Mercury enters your eighth house of joint resources, taxes, credit cards and loans which will bring three weeks for you to take care of financial obligations connected to others including child support, alimony. It may be connected to a bank or company. It's a great time for you to budget and save for the future. You want to be careful on this day as you may experience anxiety or stress over obligations connected to work or home. You may find yourself indulging in weeks, food and other extravagant items. You want to be careful you do not spend too much or you may regret it later on.
It's all about you and your wants and needs today. You may indulge more than expected by eating and drinking too much. You may spend more than what you had planned so try to stick to a budget or create one. Mercury enters your partnership sign which brings 3 weeks to improve communication with a partner. You may also work closely with others to advance in your career, finances, education or personal relationships. Be careful as you may experience some stress and anxiety with a partner or friend. Issues may be difficult to resolve today.
You can expect to work hard for the money but you also have many task and projects to take care of at this time. It may relate to electronics and computers. It could be that you are working on a project that requires you to focus on many tedious details of this task. Communication increases through e-mails, text messages and phone calls. You want to be careful as you may experience problems with the Internet, computer, telephone and any other electronics including office equipment. It may also be a time for you to get rid of what you don't need in your life. It may be that you have to focus on taking care of your body and house by exercising and eating healthier. Discard would you don't need in your life so you can move forward including unhealthy habits and people
You may act like a kid or play games with children when Mercury enters your fifth house of love, relationships and children. The next three weeks may bring a time for you to play games with children or play games of love. Communication should improve with a lover, partner, children or a group or organization especially through e-mails and phone calls. It would help to open up regarding any issues or problems. You may also getting involved in sports, hobbies, music, dancing or other recreational activities. You want to be careful on this day as you may feel a bit of stress or frustration with someone else as they may have difficulties understanding where you are coming from. It may create a disagreement or argument. You are social and can easily make a new friend or you spend time with current friends. You may get involved in a group or organization and you may find yourself giving more of your support than what you can afford to them. Don't promise more than what you can give away just to make a good impression. You may find yourself regretting it later on. It could also be that they may take advantage of you or expect more out of you in the future.
Mercury enters your fourth house of home today and will bring you three weeks to improve communication at home. It could be through the Internet or through e-mails, text messages and phone calls. You may relocate or find yourself signing a lease or signing loan documents for a new home. You want to be careful as you may experience some electrical problems at home or with the Internet, cell phone, telephone or vehicle. Expect the unexpected. Your career will also be highlighted on this day in there could be the possibility of a new opportunity coming in your direction. It may be that you gain through other sources and connections. You are feeling very optimistic but also be careful you do not promise more than what you can deliver.
Mercury enters your third house of short trips, communication, siblings and neighbors which will bring you three weeks to see an increase of communication via e-mails, text messages and phone calls. You also find yourself taking frequent short trips around town and out-of-town. Be careful as you may experience problems with the vehicle, computer, cell phone or telephone on this day. You may indulge on an expensive item in connection to electronics, communication and transportation. It could be that you are spending money on a trip out-of-town or nearby town. You may also be spending money on an item connected to computers and electronics.
You seem to have a very productive day. Your concerns will be relating to finances and financial obligations connected to others especially taxes, credit cards and loans. You want to be careful as you may find yourself spending extravagantly or racking up the credit cards on expensive item. Mercury enters your second house of earned income giving you three weeks to find ways to make more money and to focus on the future of your financial security and stability by budgeting and saving for the future. You may feel a bit of stress and anxiety over finances or financial obligations.
It's all about you today when Mercury enters your own sign giving you three weeks to feel mobile and productive. You seem to do well running around getting projects done and you will find yourself communicating and connecting with others through e-mails, text messages and phone calls. There may be some problems with a partner especially in relation to finances or other obligations. It may be difficult to understand where they are coming from or they may have difficulties understanding you. You may be feeling a bit overwhelmed having to take care of many task and projects at this time. You may feel a bit of stress and anxiety.
You seem to be having many thoughts and ideas running through your head that you are keeping to yourself especially now that Mercury has entered your 12th house of secrets and solitude. I called this running a grocery list through your head instead of writing it down. The next three weeks will make you think which can bring you a bit of stress and anxiety if you are overanalyzing issues too much. You want to be careful as you may indulge in fatty foods, sweets, drinks and money today. Be careful if you are tempted to buy an expensive item as you may possibly regret it later on.
Mercury enters your 11th house of friendships today giving you three weeks to communicate and connect with family and friends or groups and organizations. You are social and outgoing and will do well making new friends and building connections through networking. You may experience some disagreements with others who do not look at things the same way you do. You may enjoy going out and having a little fun possibly with a lover, partner or children. You will find yourself spending and eating too much. If you question later on where all your money went then you want to think back on this day.
Your career is highlighted on this day as Mercury enters your 10th house of career which can bring interviews and meetings. You do well making a presentation or leading a group. Communication extends to coworkers, employees, clients and customers. You may also find yourself sending out more e-mails and making phone calls. You may experience some electrical issues or problems. There may be problems with office equipment, Internet, e-mails or forms of transportation. Expect the unexpected on this day especially in relation to computers and other electronics.
Mercury enters your ninth house of long-distance trips, foreign people and places. The next three weeks may bring a time for you to take a trip or plan a trip. You will broaden your horizons mentally or physically. It's time to take on a topic of interest and to study and learn something new. You are mentally focus and can take on any task or project. Communication increases through e-mails, text messages and phone calls. You may spend extravagantly on an item related to computers, cell phones, vehicles, telephones or other forms of electronics. You may also be focusing on your education and tuition.
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