Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Gemini Horoscopes for November 2011

It's going to be a significant month for you as your main focus will be on partners and your own personal wants and needs. There will be an eclipse later on this month that will affect you personally when it comes to working and collaborating with others especially in relation to your career or personal relationships.

On November 1st you may experience problems with a coworker, employee, client or customer. You may be deceived by one of these individuals or you may deceive them. You could also experience problems with the Internet, office equipment and computers. Expect the unexpected especially when it comes to electronics and the people you work alongside with during this day. I also found additional dates that may bring chaos at work on November 7, 8, 19, 20th and 24th. The dates that concern meet the most are November 7th and November 20th as these dates can bring deceit and disruptions with electronics. There may be communication issues especially through e-mails, text messages and phone calls. You may also find yourself giving more of your time and support to others including coworkers, clients and customers. You are selfless and giving during these days but you want to be careful as people can take advantage of your generosity.

Friends are highlighted on November 3, 12, 13th and 23rd. I especially liked the date of November 3rd and November 23rd as dates for you to enjoy the company of friends and connecting with old friends. You may attend an event or party or could be you hosting an event or party. You are social and outgoing and may find yourself making new friends or joining a group or organization. You want to be careful on November 12th and 13th as you may experience problems with friends, groups and organizations. There may be disagreements and arguments which could bring a friendship or connection to an ending. It may be difficult to resolve issues and problems right now as people seem to be more stubborn and hardheaded. It may take time to resolve the issues that eventually they will be taking care of.

Venus enters your partnership house on November 2nd. The next four weeks will bring a time for you to collaborate and compromise with the partner. The partner may be a spouse, lover, friend, business partner, employee or coworker. If there are any issues or concerns than this would be the time to work them out. You will also be open to compromise especially if it helps to resolve the issues.

Venus enters your partnership house on November 26th. The next four weeks will bring a time for you to collaborate and compromise with the partner. The partner may be a spouse, lover, friend, business partner, employee or coworker. If there are any issues or concerns than this would be the time to work them out. You will also be open to compromise especially if it helps to resolve the issues.

Mercury enters your partnership house on November 2nd giving you 3 weeks to communicate with a partner. It will also bring the opportunity to connect with others for professional or personal reasons. You seem to be open to working with others especially if it helps you to grow financial or personally. Mercury retrogrades on November 23rd which will bring an additional 3 weeks when old issues may need to be resolved. It could also be that you run into a partner or lover from your past. There may be projects to revise and resolve.

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The Sun enters your 8th house of joint resources on November 22nd giving you four weeks to take care of financial or material obligations connected to credit cards, loans, child support, taxes, loans and other financial obligations connected to others. If you are in the middle of a divorce then the next few weeks might be a bit difficult for you. You may also focus o finances relating to retirement funds and savings accounts. it's time to focus on budgeting and saving for the future.

Mars enters your 4th house of home on November 10th. The next seven months will bring a time for you to relocate, renovate and make some changes repairs around the home. It could be that someone moves in or moves out of the home. You may have disagreements and arguments with someone in the home including a partner, lover or roommate. It may be a time for you to get rid of items that you don't need in your home especially in the closet or garage. You may relocate at this time to a place where you feel greater comfort. It may also be a time to end a relationship. The warning that I want to give you at this time is if you have been having problems with the current relationship once Mars hits your fourth house of home the issues and problems will only increase for it to lead into the ending or breakup of a relationship or marriage. If you want to save this relationship then I suggest to start working out the issues and problems now so that when Mars hits your fourth house of home it will be much easier to handle.

Mars retrogrades on January 24, 2012 which is the main reason why Mars will be staying in your fourth house of home for seven months. I will discuss Mars retrograde in January 2012 but right now I would put out there to you that it may bring problems with the home or the people you live with. As stated before it can bring the ending of a relationship or partnership. I know it may be difficult to accept that someone may move out of the home but it could also be for the best. You may also lose a home or have to forcefully relocate.

The full Moon on November 10th will fall in your 12th house of secrets and solitude. The next two weeks will bring a time for you to catch up on sleep and rest and relax. You may feel tired and drained. It could be due to a lack of sleep or due to stress and anxiety. You may also have to take care of your health and well-being. It may be time for you to go to the doctor to take care of routine checkups and exams or could be that you have to take someone else including a mother or parent to the doctor. Saturn seems to be creating some difficulties during this full Moon as it could put you in a position to feel a bit stressed and anxious about your health and well-being. It may be time for you to get rid of unhealthy people or habits from your life. This may include addictions and other bad habits. It would be a good idea to seek therapy or rehab facility to get rid of these habits and addictions. I feel this could be a time for you to get a massage or find ways to relieve stress and anxiety. It may be a challenge to take control of these issues so give yourself time to heal. You may also be working and solitude.

On November 5, 6, 16th and 27th you seem to be focusing on your health and well-being. It is a time for you to get healthy and to take care of your body. You may enjoy getting out and socializing on November 16th and November 27th as you will enjoy connecting with family and friends. You want to be careful not to indulge in food and drink but you may be too busy celebrating and enjoying the holidays and spending time with family that you are careless with your money. Go out and connect with the people around you in your local neighborhood as you never know who you may meet them build a connection.

Your love life will be highlighted on November 16th and 22nd. You may find love, fall in love or spend time with children especially in a sport, hobby or other recreational activity. I especially like November 22nd as the day that works best for you to discuss any serious issues or problems. If there have been problems in a relationship or with the child then this day would work best to discuss the issues and create a solution. If you happen to meet someone around this day I feel they would be older and wiser the new or it could be they are mature for their age. It's also a good indication that they will be with you on a long-term basis whether it's to a friendship or partnership.

The new Moon solar eclipse on November 25th will fall in your partnership house. The next six-month may bring a time for you to form a partnership whether it's personal or professional. The partner may be a spouse, lover, friend, business partner, coworker, employee, client, customer, realtor, financial advisor, doctor or lawyer. You may work alongside with others to further your career, education, finances or personal relationships. You may get engaged or get married. Mercury is supporting the eclipse even though it is in retrograde. Communication should be helpful to get issues out in the open. Uranus supports the eclipse from your 11th house of friendships which should bring an opportunity for you to work with groups or an organization. It could also be that you are finding love among your friends or a lover or partner will treat you more like a friend. You may collaborate and connect with a partner to build the business or to build a committed relationship. Mars will square the eclipse from your fourth house of home. The concerned that I have about Mars is that it can create conflicts and disagreements with someone at home. It's one thing to get issues out in the open but it's another thing if it's going to create disagreements to the point of ending a partnership or relationship. I really like the eclipse as the new Moon which brings new beginnings for my concern is Mars squaring the eclipse which can create endings. There could be the possibility of you or someone else ending of a relationship and the new beginning could be starting a new life on your own or with someone else. The new beginning may be you moving out of the home as a sign of your independence especially if you are going off to college or finally can afford your own place of living. You may experience some disagreements or arguments with a female or a mother and as stated before it could bring the ending of a relationship or relation to someone. I feel the next six months will really make you take a closer look at the people in your life and how they can make a difference for you. If you are any unhealthy relationship then you may be time to bring the relationship to an end. It may be difficult to do but it may be for the best.


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