Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Pisces Horoscopes for November 2011

The month begins with you possibly feeling a bit lost and confused or deceived from others. It could be that others deceive you. There may be miscommunication or communication issues. Keep an eye on November 1, 7th and 20th as days when you may be feeling doubts and confusion. It may relate to a friend, partner or coworker. It could be in connection to contracts and negotiations. You want to be careful that you are not caught in a cloud of romance and love where you are viewing the person realistically. Someone may take advantage of you so be on alert.

I feel you will like the date of November 24th where you seem to give selflessly to others. It could be your time and support to them. You also enjoy creative and artistic ventures including listening to music or watching a movie.

Finances are looking good for you on November 3rd and 23rd. You may receive a job offer or opportunity. You could find new ways to make more money. You want to be careful on November 12th and November 26th as you may find yourself spending lavishly are extravagantly. You may be careless with your finances even if you have to pay a bill or debt.

Financial obligations connected to taxes, credit cards and loans are highlighted for you on November 16th and November 22nd. It is time to budget and save for the future especially in relation to taxes, credit cards and loans. You may find yourself taking care of financial obligations connected to others including child support, alimony and other joint ventures. You do well balancing the checkbook and checking over facts and figures of your finances. You may receive the approval of a home loan or car loan. It would be a great time to pay off some bills.

Venus enters your 10th house of career on November 2nd. The next four weeks will bring a time for you to receive plenty of praise and attention at work. It could be that you receive a job offer or opportunity. It is your time to advance in your career and to receive recognition for the hard work that you have done in the past. You may also find love at work or you are social and friendly to others at work. You connect well with coworkers and employees.

Venus enters your 11th house of friendships on November 26th making the next four weeks a time for you to socialize and connect and communicate with family and friends. The next four weeks will bring a time for you to spend time with friends and enjoy the company of friends. A friend may turn into a lover or a lover acts more like a friend. You are social and outgoing and will connect with people around you. You will find yourself outdoors meeting new people and making new friends. You may find yourself attending parties and special events or it could be you that is putting together a special event or party.

Mercury enters your career house on November 2nd giving you 3 weeks to take care of projects and tasks at work. You may receive a job interview or attend meetings. There may be contracts and negotiations made at this time. You may receive a promotion, advancement or job offer or opportunity. Communication may increase with employees, coworkers, clients and customers via emails, text messages and phone calls. Mercury retrogrades on November 23rd giving the next 3 weeks when you find problems with communication, office equipment, coworkers and employees. You may need to revise projects. There could be problems with electronics so expect the unexpected.

The Sun enters your 10th house of career on November 23rd giving you 4 weeks to receive a promotion or advancement. You may focus on educate by attending classes and courses to further your career. It could be that you begin a business venture. If you are unemployed then you may attend interviews and meetings. If you are a student then this could be a wonderful time to focus on the future of your career and education.

Pisces Weekly Horoscope

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Mars enters your partnership house on November 10th. The next seven months will bring a time for you to openly communicate with the partner. There may be also argument with the partner. It could be a business partner that you have a disagreement with on how to run a business or in connection to any duties or obligations connected to the business. There are many reasons why argument may be created here. It could be joint resources and finances. If the money is running thin even in a personal relationship then the arguments may easily come about on how to handle finances. It won't be an easy situation to resolve so obviously there needs to be some form of compromise. I do want to warn you that if no one is willing to compromise it could sever a relationship or end a partnership even a business partnership. It will be a great disappointment to have any partnership end just because no one wanted to work with each other to compromise these issues. You can see this as a warning that the next seven weeks may create a big enough problem to end a relationship or partnership. If you do not want any relationship to end and you have been having problems in the past that is not bringing any kind of resolution then don't be surprised once Mars enters your partnership house that it creates an ending. All I will mention is that the possibility is there and your chances do run high when you have already been having problems in your relationship or partnership and to have Mars enter your partnership house it won't be a pleasant sight. If you can somehow avoid these issues by working them out now it can still save the relationship or partnership.

On January 24, 2012 Mars retrogrades from your partnership house which could create problems with a partner, lover or spouse. There may be issues that need to be resolved. A partner from your past may reappear whether it's good or bad. It could bring the ending of a partnership or relationships. I will discuss further these issues in January 2012 for now just be aware of the possibilities.

The full Moon on November 10th will fall in your third house of short trips, communication, siblings and neighbors. The next two weeks will bring a time for you to take a sudden short trip out-of-town or nearby town. It could also be that you purchase a vehicle, computer, cell phone or telephone. Communication increases through e-mails, text messages and phone calls. Saturn create problems for the full Moon from your eighth house of joint resources, taxes, credit cards and loans. It may be a difficult time when it comes to taking care of financial obligations especially in connection to communication, transportation and electronics. You may decide to make a major purchase that could feel stress and burden on you. It may relate to a computer or vehicle. It could also be that you have many e-mails, text messages and phone calls coming in within the next couple weeks. Communication can easily increase through one of these sources which can easily make you frustrated that everyone wants to communicate with you. It could also be that you have many e-mails and phone calls to take care of at this time. It may feel overwhelming but you will find a way to balance it all. It could also be that you are communicating and connecting with a neighbor are sibling.

Communication increases through e-mails, text messages and phone calls on November 10, 16, 24th and 27th. You may decide to purchase a vehicle, computer, cell phone or telephone. You want to be careful as you may find yourself spending on marketing, promoting, education, Internet and electronics. You may spend more with than what you can afford so be careful.

The new Moon solar eclipse on November 25th will fall in your 10th house of career. The next six months may bring a time for you to receive an advancement, promotion, raise or start a business venture. You can easily receive praise and recognition for a job well done. It may be time to advancing your career or to find new ways to improve your career goals. There could be new opportunities for you to make more money or to find ways to build more financial security and stability for the future. Mercury supports the eclipse from your career house which will increase communication, financial transactions, negotiations and contracts. Your communication will increase through e-mails, text messages and phone calls. Uranus supports the eclipse from your second house of earned income which brings six months to build financial security and stability. You will make more money or find new ways to make money. It may come through the internet or in connection to a friend. The only concern that I have is Mars squaring the eclipse from your partnership house. You will find yourself working hard for the money but you may also experience disagreements and arguments with a partner in order to advance in your career. You may be working with someone else to further your career, finances, education or relationships. It's time to put yourself out there and to find ways to advancing your career and make more money. You may experience some challenges or arguments with a female whether it's a coworker, employee or customer. It could also be that you will be very active and motivated to get work done. I feel the next six months will be a positive time for you to build your career and job status and gain recognition. Good luck.

Neptune returns to your 12th house of secrets and solitude on November 9th. The next four months will heighten your sensitivity and intuition. Don't be surprised if you are more psychic and have dream premonitions of the future.

Friends are highlighted on November 6, 23rd and 28th. You may connect with friends or meet new friends. It could also be that you are joining a group or organization. It's time to get out and socialize and meet new people as you never know what information they may bring to you. Get out there and have some fun but also play it safe.


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