It's going to be all about you on October 1, 2, 3, 14, 15, 17, 28th and 29th. It's time for you to focus on your wants and needs and what's going to make you happy. It could bring a time for you to focus on your health and well-being. It could make you focus on relationships including friendships. It could also be that you're focusing on your career finances. Is time for you to take charge of your life and what steps you need to take in order to make yourself happy. I feel that this would be a great time for you to start setting plans and goals for yourself and where you would like to be at in the future. I especially like October 28th as a great time for your personal wants and needs and to set direction in your life especially with career, finances and relationships. The energy of that day will began 10 days before that date and will continue on for another 10 days after that date. There is obviously a lot to look forward to stay focused.
On October 6, 13, 26th and 27th you can expect to work hard for the money but you may also see more money in the future. It could bring bonuses, commissions and sales. You may receive a new job offer or opportunity. It is also time for you to focus on your health as it will be easy for you to lose weight and eat healthy. You may have begun to notice results of your health and will begin to purchase new clothes or change your parents. You will also focus on taking care of projects and tasks at work and at home. You seem disciplined and focused to take charge and responsibility of obligations and duties.
Venus enters your partnership house on October 8th. The next four weeks will bring a time for you to collaborate and compromise with the partner. The partner may be a spouse, lover, friend, business partner, employee or coworker. If there are any issues or concerns than this would be the time to work them out. You will also be open to compromise especially if it helps to resolve the issues. The Sun enters your partnership house on October 23rd so expect 4 weeks to work with others for personal or professional reasons. It may be time to compromise and discuss or work out any issues or problems. The partner may also be a financial advisor, therapist, doctor or lawyer. It may be that you work with others to further your career, finances or relationships and partnerships.
Mercury enters your partnership house on October 14th giving you 3 weeks to communicate with a partner. It will also bring the opportunity to connect with others for professional or personal reasons. You seem to be open to working with others especially if it helps you to grow financial or personally.
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the full Moon on October 12th will fall in your 12th house of secrets and solitude. The next two weeks will bring a time for you to focus on your health and well-being. It may be time for you to get rid of what has not the working in your life including unhealthy people and habits. Mars supports the full Moon from your fourth house of home which may bring a time for you to get rid of any old items from the home. It could be that a relationship and an someone moves out of the home. It could be that someone moves into the home or a new place of living. It could be that you decide to relocate or make some repairs and changes around the home. Mercury opposes the full Moon from your partnership house which can be an indication of having some discussions with the partner. It could be that these discussions create complex and can make someone move out of the home. Saturn also opposes the full Moon which creates duty and responsibility and obligation. It's difficult to figure out exactly what's going on here but I feel there is a sense of duty and responsibility and a tough decision is being made at this time. It could be related to the home, partner or finances. You may have to relocate to a smaller place that will cost you less. It could be that you have to relocate for your career. You may find yourself having to take your work home or neglecting family due to work obligations. It seems to be a very difficult time for you as it tough to make an actual decision of family and friends or work, career finances. There is no easy answer during this full Moon and a can create challenges, disruptions and problems and relationships and with others close to you.
Your career is highlighted on October 7, 12, 21, 28th and 30th. You may receive a promotion or advancement or start a business venture. You are considerate and compassionate towards coworkers and employees. There is a sense of creativity in your work or how you produce your work projects. I feel this would be a great time for you to focus on the future of your career as you seem to have a more idealistic and realistic state of mind.
The new Moon on October 26th will fall in your partnership house. The next two weeks may bring a time for you to form a partnership with others including a spouse, lover, friend, business partner, coworker or employee. You may work alongside with others to further your career, finances, education or personal relationships. Pluto, Mercury, Venus and the Sun all seem to be supporting the new Moon which can bring great opportunities for you to advance in your career or personal relationships. I feel by you working with others can help you financially. It could be a business partner, friend, spouse or other individual that can provide you the assistance and information you need in order to prosper and succeed. I feel the new Moon will make you work hard but it will also bring successful results for the future.
You want to be careful on October 10, 14th and 24th as these all seem to be days when you may experience difficulties with office equipment, electronics, Internet and friends. There may be disruptions or disagreements. Be prepared for the unexpected during these days.
I feel they will be quite an interesting month for you especially when it comes to your wants and needs and how to advance in your career. You seem focused and dedicated to your work but may find yourself neglecting family and friends stay focused but don't forget the people that also need your support as you will need their support at some point good luck
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