The month will really highlight some big events for you to be social and outgoing. It will also bring you great career opportunities too. You will shine bright and seek great career success. It could bring some great connections to your future success. The cosmic energy of this month will begin right away with the new moon solar eclipse on June 1st that will affect you deeply. There will be several planets entering your 11th house of friendship this month which will bring great connections with friends and groups. It's highly active for you to make some new friends. You will also build connections for your career or through friends.
The new moon Solar eclipse on June 1st will fall in your 11th house of friendships on June 1st. An eclipse have the effects to last six months. The next six months will bring a time for you to see an increase of friends through groups, organizations or through other friends and networks. It is a time for you to be social and outgoing. The people that you connect with may also bring you opportunities to get ahead in your career or finances. Saturn will support this new Moon eclipse from your third house of short trips, communication, siblings and neighbors. You may find yourself communicating with others or collaborating with others. It may be that you find yourself taking short trips to visit friends or they come to see you. You may also find yourself socializing with older friends who may also help you to get ahead in your career. There is a sense of guidance and support from others including groups and organizations. Uranus will also support this eclipse from your ninth house of long-distance trip, foreign people and places. You may find yourself building greater connections with others through the Internet or in foreign lands and countries. It could also be that you are reaching out to others from other states, cities and countries. Communication will increase through the Internet, e-mails, text messages and phone calls. A solar eclipse will affect you personally because the Sun is the ruler of your sign. A solar eclipse will affect you personally because Leos are affected by the Sun. You will feel that this eclipse deeper than other sun signs. The eclipse falls in the sign of Gemini. It could mean that you will collaborate with two friends or gain a multiple of friends, groups and organizations. Gemini is the sign of the twin which means that during the eclipse you will see a multiple of events and friends. It could be that you with the multiple events of parties and special event like a weddings and birthday parties. It will be a highly active eclipse for you to get out of socialize and meet some new people. Is not a time for you to be alone. It is time for you to mingle.
Jupiter will enter your 10th house of career on June 4th. The next 12 months will bring great opportunity for you to advance in your career. You may receive a job promotion or advancement. It could be that you begin a business venture. It is also a time of career change in this could bring on a job that can really boost your status and career. It may be a change in your current job that helped you gain recognition and notoriety. You are a very hard-working sign in the next 12 months will bring you great gifts in your career that can help you to make more money and to receive greater status and recognition for your hard work. I feel that the next 12 month will be great for you to put yourself out there and to show people what you are capable of doing. If you know deep down inside you can accomplish so much for yourself then show others what you can do so that you can advance in your career. It can easily bring more money but it's also something that you have to put out there yourself. If you want it bad enough you to make it happen. It's all about you to gain recognition it's just going to be a matter of how badly do you want to yourself.
Mercury will enter your 11th house of friendships on June 2nd. The next three weeks will bring a time for you to communicate more with friends via the Internet, e-mails, text messages and phone calls. Communication will improve and increase with friends which can help resolve any issues or problems. Mercury will enter your 12th house of secrets and solitude on June 16th. The next few weeks bring the time for you to run ideas and thoughts through your head. You may find yourself thinking and planning without really writing it down. It's a great time for you to focus and get projects done. Try not to be too disorganized or you will get lost and confused. The Sun will enter your 12th house of secrets and solitude on June 21st. You will have four weeks to rest a lot. It may be a time for you to take a vacation or to seek solitude to rejuvenate your energy. You may seek therapy or massage. It's also a time for you to get rid of any bad habits or people from your life.
Venus will enter your 11th house of friendships on June 9th. The next four weeks will bring a time for you to connect with friends and to meet some new friends. You may find love among your friends or a lover treats you more like a friend. You may attend special event or party. Mars wall enter your 11th house of friendships on June 20th. The next seven weeks will see an increase of invitations to special events and parties. You will find yourself being more social and outgoing with friends, groups that organizations. Be careful as you may argue with a friend or group. It is a time for you to show others that you can lead in a group. You may take the initiative and decide to take on a project for the group or friends. You will also find yourself being more active around friends and groups. It could be that you join a sport, hobby or other recreational activity. You will find yourself being more active and energetic. As stated before be careful that you do not argue with friends as this could seven for a friendship. You may find yourself collaborating with others to put a special event or party together. A great time for you to get out and socialize and meet some new people.
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The full Moon lunar eclipse on June 15th will fall in your 5th house of love and children. The next six months will bring a time for you to find love, fall in love or spend time with children. It is a time of endings a new beginning. It could be that you put yourself out there to meet someone new and you just happened to fall in love with someone special. You possibly could have someone from your past come back into your present life to rekindle or reconcile or relationship. You may find yourself eating and evening getting involved in a relationship. It is an active time for you to be social and outgoing. Children will also be highlighted during this eclipse. You may spend time with children receive a child graduate, marry or get engaged. It could be that a child moves away to another city or country. You will also find yourself being more active with sports, hobbies and other recreational activities. It could involve music, movies, dancing and singing. Mercury will oppose this eclipse from your 11th house of friendships. It could bring some communication issues and disagreements out in the open. The disagreement they come from friends or it could be that a lover may not understanding where you are coming from. If you are single and dating the you want to make sure you put out there what you want from someone. If you have a set of standards and expectations then put them out there as long as they are reasonable. You don't want to settle for less just because you fear that you may lose someone in the process. It is a time for you to take bold chances and love and luck. The fifth house also rules gambling and you may find yourself taking greater chances by gambling in casinos are gambling with love. If you put yourself out there to gamble in casinos didn't just be aware that it does not mean that you will win big money. It could just be that you will find yourself taking greater chances to gamble. If you can look at this as a time to just have fun and enjoy yourself then you may be surprised that you gain something in the process. You will gain love affection and attention for the next six months so enjoy.
Finances will be highlighted for you on June 3, 7, 10, 12, 17, 18, 19, 21, 22, 25th and 29th. All of these dates are active for career and finances. You may find a job or job opportunity. There may be financial gains or financial opportunity. You may see an opportunity come to you that can bring you more financial security and stability. It is up to you what you wanted do. A job or business venture may come to you at this time too. I suggest for you to keep an eye on all these dates as they can bring great career and financial success.
Neptune will retrograde on June 3rd from your eighth house of joint resources, taxes, credit and loans. The next four months may bring a challenge for you when having to deal with issues relating to taxes, credit cards, loans, shout support, alimony and settlement. You may be a bit disorganized in your finances or you may be deceived. Make sure you read the fine lines and put every thing in writing so you do not get taken advantage of.
Saturn will finally go direct on June 12th from your third house of communication, short trips, siblings and neighbors. You should find the ability to advance in your communication with others via e-mails, the Internet, text messages and phone calls. You may have experienced some vehicle or transportation problems but now things should be running much smoothly for you. The next hope will be that eventually gas prices will go down well right now that may be wishful thinking. In the meantime focus on improving your communication with others including siblings, neighbors, cousin, aunts and uncles.
It would be a highly social active month for you. The eclipses for this month will make you get out in the open and connect with those that can really build great connections for you. It may come with friends or a group an organization. It could be that you are finally putting yourself out there to date and meet someone new. The eclipses will last six months which means you will have plenty of time to find love them fall in love or to build a stronger bond in connection with a current love relationship or marriage. You will also do well by connect gain with children and even getting involved in artistic projects and activities. Your career is going to take a big boost now that Jupiter has entered your career house. It's time for you to advance in your career and be able to get ahead with your finances. You will always run into challenges especially in your career field because you are a workaholic sign. It's always about work and how to advance in your success and you will run into a couple of days that will bring them for you especially around June 5th and June 14th. It's all about how you manage it that will be able to bring you greater accomplishments and success in the future. If you can be prepared for challenges that you will be able to handle them much easier and be able to move forward at a quicker pace. Good luck and expect great opportunities.
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