Thursday, November 24, 2011

Venus sextile Neptune-Selfless Love

On November 24th Venus will sextile Neptune making this a day when you will give selflessly. You may become self-sacrificing or give to others needs. You will be open to love and go the extra mile for your love, friend or even family member. It will be the time for you to have compassionate feelings for others. You will feel someone else pain and empathize with them. I say to use the day to become an understanding partner, friend or lover so work out any issues or problems. If you need to work out any problems with someone then you will compromise with that person. Read below how your Sun sign will be affected by this conjunction.

Aries – it's a great time for you to spend time with friends. You are compassionate and considerate towards your friends. A great time to make a new friend or attend a special event or party.

Taurus – it's all about your career and work. You may receive a new job offer or opportunity. You may even find love at work.

Gemini – travel mentally and physically is highlighted today. You may travel or plan to take a trip or vacation. You'll find yourself attracted to places of glamour, glitter and lights. You may also travel to visit someone special or you will enjoy a vacation with a lover or partner.

Cancer – finances are highlighted today in connection to taxes, credit and loans. Be aware that you may be caught up in the clouds of illusion in regards to these types of finances. Face reality and face the fact that you may have to pay some debts are bills.

Leo – a partner may want to spend time with you. You may meet someone new to build a loving relationship or business partnership. You are also compassionate and selfless to others.

Virgo – work projects increase. Your creativity level increases as thoughts and ideas come together on projects and plans. Your health also improves and you may find yourself drinking more water or liquids.

Libra – love is on the horizon. You may find love or fall in love today. You are more considerate and compassionate towards children and loved ones.

Scorpio – it's all about the home today. You may relocate, renovate or make some changes around the home. A great time to decorate and design in the home.

Sagittarius – a quick short trip should go well for you. Communication increases or improve via e-mails, text messages and phone calls. You may find love on the Internet. You have great loving compassion towards your neighbors and family members.

Capricorn – finances are your concern today. A great time to pay the bills and to set a budget and save. You may receive a job opportunity or offer around this time.

Aquarius – it's all about you today. Your considerate towards others especially family and friends.

Pisces – you are the sign that is self-sacrificing and selfless. Today is no different. You are there for others and you give your time and dedication to others. A great time to design and decorate and show your greatest artistic skills to others.

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