Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Weekly horoscopes October 26, 2011-November 1, 2011


The new moon on October 26th will fall in your 8th house of joint resources, taxes, credit and loans. The next two weeks will bring a time for you to receive a loan, credit card, tax refund, child support, alimony, bonus, commission, gift or reward. You may gain through others. It could be also a discount or coupon for free item or food. Mercury, Venus, Pluto and the Sun all support the new moon which can bring great benefits and gains from others. You want to be careful as Jupiter oppose the new moon. There could be the opportunity to indulge in food, affection and money. It may also be the time for you to give to others. It could be love, affection and attention. It's time a compromise and care. You focus on finances especially with retirement funds, savings accounts, loans, investments and other financial or material gains. Your career seems to be the main focus on October 28th. You may receive a promotion, advancement or new job opportunity or offer. You can expect to work hard for the money and you will run into great opportunities around this time. I feel the energy of this day began two weeks ago and will continue on for another two weeks which brings you many great opportunities. On October 31st and November 1st you may be deceived by others or other people may deceive you. You could also be confused, tired or drained. Be careful when taking any medications as it could make you feel drowsy and sleepy.


The new Moon on October 26th will fall in your partnership house. The next two weeks may bring a time for you to form a partnership with others including a spouse, lover, friend, business partner, coworker or employee. You may work alongside with others to further your career, finances, education or personal relationships. Pluto, Mercury, Venus and the Sun all seem to be supporting the new Moon which can bring great opportunities for you to advance in your career or personal relationships. I feel by you working with others can help you financially. It could be a business partner, friend, spouse or other individual that can provide you the assistance and information you need in order to prosper and succeed. I feel the new Moon will make you work hard but it will also bring successful results for the future. On October 28th and October 29th you seem to focus more on marketing, education, law, religion and travel. You may plan a trip or take a trip at this time. It could also be that you are marketing or promoting a product on the Internet, radio or television. It's time to expand your horizons mentally or physically. You may also study and learn a new topic of interest. On October 31st and 1st a friend it may deceive you or you deceive a friend, group or organization. It could be that someone lies to you or withholds the truth from you. The issues may be the opposite where you lie or deceive someone else. You want to be careful at the information you put out there as it could come back to haunt you when Mercury retrogrades late November.


The new Moon on October 26th will fall in your 6th house of work, service and health. The next two weeks will bring a time for you to work hard for the money but you also make more money. You may receive a job offer or opportunity. Mercury, Venus and the Sun are all supporting the new Moon which can easily make this a wonderful time for you to enjoy the company of coworkers and employees. You may find yourself working along with females including clients and customers. You also focus on your health by exercising and eating healthy. You could also focus on the health of a pet. The next two weeks can easily bring a time for you to take care of your body through routine checkups and exams. You may find yourself going to the dentist or chiropractor. It is time for you to take care of your body and well-being. You may also have to focus on the well-being of a pet. I feel the next two weeks will be a great time for you to work hard and complete projects on time or to clean up the closet thing get rid of what you don't need at home or in your life. You may also find yourself drinking more water and taking supplements and vitamins. It's time for you to focus on financial obligations and duties connected to taxes, credit cards and loans on October 28th. It could be that you are purchasing a home or purchasing a vehicle. The energy of this day began two weeks ago and will continue on for another two weeks which gives you plenty of time to focus on finances and material gains. I feel this would be a great time for you to get a loan or credit card. You may begin a joint venture or business with other people. You may start a business venture or opportunity to invest with others. On October 31st and November 1st you want to be careful as you may be deceived by coworkers, employees, clients and customers. It could be that you are deceiving them. If not a time to take advantage of people as they may come back at you when Mercury retrogrades starting November 23rd.


The new Moon on October 26th will fall in your fifth house of love, relationships, children, sports, hobbies and recreational activities. The next two weeks may bring a time for you to find love, fall in love and spend time with children. It's also time for you to be outgoing and social as you will meet new people out at local places and restaurants. You may find yourself at a bar or club. Pluto, Mercury, Venus and the Sun all support the new Moon as the next two weeks may easily bring a time for you to find love and fall in love. You are social and outgoing as this is a great time for you to connect with other people. You also enjoy spending time with children especially in sports and hobbies. You may find yourself listening to music or enjoying a movie. You want to be careful as Jupiter opposes the new Moon which can make you indulge in love, money and other extravagant items. It's time for you to have fun and get out for a day or two. You may explore new places and opportunities. It's time for you to venture out and discover something new around town or with others. Have a little fun but also be careful as you may take greater chances and risks and may find yourself gambling or gambling at love. On October 28th the partner seems to be a main focus and concern. You may form a partnership for personal or professional reasons. It could be that you are working closely with others to further your career, education, finances and personal relationships. The energy of this day began two weeks ago and will continue on for another two weeks. On October 31st and November 1st someone may deceive you over the Internet or long-distance. You could also have problems sending e-mails or text messages. There could be problems with the Internet or a computer or vehicle. Expect these unexpected on this day.


The new moon on October 26th will fall in your 4th house of home. The next 2 weeks may bring a time for you to relocate, renovate and make some changes around the home. You may purchase furniture or home accessories. It could be that someone moves into the home as a roommate which can easily help you out financially. Mercury, Venus, Pluto and the Sun all seem to be supporting this new moon which brings about new changes and opportunities for the home. You may purchase a home or sign a lease to an apartment. It could be that you are changing home environments and can open the door to new places to live. Jupiter oppose the new moon which can be an indication of you spending more than what you can afford for your home. It can be on furniture, repairs, accessories or other obligations associated with the home. You may have to take care of a parent, mother or motherly figure. You want to be careful not to do something impulsive that you may later regret. An opportunity for change may come impulsively which can be costly. You may be up for a gamble but right now may not be the right time unless you have done thorough research. The next two weeks can bring change in the home or your surroundings. Be open to change as sometimes it's needed so you aren't stagnant. The focus on October 28th and 29th will fall on work projects, tasks and health. You may run into some great opportunities to advance in your career. You will see an increase of work projects, tasks and duties. There could be a new project or job opportunity for you. It is a time of excess so be careful these next few days as you may indulge in love, food and money. The energy of this day began 10 days ago and will continue on for another 10 days. On October 31st and November 1st be careful as you may be deceived by others or someone deceives you. It could relate to finances connected to taxes, credit cards and loans. Make sure to read every contract twice before singing on the dotted line.


The new moon on October 26th will fall in your 3rd house of short trips, communication, siblings and neighbors. The next couple weeks will bring a time for you to take a sudden short trip. You may have planned this trip so it could be to a place nearby or a quick flight trip. Communication may increase via emails, text messages and phone calls. You may purchase a new vehicle, computer, cell phone or telephone. Mercury, Venus, Pluto and the Sun all support the new moon. Pluto is currently in your 5th house of love, children, sports and hobbies. You may travel to visit a loved one including a child or lover. It could be that you meet someone on the internet. You seem to be open to new places and people. You may find yourself at bars and clubs. It's time for you to spend time with a child, lover and discover music, movies, arts and crafts. You may write music or write a blog, novel or book. I feel the new moon will make you work hard and take on obligations and responsibilities towards others. The next couple weeks will help you to connect and communicate with those you love and care for. You will also find yourself open to travel and taking short trips. I suggest to open yourself up to new places and see what you learn. Your love life is highlighted on October 28th. The energy of this day began about two weeks ago and will continue for another two weeks. You may find love, fall in love or spend time with children. It will also be an enjoyable time for you to enjoy the company of family and friends. You are social and outgoing and may indulge in fatty foods and drinks. Get out there and meet new people as you never know who you may meet. On October 31st and November 1st a partner may deceive you or you may deceive a partner. It could be that you lie to someone else or they withhold the truth from you. Do not form any partnerships unless its in writing. You may also idolize someone today but you want to be careful as you may be disappointed later on.


The new Moon on October 26th will fall in your second house of earned income. The next two weeks may bring a time for you to find a job or new source of income. If you are unemployed and looking for a job then the next two weeks can easily bring you a new job or source of income. You may change jobs at this time as you may be looking to find a better job for yourself that brings you more money and even greater benefits. Pluto will support this new moon from your 3rd house of short trips, communication, siblings and neighbors as you may have to travel or take a short trip for this new job. You may find yourself taking frequent short trips or receiving an increase of communication via emails, text messages and phone calls for the job. Venus, Mercury and the Sun all support the new moon from your 2nd house of earned income which can easily make money but you may also spend it lavishly. You may spend lavishly on a trip. Jupiter opposes the new moon which can easily make you spend or be careless with plans. I feel the next couple weeks seem to be a great time to get yourself out there with resumes and applications and seek new possibilities for employment. If you are happy where you are at for your employment then this could bring other opportunities for you. Be open to possibilities and feel confident in yourself. The home is your primary focus on October 28th. you may relocate, renovate or make changes around the home. It could be that you purchase a home or rent an apartment. The concern may also be a parent and their health and well-being. The energy of today began 10 days ago and will continue for another 10 days. You are willing to help out other people in need including family and friends. Be careful as they may take advantage of you. On October 31st and November 1st you may experience problems with computers, internet, emails and phone calls. There could be communication issues or problems with office equipment and coworkers. A coworker may deceive you or it could be that you try to deceive a coworker, client or customer.


The new Moon on October 26th will fall in your own sign. The next three weeks will be all about you and your own personal wants and needs. It's a time for you to focus on what's going to make you happy especially in connection to career, finances and personal relationships. It's time for you to start focusing on a direction in life for you to be happy. You may decide to get a new haircut or hairstyle. It could be that you change something about your appearance especially through cosmetic surgery or even with makeup. You may also decide to purchase a new wardrobe or clothes. It's time to make some changes in yourself and to make some major decisions in your life. Mercury, Venus, Pluto and the Sun all support the new Moon which tells me you have great energy and vitality. If the time of changes in transformation. Jupiter opposes the new Moon which can make you a bit careless in your decisions. You want to accomplish your goals but you also want to be realistic about. I feel the next two weeks will be very helpful for you to receive plenty of praise and attention and to be the center of attention. On October 28th communication increases via emails, text messages and phone calls. You may purchase a vehicle, computer, cell phone or telephone. It could be that you are connecting with family and friends. If you are making a major purchase at this time it may bring long term investments. You may have thought about this since 10 day ago but will continue to keep moving forward with these plans for the next 10 days. You may start a business venture or see an increase of writing and reading. Your mind works great so you are able to focus on projects and tasks. on October 31st and November 1st you may find love, fall in love or spend time with children. You are artistic and creative which heightens your abilities to create and craft. You do well with projects. You want to be careful as you may be deceived by a lover, partner or child. It could be that you try to deceive them. You may also idolize about someone in which you could be disappointed in the future.


The new Moon on October 26th will fall in your 12th house of secrets and solitude. The next two weeks will bring a time for you to retreat and seek time alone. You may find yourself being introverted and this could come through a vacation or by staying home alone. It may also be time for you to catch up on sleep and rest and relax. It may be time for you to get rid of what is unhealthy in your life including unhealthy people and habits. If you have been experiencing some addictions including drugs, alcohol and other types of addictions thing you may spend the next couple weeks in therapy or rehab. The Sun, Mercury and Venus all support the new Moon from your 12th house of secrets and solitude. You may find yourself keeping feelings and emotions to yourself. There are many thoughts and ideas going through your head. It's not wise to keep things to yourself as you need to be open with your emotions and feelings in order to move forward in life. Pluto supports the new Moon from your second house of earned income which can bring a time for you to vacation or spend money on therapy. Jupiter opposes the new Moon which might make you a bit excessive are extravagant. You want to be careful that you are not careless with food, money or other types of indulgences as you may regret it later on. I would suggest for the next couple weeks to figure out what is not making you happy at this time. You need to make yourself happy first before you can make others happy. If there has been something bothering you then it may be a good idea to take care of the issues now before being able to accommodate to others. Once you have been able to fix these issues then you can move forward with others including a partner, lover, child, friend or any other individual that is important to you. On October 28th your focus turns to finances and the home. You may relocate, renovate or purchase a new home. It could be you decide to rent an apartment. Big changes come to you during this time and you may have begun to feel the energy of this day since 10 days ago and will continue on for another 10 days. You may get involved in a business venture or find new ways to make more money. There is great stability and security for your future as long as you take advantage of the opportunities as you may never see them again. On October 31st and November 1st the home seems to be your main concern as you may decorate around the home. It could be to get ready for the holidays. You want to be careful as you may have someone close to you deceive you or you may be the one deceiving them. Stay alert and don't believe everything you hear.


The new Moon on October 26th will fall in your 11th house of friendships. The next two weeks will bring a time for you to make new friends and spend time with old friends. It could be that you join a group or organization. You can expect to work hard and to take on some serious responsibilities in connection to groups or friends. You may have to help out a friend or they asked for your assistance and guidance. Mercury, Venus and the Sun all support the new Moon which tells me that great opportunities for you to connect with friends and build great connections and network for your career or personal relationships. Pluto supports the new Moon from your own sign which tells me you will receive plenty of attention and can easily find yourself being the center of attention. People will want to be around you and will find you interesting to communicate with and spend time getting to know you. You could be selling a product and they will be mesmerized by you. It's all about the information you put out there and see what benefits these people bring to you. It could be financial or personal. You may also attend a special event or party or even find yourself hanging out with friends at bars and clubs. Have fun but also be careful not to be careless and do something you may later regret. It's time for you to focus on your own wants and needs especially on October 28th when Pluto connects well with Jupiter. Jupiter is currently traveling in your 5th house of love, children and relationships. You may form a relationship or partnership with someone or it could be you spend time with children. You may join a sport, hobby or recreational activity. There may be an opportunity for you to get involved in music theater, dance or other artistic activities. It's time to expand your mind and opportunities to learn something new. You may get involved in a business venture or opportunity to make some money. On October 31st and November 1st you may plan a trip or take a trip. There may be communication problems relating to emails, text messages and phone calls. You may purchase a vehicle, computer, cell phone or telephone. There could be deception with communication or messages. You may be lost and confused with other people are trying to tell you. Read any contract twice before making a final decision and signing on the dotted line.


The new Moon on October 26th will fall in your 10th house of career. The next two weeks may bring a time for you to receive a promotion, advancement or new job opportunity or offer. It could be that you decide to start a business venture or even find new ways to make more money. Mercury, Venus and the Sun all support the new Moon from your career house which makes it a great time for you to receive praise and recognition for all your hard work. You also seem to get along with coworkers and employees. You want to take advantage of the energy from the new Moon as it can be helpful when attending interviews and meetings. You will present yourself well to others and they will appreciate your confidence. Be careful of acting too arrogant or bragging as they may find it as a off. I feel the next two weeks can easily bring you a great opportunity for you to advance in your career and to succeed. it's time to focus on your own wants and needs and to expand your horizons. You are open to new possibilities and ideas on October 28th. The energy of this day began 10 days ago and will continue on for another 10 days. It could be time to get rid of what you don't need in your life including unhealthy people and habits. It's time to discard and move on. You may also be focusing on the home as you may purchase furniture or home accessories. It could be that you are spending on a new home or receiving a new loan for a home. You may be moving into a new apartment and purchasing new furniture. It's time to indulge so be careful not to get carries away with your finances. On October 31st and November 1st you may be deceived by others when it comes to finances. It could be you deceiving or lying to other people about money. Be careful what you do or say as it may come back to haunt you. Not a great time to sign contracts.


The new Moon on October 26th will fall in your ninth house of long-distance trips, foreign people and places. The next two weeks may bring a time for you to take a long-distance trip or to have others from afar come to visit you. You may enter college or University. It could be that you study and learn a new topic of interest including religion, law or philosophy. Broaden your horizons mentally or physically and learn something new. You may also decide to take classes and courses to further your training or education for your career or job. Mercury, Venus and the Sun support the new Moon which tells me you are open to spreading your boundaries and willing to connect with others from afar or locally. Communication will increase on the Internet especially through e-mails and phone calls. Pluto supports the new Moon from your 11th house of friendships, groups and organizations which can bring two weeks for you to connect with family and friends and attend a special event or party. You may be hosting your own special event or party especially for Halloween. Jupiter opposes the new Moon from your third house of communication, transportation, siblings and neighbors. You may take short trips to visit family and friends or see an increase of communication with your neighbors and siblings. You could also decide to purchase a vehicle, computer or cell phone. I feel the next two weeks would be a very positive time for you to plan for the future especially when it involves your career, finances and education. If you are planning to take a trip then organize your finances to see if you can afford it at this time. You may find yourself being a bit careless and extravagant which can catch up to you later on. I feel it's a fun time for you to expand your horizons and connect with people from afar as you may learn something new from them. Friends are highlighted on October 28th. You could make new friends or connect with old friends. Communication may increase through emails, text messages and phone calls with friends, groups and organizations. The energy of this day began about 2 weeks ago and will continue on for another 10 days You may travel to visit friends or they may come to see you. You are social and outgoing any may attend and event or party. You may be hosting an event or party. There could be business opportunities that come to you at this time. On October 31st and November 1st it's all about you and your wants and needs. You are compassionate and sympathetic towards others. Be careful as you may feel tired and drained or possibly a bit confused from what other people are trying to tell you.


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