Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Weekly Horiscopes November 23, 2011- Novemeber 29, 2011


Mercury retrogrades from your ninth house on November 23rd which will bring three weeks when you may experience delays in communication, transportation and schedules. I know this is the wrong time to have a Mercury retrograde when the holidays are coming up. You just want to make sure you are at the airport in advance to not miss any flights or to experience any flight schedule delays or changes. You may experience problems with the Internet, advertising, publishing and other forms of marketing. It could also be that you experience problems with education, transportation and trying to connect with people from afar. Just be prepared for the unexpected. On November 23 and November 26th it's all about your own personal wants and needs. You may feel a bit rebellious and want to make a change for yourself. It could involve your appearance or your personality. Your career is highlighted on November 23rd and November 28th. You may receive a promotion, advancement or job opportunity. It could be that you receive praise and recognition for a job well done. The new Moon eclipse on November 25th will fall in your ninth house of long-distance trips, foreign people and places. The next 6 months may bring a time for you to travel to visit family and friends or they may come to visit you. You may enter a college or University. It could be that you are marketing or promoting a product on the Internet, radio or television. You could also decide to study and learn a new language or culture. Mercury is currently retrograde in in your ninth house which can bring opportunities for you to study and learn a new topic of interest but you also want to be careful you do not lose focus on the direction you want to take your career and education. Uranus supports the new Moon eclipse from your own sign which gives you great boost and recognition. It's all about what will make you happy and it's time for you to focus on your own wants and needs. You may feel that it's time for you to take on any steps to further your career or education. It's time to make a change and a change could be in connection to religion, law, beliefs philosophy and your morals and values. You may change how you view life or take on a different sense of direction of your life. If you have been going through a divorce then this could be a time for you to take on a new chapter of your life and it could involve a new career are going back to school. The next 6 months will open the door for you to make new discoveries for yourself and for your future. Venus enters your 10th house of career on November 26th. The next four weeks will bring a time for you to receive plenty of praise and attention at work. It could be that you receive a job offer or opportunity. It is your time to advance in your career and to receive recognition for the hard work that you have done in the past. You may also find love at work or you are social and friendly to others at work. You connect well with coworkers and employees. On November 24th and November 27th finances are highlighted for you. You may receive a job opportunity or offer. You may find new ways to make more money or build financial security and stability for the future. Keep your eyes and ears open as you never know what opportunities may come for you.


Mercury retrogrades on November 23rd from your 8th house of joint resources, taxes, credit cards and loans giving you 3 weeks were you may have issues with loans, banks, credit cards and debts. There may be credit report errors that need to be corrected. It could also be that you are having financial struggles paying bills and debts. It can easily be a difficult time for you financially so be prepared for the unexpected. On November 23rd and November 26th you may feel a bit of anxiety, excitement and electricity in the air. If you have been feeling a sense of stress and anxiety due to work obligations or other obligations then try to do your best to find a balance. Some form of meditation can actually work best for you. On November 24th and November 27th it's all about your own personal wants and needs. It's a time for you to focus on what's going to make you happy. You seem more confident and jovial. The new Moon eclipse on November 25th will fall in your eighth house of joint resources, taxes, credit cards and loans. The next 6 months may bring a time for you to receive an opportunity for you to advance in your career or to receive a bonus or commission. You may also receive the approval of a loan or credit card. You may collaborate with others for a business venture or for an investment. It could be that you are moving in with someone especially if you are taking the relationship to the next level. Uranus supports the new Moon from your 12th house of secrets and solitude which can easily bring a time of new possibilities and opportunities. Mars squares the new Moon eclipse which can create a sense of oppression and disagreements or arguments with a female or someone you work or live closely to. I feel the new Moon eclipse will be very beneficial for you to gain materialistically or financially. It's also great time for you to collaborate with others to further your career, education and finances. I say take advantage of the energy going on around now for you to gain through others including banks and organizations. Venus enters your ninth house of long-distance trips, foreign people and places on November 26th. The next four weeks will bring a time for you to travel with someone special or you may travel to visit them. It could also be that you will be open to learning something new including music and the arts. You will enjoy spending time with the in-laws and they may come to visit you. It would also be a very positive time for you to expand your horizons and learn something new. On November 23rd and November 28th you seem to be focused on travel, foreign people and places. You may plan a trip or take a trip or have others from afar come to visit you. You could also market or promote a product on the Internet, radio or television. You may expand your horizons mentally or physically.


Mercury retrogrades on November 23rd which will bring an additional 3 weeks when old issues may need to be resolved. It could also be that you run into a partner or lover from your past. There may be projects to revise and resolve. On November 24th and November 27th you may spend lavishly on food, drinks, or other material items that you believe are worth investing into. You want to be careful as you may spend lavishly on items you later regret. If you feel it is a wise investment then to your research and plan carefully. On November 23rd and November 28th your focus seems to be on financial obligations connected to taxes, credit cards and loans. You may gain financially or materialistically through others including gifts and rewards. You could also gain through bonuses, commissions, child support and alimony. The new Moon solar eclipse on November 25th will fall in your partnership house. The next six months may bring a time for you to form a partnership whether it's personal or professional. The partner may be a spouse, lover, friend, business partner, coworker, employee, client, customer, realtor, financial advisor, doctor or lawyer. You may work alongside with others to further your career, education, finances or personal relationships. You may get engaged or get married. Mercury is supporting the eclipse even though it is in retrograde. Communication should be helpful to get issues out in the open. Uranus supports the eclipse from your 11th house of friendships which should bring an opportunity for you to work with groups or an organization. It could also be that you are finding love among your friends or a lover or partner will treat you more like a friend. You may collaborate and connect with a partner to build the business or to build a committed relationship. Mars will square the eclipse from your fourth house of home. The concern that I have about Mars is that it can create conflicts and disagreements with someone at home. It's one thing to get issues out in the open but it's another thing if it's going to create disagreements to the point of ending a partnership or relationship. I really like the eclipse as the new Moon which brings new beginnings for my concern is Mars squaring the eclipse which can create endings. There could be the possibility of you or someone else ending of a relationship and the new beginning could be starting a new life on your own or with someone else. The new beginning may be you moving out of the home as a sign of your independence especially if you are going off to college or finally can afford your own place of living. You may experience some disagreements or arguments with a female or a mother and as stated before it could bring the ending of a relationship or relation to someone. I feel the next six months will really make you take a closer look at the people in your life and how they can make a difference for you. If you are any unhealthy relationship then you may be time to bring the relationship to an end. It may be difficult to do but it may be for the best. Venus enters your eighth house of joint resources, taxes, credit cards and loans on November 26th. The next four weeks will bring a time for you to gain financially or materialistically through other sources. It could be through give the rewards. It could be that someone lend you money or you gain through a loan or credit card. It could be that you just receive a special discount or free gift. Also, your sex life will improve at this time. On November 23rd and November 26th it is a time for you to be social and outgoing. You may connect with new friends and old friends. You will enjoy spending time with friends, groups and organizations. It could be that you find love among your friends or a lover acts more like a friend. There is a sense of fun and excitement so enjoy.


Mercury retrogrades on November 23rd from your 6th house which will bring you 3 weeks of problems relating to the internet, emails, computer and phone calls. Expect to revise projects or you may be sending out the same email again. Expect the unexpected when Mercury retrogrades for 3 weeks and it could be annoying. and difficult to manage. On November 23rd and November 28th a partner seems to be your main concern. The partner may be a spouse, lover, friend, business partner, coworker, employee, therapist or doctor. It could be anyone you work closely with to further your career, finances, education or personal relationships. On November 23rd and November 26th you may plan a trip or take a trip. It could be that you have others from afar come to visit you. It is time to study and learn a new topic of interest. It could be that you are focusing on religion, law, philosophy or the courts. The new Moon eclipse on November 25th will fall in your 6th house of work, service and health. The next six months will bring a time for you to work hard for the money or it could be that you are taking a job that will make you work hard for the same pay. It could be that you are doing a lateral move of a job. It may be to a different department or different company. If you are unemployed then the next six months will be a great time for you to be able to find a job even though the pay may not be the best. Your health will also be a concern as you may start a health regimen by exercising and eating healthy. I feel this would be a great time for you to focus on your body and well-being. You will find yourself eating healthier and drinking more water. You may also want to focus on taking supplements and vitamins. It would also be a great time for you to eat vegetables and cut back on fatty foods. You may also focus on the health of a pet by taking them to the veterinarian so they can receive routine checkups and exams. Mercury supports the eclipse from this same house as you will see communication increase through e-mails and phone calls. It could also be that you take on the job that requires you to take on several short trips around town and out-of-town. Uranus also supports the eclipse from your 10th house of career as this would be a great time for you to gain through a job opportunity and income. You may begin a business venture or job that requires you to work off the Internet or computers. You may be applying for jobs on the Internet or submitting resumes and applications over the Internet. A great opportunity may come your way through an unexpected source or in connection to a friend or referral. The only concern that I have during the eclipse is that Mars squares the eclipse from your third house of short trips, communication, siblings and neighbors. You may experience problems with communication, vehicles, transportation, Internet, computers or working with other people including coworkers, clients and customers. You may also be experiencing problems with a female coworker or employee. I would suggest for the next six months to try to find ways to bring solutions to any issues or problems that may arise at this time. You will also work hard and complete projects at work and at home. Venus enters your partnership house on November 26th The next four weeks will bring a time for you to collaborate and compromise with the partner. The partner may be a spouse, lover, friend, business partner, employee or coworker. If there are any issues or concerns than this would be the time to work them out. You will also be open to compromise especially if it helps to resolve the issues. On November 24th and November 27th is time for you to socialize and connect with family and friends. You could join a group or organization and connect with new friends and old friends. It could be that you attend a special event or party.


Mercury retrogrades on November 23rd giving you 3 weeks were you may have to resolve old issues and problems with a partner, lover or child. It may be that an old love returns back into your life. There may be communication issues and problems with a partner or child. Be careful when sending emails or text messages as it could create misunderstandings. On November 23rd and November 28th you can expect to be working hard for the money. You will get plenty of work done and you will feel great drive and ambition to succeed. Your health is strong and you seem to do well exercising and losing weight. On November 23rd and November 26th you are feeling a sense of fun and excitement especially in relation to your career, education and finances. You do well getting work done and will make more solid plans for the future. The new Moon solar eclipse on November 25th will fall in your fifth house of love, children, relationships, music, sports, hobbies and other recreational activities. The next six months will bring a time for you to find love, fall in love or spend time with children. It could be that you join a sport or hobby with a child or for yourself. You may also get involved in music, theater, dancing and singing. You will discover that you show great artistic abilities and skills and this could be a time for you to craft and create. You will also enjoy movies and listening to music. Mercury supports the eclipse from your fifth house of love and children which can increase communication with a lover, partner or child. You will also enjoy playing games with children or you could also enjoy playing games of love. You want to be careful that you do not hurt someone's feelings just because you are seeking attention. Uranus supports the eclipse from your ninth house of long-distance trips, foreign people and places. The next six months can bring a time for you to travel for love or it could be that a child enters college or University. It may also be that you enter college or University. It's time to broaden your horizons and learn something new. You may travel with a partner or lover. It could be that they come to visit you. The only concern that I have is that Mars squares the eclipse from your second house of earned income and it could bring disagreements or arguments regarding finances or financial obligations. It may be related to a child or partner. One thing that I noticed is that Venus squares Uranus during the time of the eclipse which can bring erratic fluctuations of income or sudden beginnings and endings of love and relationships. You could possibly meet someone on the internet or through a dating site or social network. The significant of this eclipse is that it's a solar eclipse ruled by the Sun and the Sun happens to be your ruling sign. The benefit that you have is that it will affect you much stronger than any other Sun sign in the zodiac. You will feel the energy of the eclipse much stronger and it affecting you in your love and relationship house can bring so many benefits. There is great opportunity for you to enjoy love and for you to meet new people. You will find yourself being social and outgoing and may find yourself hanging out in bars or clubs. If you have been wanting to conceive a child then the next six months could easily bring you the gift of a child. You may also enjoy spending time with other people's children. I feel the next six months will be an enjoyable experience for you even with some challenges during this eclipse. You will override any obstacle that comes your way as you are the sign that never gives up. A partner seems to be your focus on November 24th. You are selfless and giving of your time and effort to them. You may work closely with others to further your career, finances, education and relationships. Venus enters your 6th house of work, service and health on November 26th. The next four weeks will bring a time for you to indulgent fatty foods and sweets. It will also be a time for you to connect well with coworkers, employees, clients and customers. You may find love at work or could be that you connect well with your coworkers and employees. You want to be careful if you are on a diet as the next four weeks may be difficult for you to stay on your diet. On November 24th and 27th your career looks great. You may receive a job offer or opportunity to make more money. Enjoy!


On November 23rd and November 26th financial obligations connected to others are your focus for these days. You may receive a loan or other financial or material gain. On November 23rd Mercury will retrograde from your 4th house of home giving you 3 weeks to experience problems with electronics and computers in the home. If you relocate during the retrograde cycle there is a good chance you will relocate again in the future. It may be within the year. There may also be problems with roommates or neighbors. You may find out some secret about them. On November 23rd and 28th love, children, sports and hobbies seem to be taking your priority. You may find love, fall in love or spend time with children possibly in a sport or hobby. It's time to have a little fun and dance. The new Moon solar eclipse on November 25th will fall in your fourth house of home. The next six months will bring a time for you to relocate, renovate or make some changes and repairs around the home. It could be that someone moves in or moods out of the home. You may decide to rent your home or some rooms in your home to make money. You may be traveling in and out of the home especially for work obligations. You could also invite more people to your home. You may be traveling between homes. You may also be focusing on a parent especially a mother. There could be concerns over their health and well-being. Mercury supports the eclipse from your fourth house of home which increase of communication and connections with others. Uranus supports the eclipse from your eighth house of joint resources, taxes, credit cards and loans. You may purchase a new home or relocate to a new apartment. It could be that you are expanding your home and will add value to the home. There could also be financial obligations connected to repairs and renovations. The only challenge that you face during this eclipse is Mars squaring the full Moon from your own sign and house. It may bring disruptions, disagreements and arguments from someone that you live with especially a female, mother or parent. There may be disagreements and arguments with a family member or neighbor. It could also be that you are finishing up projects on your own around the home. You seem to have the motivation and drive to get these projects done. I feel the next six months will help you to focus on your family and the home as it may be a time of new beginnings and endings. Work obligations and your health will be your concern on November 24th. You will work hard for the money and may even help those in need. You will drink plenty of water and could start a new health regimen. Venus enters your fifth house of love and children on November 26th The next four weeks will bring a time for you to find love, fall in love and spend time with children. If you are single and available then this would be the time for you to get yourself out there and meet someone new. It could be that someone pursues you. You enjoy music and spending time with children. You also find yourself outdoors and may even hang out near bars and clubs.


Mercury retrogrades on November 23rd from your 3rd house of communication, transportation, siblings and neighbors giving you 3 weeks to experience problems with the internet, computers, emails, cell phone and telephones. Expect the unexpected as their could be repairs or replacements of one of these items. The new Moon solar eclipse on November 25th will fall in your third house of short trips, communication, siblings and neighbors. The next six months will bring a time for you to focus on connecting and communicating with family members and your neighbors. You may see an increase of communication through e-mails, text messages and phone calls. You may decide to purchase a vehicle, computer, cell phone or telephone. You may also take short trips out of town and nearby town. It could be to visit family and friends. Uranus supports the eclipse from your partnership house as it could bring six months for you to visit a partner or to see an increase of communication with the partner. As stated before a partner may be someone personal or professional. You may have to travel for business purposes. It could be that you are traveling to spend time with someone special. You want to be careful as Mars squares the eclipse from your 12th house of secrets and solitude. It can bring disagreements and arguments with a female or people you live with during this time. You also want to be careful as you may feel angry and aggravated towards others. You may also drive hasty through the roads and this could cause an accident. Your communication may be aggressive and rude so be careful how you appear towards others as they may take it offensively. I feel the next six months can really be beneficial for you to communicate with the people around you and with a partner. You should see an increase of communication with family and friends and even with someone special. It may be time to get issues out in the open even if they are difficult to accept. I feel that the next six months will help you to improve open communication and to work out issues and problems. Venus enters your fourth house of home on November 26th. The next four weeks will bring a time for you to relocate, renovate or make some changes around the home. It could be a time for you to look for new place to live. You may also decide to decorate and design around the home or a room. You may purchase new furniture or purchase home accents to decorate a sofa, bed or room. It is a time for you to paint and draw or decorate in the home. On November 23rd and 26th partners may bring some fun and excitement or disagreements and arguments. You may form a partnership with someone who can help with your career, finances or relationships. There may be problems with someone close to you. It could bring the ending of a relationship. On November 23rd and 28th the home is your focus. You may relocate, renovate or make some changes around the home. On November 24th and 27th your finances may bring gains and profits. You could receive the approval of a loan or gift. Opportunities may present themselves to make more money or build financial security so keep your eyes and ears open.


On November 23rd and 26th you will be focused on work obligations, tasks and projects. Expect to make more money but you will also see an increase of work projects. Mercury retrogrades on November 23rd from your 2nd house of earned income which can ass about 3 weeks to run into problems with money or a paycheck. There could be delays with money or lack of funds. There may be errors with checks and online transactions so be careful. On November 24th the home is highlighted. You may decorate, design or paint a room or the home. On November 23rd and 28th you seem to be focused on communication, transportation, siblings and neighbors. You may see an increases of emails, text messages and phone calls. You may travel to visit family and friends. The new Moon solar eclipse on November 25th will fall in your second house of earned income. The next six months will bring a time for you to see an increase of finances to a new job or financial increase. You may get a new job or change jobs that could bring you more money and financial security. You are open to making more money and finding new ways to advance in your career. Uranus supports the eclipse from your 6th house of work, service and health making this a wonderful time for you to run into great career opportunities for your future. It may come through the Internet or it could make you work off the Internet. A friend may connect you to an unexpected source of income. It could also be a unique or different way to make money. Mars squares the eclipse from your 11th house of friendships which can indicate a time for you to disagree or argue with a friend, group or organization regarding finances and how to work on projects. It could be a female or someone in a group. You will do well working hard for the money but you may also run into arguments over money. If you can find a way to balance everything out including work projects, schedules and compromising with coworkers and employees then you will do well. I feel the next six-month will be a great time for you to build great financial stability and security for your future. Keep your eyes and ears open as opportunities may easily come your way and you may never see them again. Venus enters your third house of short trips, communication, siblings and neighbors on November 26th The next four weeks will bring a time for you to travel to visit family and friends or to spend time with sibling, relatives, parents, neighbors and friends. Your communication will also improve through e-mails, text messages and phone calls. You show greater compassion and affection towards others including a partner or lover. You may also see love on the Internet be a social network or dating site.


On November 23rd and 26th your love life may be a bit erratic and full of excitement. You may find love, fall in love or enjoy spending time with children. It could be that you get involved in sports or hobbies. It's time to have some fun and celebrate just play it safe. Mercury retrogrades on November 23rd giving you 3 weeks to revise projects and tasks. There may be some issues that need to be discussed or resolved. On November 23rd and 28th you seem to be taking care of issues relating to finances. You may get a new job or run into a great financial opportunity. Venus enters your second house of earned income on November 26th. The next four weeks will bring a time for you to make more money but you also spend it lavishly. You may invest your money and material items that you think will bring you a long-term value or investment. The new Moon solar eclipse on November 25th will fall in your own sign. The next six months will bring a time for you to receive plenty of praise and recognition. You will be the center of attention. It's going to be all about your own personal wants and needs. You may decide to go back to college or take on a new topic of interest. It could also be that you focus on your health and well-being by exercising and losing weight. People will want to be around you and you will enjoy the attention and praise from them. Uranus supports the eclipse from your fifth house of love, relationships and children. You may find love on the Internet or through friends. It could be that you are connecting with a partner or lover through communication, e-mails and text messages. Excitement and fun stirs new adventures with your love life and meeting new people. There will be opportunities for you to get out around town and socialize near bars or clubs. You seem to be more open to fun and excitement in the most unusual way. The only concern that I have about the eclipse will be Mars squaring the eclipse from your career house. You may experience disagreements or arguments with a female coworker or employee your it could also be a female client or customer. You will work hard for the money and you seem to be investing a lot more time and effort to advance in your career. It could also be that you are taking care of many task and projects at this time. I feel the eclipse would do you well to get out there and meet new people. It's time to expand your horizons and see what's out there as you never know who could help you in your career or relationships. On November 24th and 27th you will be working hard for the money but you should also be seeing more money coming in too. Your health seems to look great but on November 24th you may indulge in food, drink or money that you may regret it later on. The home is your focus on November 24th as you may relocate, decorate or make changes around the home. You may also focus on parents too.


On November 23rd Mercury retrogrades from the 12th house which will give you another 3 weeks to have secrets revealed. You want to be careful not to hide anything or else it will be exposed. On November 23rd and November 26th you will focus on the home. You may relocate, renovate or make changes around the home. It could be that someone moves in or out of the home. On November 23rd and 28th it's all about your own personal wants and needs. You will work hard to complete tasks and projects. You are ambitious, motivated and hard working so take advantage of the energy to get ahead in projects. Venus enters your own sign on November 26th. The next four weeks will bring plenty of praise and attention for you. you will also focus on your own personal wants and needs. You may change your parents or style by purchasing new clothes or even changing your appearance. It is a time for your own personal change and what you would want for yourself. You will receive plenty of praise and attention. You will feel like the center of attention. It is a time for you to attract people into your life including family and friends. It is time for you to get a new haircut or hair color. On November 24th finances seem to be highlighted. You could make more money or receive a job offer or opportunity to make money. You may be selfless of your money towards others. The new Moon solar eclipse on November 25th will fall in your 12th house of secrets and solitude. The next six months may bring a time or you to get rid of what you don't need in your life including unhealthy people and unhealthy habits. It may be time to discard what has been holding you back or what you don't need in your life. Sometimes, clutter can take over your life where you feel there is no room to breathe. It could be the clutter of material items. It could also be the clutter of emotional insecurities. If you need to seek therapy then the next six months will be a great help for you. It could also be that you are feeling tired and drained from working too hard. You may be losing sleep from too much hard work and stress. Mercury's supports the eclipse from your 12th house of secrets and solitude which will make you mentally focus and stable. The only problem is when Mercury retrogrades it can make you lose your focus and stress. Uranus supports the eclipse from your fourth house of home and family which can bring the relocation of a home for a career or job opportunity. It may bring new possibilities and opportunities for you to advance in your career or find new ways to make more money. The only problem during this eclipse will be Mars Square squaring the eclipse from your ninth house of long-distance trips, or in people and places. As mentioned before there could be the possibility of you having to relocate for a job offer. It could be you seek solitude in a job as you work from home or notice an increase of work projects at home. On November 24th and 27th its all about finding love and enjoying spending time with the people closest to you. It's time to have a little fun and get out and explore new places.


It's time to take a quick trip out of town or nearby town on November 23rd and 26th. Communication increases through emails, text messages and phone calls. You may purchase a cell phone, telephone, computer or vehicle. You may find love on the internet or dating site. Mercury retrogrades on November 23rd giving you 3 weeks to run into old friends but you may also have disagreements with new and old friends. There could be communication issues with a friend, group or organization. Venus enters your 12th house of secrets and solitude on November 26th. The next four weeks will bring a time for you to keep emotions and feelings to yourself. You may also keep secrets to yourself. It is also a time for you to give selflessly to others. You want to be careful that you do not give more than what you can afford emotionally and financially or else others will take advantage of you. It may also be a time for you to keep secret love affairs. I hope you are not pursuing a love affair because you're feeling neglected. If you are involved in another relationship like a marriage then you first want to see what can be fixed in the marriage before opening the door to someone else as you may later regret it. You seem to be focusing on your health and well-being on November 23rd and 28th. It's time to get rid of what you don't need in your life including unhealthy people and habits. On November 24th and 27th it seems to be all about the home. You may relocate, decorate or make changes in the home. You could host an event or party at home. The new Moon solar eclipse will fall in your 11th house of friendships on November 25th. The next six months will be a time for you to socialize and connect with people locally and in groups and organizations. You could run into old friends or build connections with new friends. You may join a group or organization especially a charity or foundation. You may attend an event or party. It could be you are hosting an event or party. Uranus and Mercury support the eclipse. Mercury and Uranus will increase communication with friends and family especially through e-mails, text messages and phone calls. You may find yourself being mobile and taking frequent short trips out of town and nearby town. Exciting news may come through the Internet or through a friend. They may connect you to a financial opportunity or job. It could be that you travel to visit family and friends especially for the holiday. Mars squares the eclipse from your eighth house of joint resources, taxes, credit cards and loans. It seems to be a time for you to take care of financial obligations connected to other people or organizations. You may be starting a business venture or it you want to be careful as they can bring problems with finances, credit cards and loans. If you are collaborating with other people on a business venture the one to make sure that everything is done in writing as you don't want to regret your choices later on. It could also be that you are having disagreements and arguments with other people regarding joint resources and other financial obligations. It may be difficult to resolve the issues at this time but I feel you will come to a compromise.


Mercury retrogrades on November 23rd giving the next 3 weeks when you find problems with communication, office equipment, coworkers and employees. You may need to revise projects. There could be problems with electronics so expect the unexpected. On November 23rd and 26th financial opportunities may present themselves. Be careful on November 26th as you may have a bill to pay. On November 23rd and 28th friends, groups and organizations work well for you. You will make new friends and connect with old friends. You are social and outgoing and will spread your boundaries to get to know new people as they may bring you valuable information. Venus enters your 11th house of friendships on November 26th making the next four weeks a time for you to socialize and connect and communicate with family and friends. The next four weeks will bring a time for you to spend time with friends and enjoy the company of friends. A friend may turn into a lover or a lover acts more like a friend. You are social and outgoing and will connect with people around you. You will find yourself outdoors meeting new people and making new friends. You may find yourself attending parties and special events or it could be you that is putting together a special event or party. You are selfless and giving of your time and support to others on November 24th. On November 24th and 27th communication, transportation, siblings and neighbors seem to go well for you on these days. you may purchase a vehicle, computer, cell phone or telephone. It could be that you are seeing an increase of communication through emails and text messages. You may take a quick short trip. The new Moon solar eclipse on November 25th will fall in your 10th house of career. The next six months may bring a time for you to receive an advancement, promotion, raise or start a business venture. You can easily receive praise and recognition for a job well done. It may be time to advancing your career or to find new ways to improve your career goals. There could be new opportunities for you to make more money or to find ways to build more financial security and stability for the future. Mercury supports the eclipse from your career house which will increase communication, financial transactions, negotiations and contracts. Your communication will increase through e-mails, text messages and phone calls. Uranus supports the eclipse from your second house of earned income which brings six months to build financial security and stability. You will make more money or find new ways to make money. It may come through the internet or in connection to a friend. The only concern that I have is Mars squaring the eclipse from your partnership house. You will find yourself working hard for the money but you may also experience disagreements and arguments with a partner in order to advance in your career. You may be working with someone else to further your career, finances, education or relationships. It's time to put yourself out there and to find ways to advancing your career and make more money. You may experience some challenges or arguments with a female whether it's a coworker, employee or customer. It could also be that you will be very active and motivated to get work done. I feel the next six months will be a positive time for you to build your career and job status and gain recognition


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