your 6th house of work, service and health. The next 3 weeks will bring tedious tasks and project so expect to keep busy...again. I also feel that this is a time when you seem disciplined and get work done on time. You are focused and structured. You will take care of any work that needs research, time and patience. Good luck.
Love brings stability and security on September 29th and 30th. It may be that you need to discuss a serious issue or problem with a lover, partner or even a child. Children also seem to be a concern. You may need to discipline a child or even take time to focus on their studies. Spending time with someone you love takes on a serious tone. You mean business. You could meet someone who is older and wiser or mature for their age. On October 1st communication may go a bit haywire. You may get confused by messages sent to you. There may be some computer problems or even electrical problems on October 2nd. It could bring you some sudden surprises at work or with your career. Hopefully the surprises are positive but I can't make any promises of it. If you feel a bit anxious or stressed at work try to keep yourself calm or else you will find yourself making some errors. If you are at home then you may be stressing about work or a work assignment. You do well to get along with coworkers, employees and employers on October 3rd. You make a great impression during an interview or during a meeting. Your creativity is heightened which is great if you are in marketing or need to make a presentation. By October 4th Mercury enters your 5th house of love, children and creative projects. The next 3 weeks will make you act like a kid or spend time playing games with children. There may be games of love but hopefully you aren't leading anyone to believe one thing when you are thinking differently. A great time to just enjoy the company of family and friends. Communicate with a loved one. They will appreciate your sentiments.
As you begin the week you will be taking care of the home. It may be the time to relocate, renovate or make some changes around the home especially on September 29th and 30th. You may get down to business and clean out the closets or even clean out the garage. A great day to just clean. There may be problems paying rent or a mortgage so make sure to save now so you can pay the bills on time. On October 1st you are focused on finances relating to taxes, credit and loans. It's not a good day because I feel it will include someone else like a partner, lover or friend. They may be the one's owing you money or you have trouble paying them back. You may experience problems with child support, alimony or a settlement. On October 2nd you may have problems with a partner, friend, coworker or even at home. Expect the unexpected. You may meet someone new to fall in love with on October 3rd. It's also a great time to spend the evening or day with someone you know and love. Communication can open the door to happiness. On October 4th Mercury enters your 4th house of home giving you 3 weeks to see an increase of communication in the home or about the home. You may spend the next few weeks signing documents to buy or sell a home. It could also be to get a new apartment. I do want to mention quickly that Venus begins to retrograde on October 8th which could bring problems when making a purchase so try to get contracts agreed upon at least before that time. Good luck.
On September 29th and September 30th you will be taking care of tedious projects and assignments especially connected to writing, speaking or even with emails. Be careful as there may be problems with someone of higher authority. On October 1st a partner may trouble you or confuse you. You may see someone in a fantasy. Be careful what you hear because it may not be the truth. You are caught in the clouds of love or mixed messages with someone else. On October 2nd your finances seem to be a great concern especially with taxes, credit, loans, child support and alimony. You may receive a bonus or commission or even a loan. There could be some challenges with the agreement so expect the unexpected. On October 3rd you are focused on the home and may relocate or decorate the home. You feel loved and appreciated. Take the opportunity to paint and decorate in the home. On October 4th Mercury will enter your 3rd house of short trips, communication, siblings and neighbors. The next 3 weeks will bring an increase of communication and conversations via text, emails and phone calls. It will also make you take a few short trips around town or nearby. You seem to increase communication with family and friends and especially your neighbors. It gives you the opportunity to get to know the people that live close to you. Be social and get to know the people who live around you. It's also a time when you are mentally focused and disciplined.
You seem to be feeling a bit stressed and worried about finances this week. For Virgos there is stress and worries all the time. This week it's about money even if you have enough of it. On September 30th your concern will be on money. You may have to pay a hefty bill or debt. You may also find yourself charging the credit cards to pay off some bills. I feel that this is a great time for you to take care of finances by budgeting and saving. It's a great opportunity to find new ways to make more money. You may even see a new source of income. On October 1st expect to keep busy with work assignments and projects. Your creativity shines so use it to your advantage. A partner may create some problems for you especially on October 2nd. You seem to be having some issues or need to discuss issues with this partner. A partner may be professional or personal. It could be a coworker, spouse, friend or business partner. You may meet someone special on October 3rd. It could be from the internet or through a personal ad. You are open to get to someone special. Letters of love or words of appreciation are given to those close to you including friends and family. On October 4th Mercury will enter your 2nd house of earned income. The next 3 weeks will bring you a time when you find new ways to make money. You will also focus on how to get ahead with your finances by budgeting and saving. You seem to be taking care of how the money flows in and out of your pocket. It's time to plan for the future. You may set up a retirement fund or even look for a new job. You are very focused on making plans for the future even if it means how to increase your finances. You are very serious and focused at this time.
It's going to be a week all about you. Even the month of October is all about you. Well first we begin on September 29th and 30th when you seem to be taking care of your health and your body. You would be surprised at how easily you can lose weight. You will also find yourself cutting back on fatty foods and sweets. It could also be a very depressing time but I don't want to scare you. You are feeling serious about everything around you. It could be regarding finances, a family member or the home. On October 1st a lover or child will be your primary concern. You may find love, fall in love or spend time with children. It could be that you are hearing news of a baby on the way. Creative projects are also highlighted including music, poetry, dancing and singing. You may decide to learn how to play music. If you enjoy writing then it's time to write as your creativity will improves. You will be impressed with the results. I also feel that you will do well connecting with your artistic side so painting and drawing would bring positive ideas. On October 2nd work assignments and projects may bring some unexpected results. Be careful as electronics and vehicles may go haywire or break down. Finances are highlighted on October 3rd. You may bring in more money. You may receive a job offer or opportunity. By October 4th Mercury will enter your own sign. The next 3 weeks will bring great communication and mobility around town. You seem to be all over the place. You may communicate frequently through emails, text messages and phone conversations with family, friends and coworkers. You also find yourself taking short trips around town. You seem to also have chores and errands all around. You will be busy and many tasks and projects.
It's a week when you need to take time for yourself. You may need to rest and relax or seek some therapy. It may just be that you need some time for yourself. It could be to create, write or to get rid of some issues from the past. On September 29th and 30th you seem to be really taking life seriously around you including bills, love relationships and with the home. Obligations are tough but you are ready to tackle them. on October 1st the home is your concern. You may have to take care of some issues with the home including relocating and making renovations around the home. There could be arguments at home with a partner, roommate or friend. It's a wonderful time to paint or decorate a room. Your love life is shining on October 2nd. You may meet someone new to fall in love. There could be some unexpected disagreements and arguments. The arts, sports and hobbies also catch your attention. You may be into playing electronic games too. It’s all about you on October 3rd as Venus and Mars connect well in your own sign. You are a fresh of breathe air and attract people easily. It seems to be a time when you receive plenty of praise and attention. You may buy some new clothes or get a new haircut. On October 4th Mercury will enter your 12th house of secrets and solitude. The next 3 weeks brings a time when you are running thoughts and ideas. It's what I like to call running the grocery store list in your head without having to write it down. You process many things in your head. You may be putting plans together for a special event. By October 5th you are focused and getting projects done on time.
On September 29th and 30th you seem to be focused on friendships. These dates will bring you a closer time with friends or you may make a new friend with someone who is older and wiser. You may lose a friend too or someone close to you. On October 1st you will take a greater concern with how and whom you communicate with and spend time with too. Conversations may go a bit haywire or you get lost in the messages. It could be via emails, text messages and phone calls. You may take a quick trip around town or to run some errands. You are very studious which could be great if you need to learn something new. On October 2nd the home is your primary concern. You may relocate, renovate or make changes around the home. It could be that you are having electrical problems. Expect the unexpected at home or nearby the home. You are social and outgoing on October 3rd. It will be great to make some new friends or to connect with the people you love. Mercury will enter your 11th house of friendships on October 4th. The next 3 weeks will bring an increase of communication with friends. You are social and talkative and want to connect with everyone around you. It's a wonderful time to be able to get out around town and meet new neighbors or the local people. You will have this charisma around you to be optimistic and positive. It's time to focus and get projects done also around the home and at work too especially on October 5th.
The week begins on September 29th and 30th when you are focused on your career. You are working hard and getting projects and assignments done. You may need to make a critical decision on your career path and future. It could lead you into new territories. It's time to make a mature decision that will affect you for the long term of it all. On October 1st your finances take on some concerns. You may have some issues relating to money or you need to pay some hefty bills and payments. I feel that this will be a day to budget and save for the future. You will show discipline with your finances. You may not receive the full amount on a paycheck or loan. There may be some discrepancies. You will be able to eventually correct them but in the mean time you have to face them and take care of them. On October 2nd you are taking a short trip either around town or someplace nearby. It could be that you see an increase of communication with family and friends. Be careful as you may have electrical problems with a vehicle, computer or even your cell phone. Messages may get mixed up or it could be sent to the wrong person. You may find love among your friends on October 3rd. It's also going to be a great social time for you so this could be a time to party or make time with friends. You are open to new friendships and today could bring a great new connection with the people around you. Mercury will enter your career house on October 4th. The next 3 weeks you should see more projects and assignments. You do well in an interview or a meeting. You are focused and disciplined to get work done.
You are looking at life in a more serious way especially on September 30th. It could be that there are obligations to take care of or you need to pay some bills or debts. It will be a time for you to look closely at what is around you and just focus on your own priorities. Once you have figured it out you will feel that you are in the right path. On October 1st you seem to be very compassionate and considerate. You may feel a bit lost and not knowing what direction to take but you will find yourself being able to take a positive direction soon. You will feel considerate towards friends and family. Finances are a bit worrisome for you on October 2nd. It depends on what is going on at the time. It could bring a sudden gain or raise. It may be a new job or financial opportunity. It could also bring financial problems and issues. Your job or career goes well on October 3rd. I know it falls on the weekend so it could be even on the 4th. I feel you will make a great appearance to others especially to customers and clients. You are friendly and easy to connect with and talk to. It's a great day to sell and market yourself too. On October 4th Mercury will enter your 9th house of long distance trips, foreign people and places. The next 3 weeks can bring a time for you to pan a trip or take a short or long distance trip. You may learn something new through education or just by reading some books. You are very focused and disciplined in your studies. On October 5th you do well in getting projects and assignments done well and completed.
It's time to get serious about the finances especially on September 29th and September 30th. The finances affected here are taxes, credit, loans, child support, alimony and other debts. You may need to get down to business and take care of some of the issues. You may not want to deal with them but you have to. No way out of them. You are creative on October 1st. There is a spiritual side in you that also wants to come out. You are always living in a fantasy land and today is no different. You are artistic and creative too. Great time to write, paint and draw. On October 2nd it's going to be a day full of surprises. It could be happy surprises or sad surprises. I think that you will just be a bit more adventurous and outgoing. You want to make a great impression on others. You may also be a bit anxious too. You may meet someone special on October 3rd. You are pleasant and outgoing. It's time to just connect with the people around you even if it's the neighbor or your friends. You will enjoy their company just as much as you enjoy theirs. You could meet someone new from afar or from another state or country. On October 4th Mercury enters your 8th house of joint resources, taxes, credit and loans. The next 3 weeks will open the door for you to take care of your finances and debts. You do well setting your financial priorities straight and feel a bit of a weight off your shoulders. Good luck.
The Psychic One
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