Saturday, October 1, 2011

Cancer Horoscopes for October 2011

As you begin the month your focus will be on friendships especially on October 1, 2, 3, 17, 18, 28th and 29th. You may build a greater group of friends, associations or connections. It could be for personal or professional reasons. I feel this is a time for you to network as some of these connections could lead you into a new job offer or opportunity. It may also be that this individual will help you to prosper and grow with your finances or personal relationships. Every little of information can help you into a positive direction in life. You may also attend special events or parties with friends, family, coworkers, employees or for a charity or group. Expand your social and see what information you gain in the process.

The home seems to be your concern on October 6, 13, 25, 26 and 27th. You may relocate, renovate or make some changes around the home. It could be that you purchase a home or sign a lease to an apartment. You may have someone move in or move out of the home. There may be issues relating to the mother or women. It is time for you to take care of obligations relating to the home or place of living. It may be time to fix what has not been working in your life including getting rid of old items and unhealthy people from your life. It's a time of changes and simple change can make a big difference.

Venus enters your fifth house of love and children on October 8th The next four weeks will bring a time for you to find love, follow love and spend time with children. If you are single and available then this would be the time for you to get yourself out there and find and meet someone new. It could be that someone pursues you. You enjoy music and spending time with children. You also find yourself outdoors and may even hang out near bars and clubs. The Sun will enter your fifth house of love, children and creative projects on October 23rd. The next four weeks will bring a time for you to find love, follow love and spend time with children. You will also enjoy the creative arts including music, singing, dancing and movies. You may attend a concert or good more frequently to the movie theater.

Mercury enters your fifth house of love and children on October 14th. The next three weeks will bring a time when you may run into someone from your past. It does not necessarily mean that it will bring a reconciliation it just means that you may run into them again. If you are in a current love relationship or marriage then there may be old unresolved issues to discuss and it could also be with a child. Secrets may be revealed especially in connection to love relationships. You may also act like a kid or play games of love.

Cancer Weekly horoscope

Is Love promised in Your Chart

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The full Moon on October 12th will fall in your 10th house of career and promotions. The next couple weeks may bring a time for you to receive a promotion, advancement or career change. It may bring an advancement, promotion, bonus or commission. You may decide to start a new business or change career fields. You may lose a job or source of income. Mercury and Saturn oppose the full moon from your 4th house of home which may bring obligations connected to the home. You may have to relocate for a new job. It could be that you bring your work home which might make you neglect your family. You may be working longer hours which means less time at home and with family. Mars supports the full moon from your 2nd house of earned income. It is a time to make money. You may change job or relocate for a job. I feel the full moon can be very positive for you especially with career and finances. You may lose a source of income but gain in another way. Great opportunities may easily present themselves to you so good luck.

On October 10, 14, 24th and 25th your focus seems to be on your career. It could be that you experience some great changes in your career field or at your job. If you are a student then your focus may be on education and the future of your education. You may experience problems with electronics, computers, Internet, e-mails and phone calls. You may also run into some disagreements or arguments with a coworker or employee. It may be time for you to make some changes in your work or get a new job or job opportunity. You may also find yourself attending interviews or medians.

The new Moon on October 26th will fall in your fifth house of love, relationships, children, sports, hobbies and recreational activities. The next two weeks may bring a time for you to find love, follow love and spend time with children. It's also time for you to be outgoing and social as you will meet new people out at local places and restaurants. You may find yourself at a bar or club. Pluto, Mercury, Venus and the Sun all support the new Moon as the next two weeks may easily bring a time for you to find love and fall in love. You are social and outgoing as this is a great time for you to connect with other people. You also enjoy spending time with children especially in sports and hobbies. You may find yourself missing mean to music or enjoying a movie. You want to be careful as Jupiter opposes the new Moon which can make you indulge in love, money and other extravagant items. It's time for you to have fun and get out for a day or two. You may explore new places and opportunities. It's time for you to venture out and discover something new around town or with others. Have a little fun but also be careful as you may take greater chances and risks and may find yourself gambling or gambling at love.

On October 7, 12, 21st and 31st you may find yourself taking a trip or planning a trip. It could be that others from afar come to visit you. You may enter college or University or study and learn a new topic of interest. It's time to expand your horizons mentally or physically so have fun and enjoy.


The Psychic One

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