You will travel mentally and physically. It will be a time for you to expand your horizons whether through education or travel. It is going to be a very fun and active time for you so that me began by talking about the new Moon eclipse on June 1st.
The new Moon eclipse on June 1st will fall in your 9th house of long-distance travel, foreign people and places. The next six months will bring a time for you to take long-distance trips are have others come to visit you. I feel that the door will open up for you to travel to exotic and foreign places. Education will also be highlighted during this eclipse. It would be a time for you to enter a university or college. You may study and learn a new topic of interest. You don't necessarily have to enter college in order to learn a new topic or get educated. It could be that someone decides to teach you something new including cooking, music, sewing, crafting, baking or other new ventures and crafts. It's all about how you want to expand your horizons to new places and new studies. Saturn will support the eclipse from your own sign. It is a sign that likes to discipline and set structure. The next six months will bring a time for you to really start to focus on what's going to make you happy. You may decide to enter college or to lose weight. Saturn in your own sign has helped you to focus on your health and to even lose weight much easier. It is a time for you to focus on your own personal well-being and what you want for yourself. Uranus will also support the eclipse from your partnership house. You may work alongside someone else for your education or studies. It could be that you hire a personal trainer is that you can lose weight. You may also focus on mass marketing and promotion. It is a time for you to promote a product or yourself via the Internet, radio or television. You may collaborate with another company or entity in order to advance in your business or studies. I feel that this would be a great eclipse for you to get ahead with your career, education, health and mass marketing.
Jupiter will enter your 8thhouse of joint resources, taxes, credit and loans on June 4th. The next 12 month will be quite positive for you as you may be approved for car loans, home loans, tax refund and gain, bonuses, commission, child support, alimony, gifts and rewards. You may see financial gain or material gains. It would be the type of gains that comes from other sources not related to money earned like a paycheck. For instance, you gain from other sources like a business partner, joint venture, joint assets, bank or other resource. It could be that you also gain through the lottery or casino. I have mentioned many times in the past that in order for you to see a big gain through the lottery or casino it must be promised in your personal birth chart. If it is not then do not expect to back the rent money because you will be highly disappointed. The next 12 months will just make it easier for you to see financial gain through one of these sources. When I had Jupiter traveled through my eighth house I gained $50 from a scratcher but once Jupiter traveled out of my eighth house I did not win any more money. It would have been nice to win something bigger but that was the most that I gained from any kind of the lottery winnings. It will also be a time for you to see your sex life improve. If you have been having problems trying to connect to be intimate with someone then you will be impressed that the next six months may just increase your sex life.
Mercury will enter your ninth house of long-distance trips and travel on June 2nd. The next three weeks will bring a time for you to make travel plans or to read of a place for you to travel including foreign countries and cultures. You may also study and learn a new language or topic of interest. Mercury will enter your 10th house of career on June 16th. The next few weeks will bring a time for you to attend business meetings and interviews. You also focus on projects and tasks that will require tedious details and patience. You also see an increase of communication via e-mails, text messages and phone calls. It's also time for you to go to interviews to get a new job.
Venus will enter your 9th house of long-distance trips and travel on June 9th. The next four weeks will bring a time for you to travel to visit the in-laws or to travel to visit someone special. You may also travel with someone special or you may have others come to visit you. If the time for you to focus on your intellectual level to connect with others. You may study and learn to music, dance, design or other artistic and creative talents and skills. Mars will also enter your ninth house of long-distance trips and travel on June 20th. The next several weeks will bring a time for you to travel to visit family and friends. It could be that they come to visit you. Also time for you to study a new topic of interest and to learn a new language or culture. You may also feel that your believe may be challenged. Trying not to aggressively force your beliefs on to others. Everyone has a right to their own opinions just as well as you do too. You may have court issues to deal with or lose a court battle. I don't want to sugarcoat anything so I am just putting all possibilities out there.
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The full moon lunar eclipse on June 15th will fall in your 3rd house of short distant trips, communication, siblings and neighbors. The next six months may bring a time for you to take sudden short trips around town or close to count. It could be that you are traveling to visit cousins, aunts, uncles, cousins or even neighbors. You are social and talkative you want to connect with people around you. You may build a friendship or connection to your neighbor. It could be that you want to be part of a group and this would be a great time for you to connect with those around you. Communication will improve and increase via e-mails, text messages and phone calls. It's great for you especially if you are purchasing a new phone that has a data plan and you will find yourself sending or receiving text messages. You are social and outgoing. Communication can easily increase for your business. For instance, if you rely on sales via the e-mails, financial transaction and and phone calls then the next six month will be great for you is you should see an increase of communication and transactions coming through. It may be that you decide to purchase a new vehicle, computer or cell phone. You may begin to start getting yourself into the world of smart phones and cell phones and this will be a time for you to reach out to others through this new technology. You may also take frequent short trips for work. Your job may be in connection to a delivery service or to take short trips for business meetings and contacts. If the time for you to connect with relatives, friends and neighbors. You can expect frequent an unexpected short trips. You may be sitting there one day just enjoying time at home and the next day you are planning a trip out-of-town are at that same week. It will be quite adventurous and fun for you so I think you will enjoy the next six months.
Work, service and health will come for you on June 3, 8, 10, 16, 22nd and 23rd. All of these dates will work great for you to see an increase of work projects, duties and tasks. It would also be a great time for you to complete work projects especially those or require graphics and design. You seem to be more artistic and creative which can be great for you especially if you are putting together a presentation or meeting. You also connect well with coworkers and employees. Your health should improve through exercise and eating healthier. It would also be a time for you to focus on the health of of pet as this would be a great time to take on any regular checkups and routine vaccinations. It could be that you have to focus on a regular checkups yourself which would be a great time for you to take care of your own body and health.
A partner is highlighted for you on June 12, 18 and 27th. You may form a partnership or meet someone new. The partner may be a spouse, lover, friend, business partner, coworker or employee. It could be that you are working closely with others in order to advance in your career or for your own personal well-being. It could also be a financial advisor, doctor, therapist or lawyer.
Finances are looking positive for you on June 8, 17th and 25th. You may easily gain through a loan, tax refund, credit car, rewards, child support, bonus, commission, give card, discount, alimony, settlement or other financial or material benefit thing gain. Keep an eye on these dates especially around June 8th as I feel you can easily benefit and gain through other sources like a loan or bonus.
Lastly, the date for you to keep an eye for home related projects are June 5, 14, 18, 19 and 27th. You may relocate, renovate or make some changes or repairs around the home. It could be that someone moods and moves out of the home.
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