The full Moon lunar eclipse on June 15th will fall in your 9th house of long-distance trips, foreign people and places. The next six months will bring opportunities for you to travel long distance and even to other countries. You may learn a new language or foreign culture. It could be that you enter college or University. It also could be that you graduate from college or University. You may also study and learn law and religion. The full Moon brings a sense of completion and the next six months may bring a time for you to end one chapter of your life to move into the new or next chapter of your life. You will expand your horizons mentally and physically. Mercury will oppose this eclipse from your third house of short trips, communication, siblings and neighbors. Again it's all about communication, travel and education. There may be some obligations in connection to education or travel. You may decide to study abroad to learn a different culture or language. You are open to the possibility of new opportunities in life and in your career. Mercury will enter your 4th house of home on June 16th. The next few weeks will bring a time for you to communicate in the home. You will feel a deeper bond in connection on June 16th with a friend, lover or partner. Your creativity and artistic skills also seem to increase at this time which would be positive if you are writing music, poetry or a research paper. You may also feel a telepathic connection with someone special. You may plan a trip around June 17th. Also finances seem to be improving as you may receive a job offer or opportunity at this time. Your concern turns to a partner, lover or business partner on June 18th. It may be time to build a stronger bond in connection with this person. You may form a commitment or get married. It could also be that you build a solid foundation with someone including business partners, friends, coworkers and employees. Be careful as you may have problems with electronics and the Internet. Your career is highlighted on June 19th. There may be duties and obligations to take care of and you seem to be very focus on getting work done. Mars wall enter your 3rd house of short trips, communication, siblings and neighbors on June 20th. The next seven weeks will bring a time for you to take frequent short trips either close to home or out-of-town. Communication seems to increase for you via e-mails, text messages and phone calls. You're more social and talkative. You will also find yourself driving been are talking more aggressively. Be careful not to forcefully talked your way into situations that you later may regret. Do not try to force others to think your way. Everyone has a right to their own personal opinions just as much is you have a right to your own. You may drive more forcefully which could make you get into a accident. If you find yourself rushing to work or leave earlier from home. the Sun enters your fourth house of home on June 21st giving you four weeks to relocate, renovate or make some changes around the home. You may have some disagreements with a partner, lover, business partner, coworker or employee. You also feel tired and drained at this time.
The full Moon lunar eclipse on June 15th will fall in your 8th house of joint resources, taxes, credit and loans. The next six months may bring a time when you need to deal with issues relating to taxes, credit cards, loan, shout support, alimony and settlements. There may be some financial debts and obligations that you need to take care of. It could be issues relating to a divorce or joint assets and capital with others. If you are in the middle of a divorce then this eclipse can highlight issues relating to taxes, credit cards and child support. Mercury will oppose this eclipse from your 2nd house of earned income. Obviously, there will be some obligations in connection to your finances. It could be the money that is coming in will be a bit tight versus the money that you need in order to pay off some bills. The next six months may bring a bit of a challenge when having to deal with financial obligations but you are a sign that does well in balancing things out. It would be a great time for you to really stick to a budget as the next six months will really teach you how to handle your finances so you can benefit from them. There may be a source of income coming to an end and it could relate to retirement, savings and loans. Mercury will enter your third house of short trips, communication, siblings and neighbors on June 16th. The next few weeks you will find yourself taking frequent short trips around town. You will also see communication increase via e-mails, text messages and phone calls. it will also be a time for you to complete work projects and presentations. You also seem to focus your time and dedication to friends and family. On June 17th you focus your energy on your own personal wants and needs. You seem to get projects done with precise and detail. Duties and obligations seem to be highlighted for you on June 18th. You will take care of projects with time, care and dedication. Be careful as you may have to revise some projects. Mars wall enter your 2nd house of earned income on June 20th. The next seven weeks will bring a time for you to make more money and to find new ways to build financial security. You may have an aggressive or pushy approach to bringing in more money. It's great news a few are in sales and need to build greater productivity so you can gain bonuses and commissions. I feel that this would be a great time for you to find new ways to make more money including starting a business venture. You may also argue over money especially if this is connected to a divorce are pay check. The Sun enters your third house of short trips, communication, siblings and neighbors. The next four weeks will bring a time for you to see an increase of communication via e-mails, text messages and phone calls. You also find yourself taking short trips around town and to visit family and friends. You can also expect to have many work obligations and duties to take care of for the day. You seem to be very good at taking care of the small details and tasks.
The full Moon lunar eclipse on June 15th will fall on your partnership house. The partner may be a spouse, lover, friend, coworker or employee. You may form a partnership at this time. It could be a business partnership or a love relationship. You may get engaged or married. The clouds will last six months so any of these event may come to you in the next six months. Mercury will oppose this eclipse from your own sign which could bring a bit of confusion or confrontation from others. If you are having problems with a partner than this could be the time to clarify any issues or problems especially if you're forming a business partnership or getting married. The eclipse will open the door for you to connect well with others and work alongside with others. You may also be out in the public or work with the public. It is a time for you to collaborate on a project or to get ahead in your career. It is time for you to compromise with others so that you can advance too. Mercury will enter your second house of earned income on June 16th. The next few weeks will bring a time for you to focus on finances and how to build greater financial security and stability. Career projects are highlighted at this time and you will present your greatest artistic works of art. You're more compassionate and sympathetic towards others including coworkers and employees. On June 17th you seem to spend time more in seclusion planning. It could be that you are putting a project together or even planning a trip. Love and relationships will be highlighted for you on June 18th. It is time to have a serious discussion with a lover or partner. You may also meet someone who is older and wiser then you or they may be younger in age. You seem to have a bit of anxiety and stress at this time so I would suggest for you to slow yourself down and do not create your own conclusions. Finances seem to be your concern on June 19th especially in connection to taxes, credit, loans, bonuses, commissions, child support and alimony. It is time to take care of than debts and obligations. Mars will enter your own sign on June 20th. The next seven weeks is still all about you. You will be highly motivated and active to get projects done. It's a great time for you to focus on your health by exercising. You seem to have the vitality and energy to exercise on a daily basis. A great time to complete work projects and tasks. Your tone it may be a bit aggressive so be careful not to come out to pushy towards others. You can accomplish plenty at this time so I suggest to use the energy to get work done. On June 21st the Sun will enter your second house of earned income giving you four weeks to make more money or find new ways to make money. You may also experience difficulties with a lover or child. It may bring arguments and disagreements. Try to do your best to resolve the issues and problems so that a breakup or ending does not occur.
The full Moon lunar eclipse on June 15th will fall in your 6th house of work, service and health. The next six months will bring a time for you to work hard for the money and see an increase of work projects and tasks. It could be that you are making a job change that may or may not bring more money for you. You may also be making a transfer or lateral move. I feel that this would be a great time for you to advance in your career but you can expect to also work harder for the money. Mercury will oppose this eclipse from your 12th house of secrets and solitude which could make you work hard by yourself. You may feel a bit introverted as you seem to be spending a lot of time on your own. It is a great time for you to build connection and see an increase of clients and customers. You would do whatever you can in order to get ahead in your career and build more financial security. Your health will also improve through exercise and eating healthy. It is also a time for you to take care of your own health by going to the dentist there receive a medical checkups and routine examination. You may also focus on the health of of pet. It could be that you get a new pet and you find yourself going to the veterinarian's office throughout the next six months. You have many thoughts and ideas but try to be organized as you may get lost and confused. Mercury will enter your own sign on June 16th. You may also decide to plan a trip or take a trip on the 16th. It is a great time to broaden your horizons by reading and listening to music. It is time for you to daydream and fantasize of places afar. Friends are highlighted for you on June 17th. It is a time for you to spend time with friends or make a new friend. You may also attend a special event or party. The home is highlighted for you on June 18th. It is time for you to relocate, renovate or make some changes around the home. You may also sign a contract including home loans or a lease. Do not rush through the paperwork as you may be careless. You may experience problems with a partner on June 19th. The partner may be a business partner, spouse, friend, coworker, employee or employer. They may create challenges for you. Mars will enter your 12th house of secrets and solitude on June 20th. The next seven weeks will bring a time for you to focus on your health and well-being. You have heard me discuss the 12th house several times with Mercury, Venus and the eclipse all in the 12th house. You may find yourself in a hospital or you could be spending time in the hospital because you are taking care of someone else that is ill. You may have to receive medical and routine checkups. It could also be a time for you to discard get rid of what you don't need in your life including bad people and addiction. It is a time for you to heal the body by getting rid of bad negative energy in your life. The Sun enters your own sign on June 21st giving you 4 weeks to focus on your own wants and needs. It's all about you and what makes you happy. It can include losing weight or getting into a new relationship. You may have problems in the home as it could bring stress and anxiety. You may have to deal with issues relating to the home. It may be time to relocate or repair.
The full Moon lunar eclipse on June 15th will fall in your 5th house of love and children. The next six months will bring a time for you to find love, fall in love or spend time with children. It is a time of endings a new beginning. It could be that you put yourself out there to meet someone new and you just happened to fall in love with someone special. You possibly could have someone from your past come back into your present life to rekindle or reconcile or relationship. You may find yourself eating and evening getting involved in a relationship. It is an active time for you to be social and outgoing. Children will also be highlighted during this eclipse. You may spend time with children receive a child graduate, marry or get engaged. It could be that a child moves away to another city or country. You will also find yourself being more active with sports, hobbies and other recreational activities. It could involve music, movies, dancing and singing. Mercury will oppose this eclipse from your 11th house of friendships. It could bring some communication issues and disagreements out in the open. The disagreement they come from friends or it could be that a lover may not understanding where you are coming from. If you are single and dating the you want to make sure you put out there what you want from someone. If you have a set of standards and expectations then put them out there as long as they are reasonable. You don't want to settle for less just because you fear that you may lose someone in the process. It is a time for you to take bold chances and love and luck. The fifth house also rules gambling and you may find yourself taking greater chances by gambling in casinos are gambling with love. Mercury will enter your 12th house of secrets and solitude on June 16th. The next few weeks bring the time for you to run ideas and thoughts through your head. On June 16th your focus will be on financial obligations relating to taxes, credit, loans, bonuses, commissions, child support and settlement. You may receive the gain or opportunity at this time. It could bring great opportunity the benefits. On June 17th your career is highlighted as it could bring a great promotion or advancement. On June 18th you will enjoy a couple days when you will focus on taking care of financial obligations and duties. You may receive may receive a job offer or opportunity. It could also be that you receive a new vehicle, computer or phone. You seem to do well taking care of your finances. it will be easier to lose weight. Work obligations and duties increase on June 19th. Mars wall enter your 11th house of friendships on June 20th. The next seven weeks will see an increase of invitations to special events and parties. You will find yourself being more social and outgoing with friends, groups that organizations. Be careful as you may argue with a friend or group. It is a time for you to show others that you can lead in a group. You may take the initiative and decide to take on a project for the group or friends. You will also find yourself being more active around friends and groups. It could be that you join a sport, hobby or other recreational activity. You will find yourself being more active and energetic. As stated before be careful that you do not argue with friends as this could seven for a friendship. The Sun enters your 12th house of secrets and solitude giving you 4 weeks a time for you to rest and relax. You may decide to take a vacation to get away from it all. It would also be a positive time to receive a massage or therapy.
The full Moon lunar eclipse on June 15th will fall in your fourth house of home. The next six-month may bring a time for you to relocate, renovate or make changes around the home. It could be that someone move in our move out of the home. It may be a family member, friend, spouse or lover. You may focus on issues connected to the home including renovations and repairs. You may purchase a new home or get your first apartment. There could also be issues relating to the home and your neighbors or home environment. A full moon tends to bring endings and this could be the ending of a home or place of living. Mercury will be opposing this eclipse from your 10th house of career so it could be that you either have to work from home or bring some a your work home. If you are running a home-based business then expect to be working many more projects and hours. I do like that Venus and Saturn will support this eclipse which will bring great stability and security to the home in your finances. It may be that you decide to rent out rooms in your home to build more financial security. You may even decide to bring in roommates or a live-in lover or to help you with your expenses. In return it helped you to get ahead in your own personal finances to build security and stability. There also seems to be a bit of anxiety which could bring problems around the home or with others. The anxiety issues may be just the stress of having to deal with adjusting to different people in your home or you having to live with someone house. On June 16th Mercury will enter your 11th house of friendships. The next few weeks will bring a time for you to communicate with friends and family. On June 16th your focus is on a partner. You seem to be more compassionate and considerate towards someone close to you including a business partner. Spouse, lover, friend, coworker, employee or employer. Your compassionate and considerate towards others. You may also be planning are taking a trip on June 17th. You brought in your horizons mentally and physically. Finances should improve on June 18th. You may receive a job offer or opportunity. You may also pay a hefty bill or debt. There may be disagreements or arguments with a lover or child on June 19th. It would be wise to try to compromise and work out any issues or problems. It may be a challenge at this moment but try to do the best that you can. Mars will enter your 10th house of career on June 20th. The next seven weeks will bring a time for you to expand your opportunities to succeed in your career. You may pursue a new career field or opportunity. If you're looking to began a new business that you will be able to accomplish many tasks at this time to get this business going. I also feel that you will have many projects to take care of a you seem to have the energy and motivation to take care of them at this time. If you are seeking employment then you seem to be highly active and putting out resumes and applications. The Sun will enter your 11th house of friendships on June 21st. The next four weeks will bring a time for you to enjoy the company of friends and make new friends. You may attend a special event or party or could be you that is putting together a special event or party.
The full moon lunar eclipse on June 15th will fall in your 3rd house of short distant trips, communication, siblings and neighbors. The next six months may bring a time for you to take sudden short trips around town or close to count. It could be that you are traveling to visit cousins, aunts, uncles, cousins or even neighbors. You are social and talkative you want to connect with people around you. You may build a friendship or connection to your neighbor. It could be that you want to be part of a group and this would be a great time for you to connect with those around you. Communication will improve and increase via e-mails, text messages and phone calls. It's great for you especially if you are purchasing a new phone that has a data plan and you will find yourself sending or receiving text messages. You are social and outgoing. Communication can easily increase for your business. For instance, if you rely on sales via the e-mails, financial transaction and and phone calls then the next six month will be great for you is you should see an increase of communication and transactions coming through. It may be that you decide to purchase a new vehicle, computer or cell phone. You may begin to start getting yourself into the world of smart phones and cell phones and this will be a time for you to reach out to others through this new technology. You may also take frequent short trips for work. Mercury will enter your 10th house of career on June 16th. The next few weeks will bring a time for you to attend business meetings and interviews. On June 16th you seem to focus on work obligations and duties. It will be the greatest opportunity for you to show your creative talents and skills as you seem to do well in putting together projects and creative design and art. On June 18th you would do well on losing weight and focusing on your own personal wants and needs. It is time for you to focus on what you will do best for yourself and how to advance in your future. You may experience problems with computers and electronics. On June 19th the home is your concern as you may relocate, renovate or make some changes around the home. Mars will also enter your ninth house of long-distance trips and travel on June 20th. The next several weeks will bring a time for you to travel to visit family and friends. It could be that they come to visit you. Also time for you to study a new topic of interest and to learn a new language or culture. You may also feel that your believe may be challenged. Trying not to aggressively force your beliefs on to others. Everyone has a right to their own opinions just as well as you do too. You may have court issues to deal with or lose a court battle. The Sun will enter your 10th house of career on June 21st as you will spend four weeks focusing on advancing in your career or possibly receiving a promotion. It could also be a very positive time for you to start a business project or venture. You seem to be focused on details on every task you take.
The full Moon lunar eclipse on June 15th will fall in your 2nd house of earned income. The next six months will bring a time for you to receive a job opportunities and offers. It could be that a source of income comes to an end but it will also bring a new source of income. Whatever things that I like about the the collapse is that it seems to bring a great connection from Venus and Saturn. These two planets bring this plan, structure, security and stability. The job or source of income that you take on at this time will be with you for many years to come or until you decide to change job. It also could be for instance, if you are starting your own business then the business will show great ability for you to make money from it. You may be working with a business partner, entity or company that will help you advance in your career or business and help you to build financial security and stability. I feel that this is really great news for you as you will enjoy the opportunities that conjuring this eclipse. Mercury will oppose the eclipse from your eighth house of joint resources, taxes, credit and loans which tells me you may have some debts are bills to take care of as you're trying to build income at the same time. You seem to be highly obligated to take care of these financial issues but you are also working hard for the money and that will be your one savior that will help you to get ahead with your finances too. On June 16th Mercury will in turn your ninth house of long-distance trips, foreign people and places. You may plan a trip or take a trip at this time. The next few weeks will also be a time for you to study and learn a new culture or language. On June 16 love relationships and children are your priority and concern. You may find love, fall in love or spend time with children. It is a positive time for you to show your creative and artistic skills. A partner is highlighted on June 17th. The partner may be a spouse, lover, friend, business partner, coworker or employee. It would be an easy time for you to discuss and work out any issues or problems. On June 18th you seem to focus more on taking care of any obligations and duties around you including task and chores. Mars will enter your 8th house of joint resources, taxes, credit and loans on June 20th. The next seven weeks will bring a time when you have to focus on issues relating to credit cards, taxes, loans, child support, alimony, settlement and retirement. There may be arguments over joint resources and assets. If you're in the middle of a divorce that you can expect to have arguments over money and material items. There may be problems with your credit cards or you have to rack up the credit cards because you are paying a hefty debt or bill. Financial obligations and duties will come during this time. It may be positive or it may be negative is just will depend on the word the financial obligations are going and how they are being utilized. Your sex life will improve the you may also be a bit aggressive towards others. The Sun will enter your ninth house of long-distance trips, foreign people and places on June 21st. The next four weeks may bring a time for you to take a long-distance trip or have others come to visit you. You may also learn a new language or culture. It is time for you to broaden your horizons mentally and physically.
The full Moon lunar eclipse on June 15th will fall in your own sign. It is great news for you because the next six months will really make you begin to think of what you want for yourself. It is all about you. If you want to change your then you will begin to notice that certain things in yourself need to improve and change. It could be your weight and you need to lose weight. It could be how you eat so now you will focus on eating healthier. It is the time of change for you and this is the time for you to focus on what will make you happy. Venus and Saturn will connect well for you during this eclipse which will be a great indication that any projects you take on you will be very focused and dedicated to accomplishing the goals. If it is to lose weight thing you would do well in losing weight. Saturn is in your 11th house of friendships and groups which can indicate that you want to connect more with friends and groups. It may be that you are just more open to getting out of socializing. You may work with the group to lose weight. Your appearance may change also through new haircut and clothes. It could be that you are slowly changing your parents by changing your outfit and your hairstyle. Mercury will oppose the clips from your partnership house which can be an indication that there may be differences of agreement with the partner. They may feel that the way you want to live your life is different from a how you want to live your life. It may also bring the ending of a relationship or partnership. It depends what has been going on around you that now you want to take a different approach to life. You want to focus on will will make you happy and I cannot stress this enough. An eclipse your sign especially a full Moon eclipse will heighten emotions and feeling for you. You will feel quite emotional and may even feel a bit introverted which is odd for a sign like yours. Mercury will enter your eighth house of joint resources, taxes, credit and loans on June 16th. The next few weeks will bring a time for you to focus on financial obligations connected to car loans, home loans, taxes, credit cards, child support, alimony and settlements. There'll be a time for you to look over financial obligations and duties connected to retirement, savings and other financial obligations and debts. The home is your concern on June 16th as you may relocate, renovate or make changes around the home. It could be that you paint a room or purchase a new home. Expect to take care of tedious tasks and projects on June 17th. You seem to have the patient to get work done. You may attend to a friend on June 18th. You may connect with old friends and new friends. It may be a time when you build a friendship with someone who can help you in your career or build financial security and stability. They may be older and wiser or have greater experience in the field of interest then you. You may also build a stronger commitment with a partner, coworker, friend, employee or employee or. You have financial obligations to take care of on June 19th. It may be time to pay some bills and take care of some financial obligations. Mars will also enter your partnership house on June 20th. The next seven weeks will bring a time for you to openly communicate with the partner. There may be also argument with the partner. It could be a business partner that you have a disagreement with on how to run a business or in connection to any duties or obligations connected to the business. There are many reasons why argument may be created here. It could be joint resources and finances. If the money is running then even in a personal relationship then the arguments may easily come on how to handle finances. It won't be an easy situation to resolve so obviously there needs to be some form of compromise. I do want to warn you that if no one is willing to compromise it could sever a relationship or and a partnership even a business partnership. It will be a great disappointment to have any partnership then just because no one wanted to work with each other to compromise these issues. You can see this as a warning that the next seven weeks may create a big enough problem to and a relationship or partnership. On June 21st the Sun enters your eighth house of joint resources, taxes, credit and loans which brings four weeks for you to take care of any financial obligations and duties connected with others. You may take out a loan or gain financially through a bonus or commission. You could also gain through a reward or gift. The home also seems to be your concern and priority on this day as it could bring a time for you to relocate, renovate or change the decor at home or in a room. You do well in taking care of the small details and the project.
The full Moon lunar eclipse on June 15th will fall in your 12th house of secrets and solitude. The next six months will bring a time for you to rest and relax. It could be that you seek solitude at home because you are recovering from an illness or have to take care of someone else who is recovering from an illness or surgery. You will also find yourself being more tired and feel a need to catch up on sleep. You will be a time for you to take care of your body and well-being. It is time for you to get rid of a bad habit or someone who is unhealthy in your life. This will include addictions and codependency. It is time to let go of the old to make way for the new. If someone including bad relationship have not been working out for you than this will be a time for you to let go. Mercury will oppose the eclipse making this a time for you to feel a bit confused emotionally and psychologically. It could be that you are going through a time when you are trying to figure out what needs to change in your life but don't know exactly what it is that needs to be changed. It could be that others are confusing you and what to think and believe and you don't know how to react. Mercury will enter your partnership house on June 16th making the next few weeks a time for you to communicate openly with the partner on any issue or problem. A partner may be a spouse, lover, friend, business partner, coworker or employee. It is a time for you to take a short trip to visit family and friends on June 16th. It could be that you take a quick trip around town or to a place where you feel is very peaceful and calm. You may enjoy the decor of your surroundings. Communication increases via e-mails, text messages and phone calls. Friends are highlighted on June 17th. You may make a new friend or spend time with old friends. You could also attend a special event or party or could be that you are putting together a special event or party. You may also join a group or organization. Your career is highlighted on June 18th. It may bring a job opportunity or offer. It could also start rather quickly. You seem to be very investigative and doing a lot of research on June 19th. It could be that you are making plans to relocate. You may also take care of the tedious details of a task or project. Mars will also enter your 6th house on June 20th. The next seven weeks will bring a time for you to work hard for the money. It will also be a time for you to exercise and lose weight easily. If you have been indulging and fatty foods and sweets then you will enjoy having Mars enter your 6th house as you would discipline yourself to exercise on a regular basis so you can keep your weight down. You may also focus on the health of of pet as this may be a time to take care of routine checkups and exams. It may also be a time for you to take care of any medical issues or concerns for you or someone else. The Sun will enter your partnership house on June 21st giving you four weeks to compromise and connect with the partner. The partner may be a spouse, lover, friend, business partner, coworker or employee. You may have to work closely with others to advance in your career or personal life.
The full Moon lunar eclipse on June 15th will fall in your 11th house of friendships. The next six months or bring a time for you to focus on your concern over friends, groups and organizations. It could be that you end a friendship or and your connection to a group or organization. If you decide to and a friendship then it is because the two of you have grown apart or view things differently from each other. It will also be a time when you may find yourself connecting to people from your past including friends and groups. I am unsure exactly what is going on I can only describe the possibilities of what is going on at this time. Saturn and Venus connect well during this full Moon eclipse as a can easily create stability and security among friends, groups and organizations. You may begin to see your friends in different light. It could be that you start to have a different view of what of friend is to you. You may also discuss any issues or problems with a friend or group. There is a sense of maturity in you or it could be that you reach out to an individual or group to help you advance in your career finances. You may work with a marketing team to promote your product. It could be that you work alongside others or an individual to help you advance in your career, finances or business. There is a sense of stability and security with others and it will help you to advance, prosper and grow as a person. Mercury will oppose the eclipse from your 5th house love and children. There may be some differences of opinions with others including the lover or child. It may also be that you reach out to this individual as a way to improve yourself and others around you. Mercury will enter your 6th house of work, service and health on June 16th giving you a few weeks to focus on work projects, task, duties and obligations. You have the patience to take care of tedious projects and details. You may receive a financial opportunity or offer on June 16th. This could also bring a new job or opportunity. The home is highlighted for you on June 17th. The next couple days may bring a time for you to relocate, renovate or make some changes around the home. It is a time for you to travel or making long-distance plans on June 18th. Your focus is on the future and where you would like to be at financially and personally. It may involve your career and finances or love and relationships. It is also positive time for you to plan a trip or take a trip. I will suggest to plan early as you may experience some last-minute changes. Mars will enter your 5th house of love and children on June 20th. The next seven weeks will bring a time for you to find love, fall in love and spend time with children. I know I sound like a broken record but that is only because there is so many planets falling in your fifth house right now and will continue on throughout the month of June. You have so many opportunities this month find love and fall in love. If you are single and dating there is no excuse for you to meet someone new. If you want to get out there and be social then it one not be difficult for you to go to a place nearby and meet new people. Even if you are social and wanting to connect with friends and family it will not be difficult for you to do at this time. It will also be a great time for you to connect with children and get involved in sports and hobbies or activities with children. The Sun will enter your 6th house of work, service and health on June 21st giving you four weeks to work hard for the money and expect to take care of many tedious task and projects. You also focus on your health as it will be a great time for you to lose weight and eat healthier. It could also be time for you to focus on the health of a pet by taking them to the veterinarian so they can get their routine vaccinations and checkups. There may be some financial obligations to take care of on this day. You may have to pay some hefty debts are bills.
The full moon lunar eclipse on June 15th will fall in your 10th house of career. The next 6 months will bring a time when you may receive a promotions or advancement. It could be that you begin a business venture. You will want to spread your wings into new territory and may decide to venture into a new career field. Venus and Saturn will support the eclipse giving you stability and security in this career or job. You may find yourself at this job for many years to come. It could be that a business venture you begin will bring great long term results and money. I will advice you that expect to have the profits and gain come at a steady and slow pace. It won't come at once. You will make money but not the quick fix type of money. The full moon eclipse will make you work hard for your success but it will also make sure that you succeed at the end. It just won't come right away. You just need to know that the hard work will pay itself off. It can bring you a bit disappointment because you are a sign that likes to dream big. Mercury will enter your fifth house of love and children on June 16th. The next few weeks will bring a time for you to openly communicate with a lover or child. Any issues or problems will be discussed and compromised. You may also play games with a child or play games of love. Your intuition increases on June 16th. You may feel a greater bond in connection to someone else honest spiritual or psychic level. It almost seems as though you can read their minds earned know what they're about to say. It is a very creative and artistic time for you and you will put together your greatest projects. It works well for you if you are into music and art. Communication will increase on June 17th via e-mails, text messages and phone calls. You may also decide to take a quick trip or plan a trip out-of-town. Financial obligations and duties should work well for you on June 18th. The finances in question relates to taxes, credit, loans, bonuses, commissions, child support, alimony, settlements and any other financial obligations and resources connected to others. You also do well budgeting and saving. You may feel a bit stressed and anxious as you are trying to budget and save for the future. There may be a debt that you have to take care of at this time. You may experience difficulties with a friend, group or organization on June 19th. You also do well interacting with others as you seem to get a lot of information out of them and they will be open to relating to you. Mars will also enter your 4th house of home on June 20th. The next seven weeks will bring a time for you to relocate, renovate or make some repairs around the home. You may experience some disruptions around the home. It could be that you have disagreements and arguments with someone that you live with including a spouse, lover or roommate. The disruptions may also come from your neighbors or your home environment. You may have to make some electrical repairs or even discard some old items from home. It would also be a wonderful time for you to clean out the closets and garage. It may also be a wonderful time for you to get rid of anything you don't need in your life including old items and people. I do want to warn you that the next seven weeks may bring the ending of a relationship. The ending of a relationship will only occur if there have been problems prior to Mars entering your fourth house of home. Once Mars enters your house of home it will only heighten what problems have already been there all this time. On June 21st the Sun enters your fifth house of love and children. The next four weeks will bring a time for you to find love, fall in love and spend time with children. You will also enjoy a concert, music, theater, art and any other artistic and creative outlet. You may also find yourself in a bar or club. On June 21st you may have to take care of a financial debt or bill so remember to budget your finances.
The Psychic One
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