Coming December 1st- 2012 Yearly Horoscope for all 12 Sun signs.
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October 2011
As you begin the month of October your focus will be on the home especially on October 1, 2, 3, 17th and 28th. You may relocate, renovate or make some changes around the home. It could be that you purchase a home or lease an apartment. You may decide to purchase new furniture or home accessories. Someone may move in or move out of the home. It's a time of new beginnings and changes at home or with family, parents or a motherly figure.
Long-distance trips, education, marketing and publishing may be your primary focus on October 6, 13, 26th and 27th. You may decide to go on a vacation or take a long-distance trip or have others come from afar to visit you. You may enter college or University. It's time to broaden your horizons and and yourself mentally and physically. I feel that this would be a great time for you to plan for the future whether it relates to your career, finances, education or personal relationships. You may have to deal with legal issues especially if it involves others including a divorce or child custody. You may be up for some challenges but it could also be that there might be a solution coming soon. Prepare for some battles and be aware that you will need patience and compassion in order to go through these hurdles. I also feel that this may be a time for you to study and learn a new topic of interest or you may find yourself reading and writing more frequently. You could also market a product via the Internet, radio or television.
Venus enters your 10th house of career on October 8th. The next four weeks will bring a time for you to receive plenty of praise and attention at work. It could be that you receive a job offer or opportunity. It is your time to advance in your career and to receive recognition for the hard work that you have done in the past. You may also find love at work or you are social and friendly to others at work. You connect well with coworkers and employees.
Mercury enters your career house on October 14th giving you 3 weeks to take care of projects and tasks at work. You may receive a job interview or attend meetings. There may be contracts and negotiations made at this time. You may receive a promotion, advancement or job offer or opportunity. Communication may increase with employees, coworkers, clients and customers via emails, text messages and phone calls. The Sun enters your 10th house of career on October23rd giving you 4 weeks to receive a promotion or advancement. You may focus on educate by attending classes and courses to further your career. It could be that you begin a business venture. If you are unemployed then you may attend interviews and meetings. If you are a student then this could be a wonderful time to focus on the future of your career and education.
Aquarius Weekly Horoscope
Is Love Promised in Your Chart?
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The full Moon on October 12th will fall in your third house of short trips, communication, siblings and neighbors. The next two weeks can bring a time for you to take a sudden short trip to visit family and friends. It could be that you decide to purchase a vehicle, computer, cell phone or telephone. Communication may increase via e-mails, text messages and phone calls. I feel that this would be a time of you having to take care of duties and obligations connected to anyone in these issues especially offense Mercury and Saturn are opposing the full Moon. It looks to me that any investment that you make at this time may be a bit costly or take a lot of time away from you. You may find yourself having to pay to replace a vehicle or computer. There may be repairs that need to be made as it may cost you more than expected. Mars supports the full Moon from your partnership house which can bring an increase of communication with the partner, lover, spouse, friend, coworker or employee. I would say take advantage of the opportunity to communicate as a can resolve old issues and problems. If there are any issues to discuss then the next two weeks will be the right time to get these issues out in the open and to resolve them. Do not hesitate to open up about how you are feeling to others as you will only be making things worse for yourself if you're holding back.
You may experience some communication problems on October 10, 14th and 24th. There could be misunderstandings especially through text messages and phone calls. You may have to pay for repairs on a computer or vehicle. You want to be careful what you say to other people as they may take it the wrong way.
Finances seem to be your concern on October 7, 12, 21st and 31st. You may receive a job offer or opportunity. You want to be careful as you may be selfless and giving of your money towards others. You may help that a friend give to charity. I would suggest for you to use these dates as opportunity to budget and save for the future.
The new Moon on October 26th will fall in your 10th house of career. The next two weeks may bring a time for you to receive a promotion, advancement or new job opportunity or offer. It could be that you decide to start a business venture or even find new ways to make more money. Mercury, Venus and the Sun all support the new Moon from your career house which makes it a great time for you to receive praise and recognition for all your hard work. You also seem to get along with coworkers and employees. You want to take advantage of the energy from the new Moon as it can be helpful when attending interviews and meetings. You will present yourself well to others and they will appreciate your confidence. Be careful of acting too arrogant or bragging as they may find it as a off. I feel the next two weeks can easily bring you a great opportunity for you to advance in your career and to succeed. Good luck.
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