Saturday, November 5, 2011

A Time To Indulge

The last couple days and for the next day you may experience a time to indulge. You may indulge in fatty foods and sweets. You may indulge in money and purchasing expensive items. You want to be careful as you are doing all this as you may regret your decisions later on. It could be you purchase an expensive item that you stop using after awhile especially if it is an electonic item. You want to do some research and price comparisons as you may spend more in one store when you could of saved plenty more in another store. It is not a time to take risky chances just because you want to make an impulsive decision. There are certain purchases that may be avoided just because they are ecessary. You may have to spend money you don't have or the little money that is left needs to be spent for a child, party, event or for some other necessity. It is a difficult decision to make as it may create stress and anxiety. There could be the feeling of stress and anxiety because you feel that there is no two ways out of the situation. Take it one step at a time and set a budget. I know you are thiking right now that how is it possible to set a budget when all the money or resources are going out the door. Give it a couple'll be a different story. Be careful as you may indulge today and it might make you feel ill later on. Take precaution and play it safe.


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