The year begins with a new moon eclipse on January 4th falling in your 9th house of long distance trips, foreign people and places. The next 6 months will bring the opportunity to travel. You may enter college or even publish some work of art. You may market a product on the internet, radio or television. You may be part of the media or receive public exposure. Education is also highlly likely at this time too. Friendships are full of excitement and fun on January 4th and 17th. I feel the eclipse will somehow relate to your friends in the future. You may travel to visit friends or friends from out of town connect with you.
Work projects and health seem to be highlighted for you on the following dates:
January 23, 2011
February 6, 2011
February 14-15, 2011
As you can see Valentine's day seems to be a day when you will be working or projects will take over. You may not be able to give your sweet heart the romantic night you would like to give them. It may be that you would rather work then enjoy a romance.
April 3, 2011--expect this to be a day full of obligations and tedious projects. Someone in high authority may not appreciate your hard work.
April 18, 2011
June 17, 2011--a great financial date too
September 29, 2011--expect hard work and dedication but can easily bring great financial results.
October 26, 2011
You can expect to be very busy on these dates. You are the workaholic sign so this may be no surprise for you. There may be some days that you need to dedicate more time and hours than what you would like to but at least you see the money coming in.
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Jupiter enters your 12th house of secrets and solitude on January 28th giving you about 6 months to focus on your health and lose weight. You will also take care of any issues or problems. You will also get rid what you don't need in your life. On June 5th Jupiter enters your own sign giving you 12 months to receive plenty of praise and attention. It's all about you. Opportunities come to you easily. A great time for you. Uranus will enter your 12th house back on March 12th giving you 7 years of insight. Dreams are more graphic and detailed.
The new moon on March 4th gives you two weeks to connect with friends and make more friends too. On May 17th Venus and Mercury both enter your own sign giving you 4 weeks to receive praise and attention. You are social and outgoing with friends and family.
The new moon on June 1st will fall in your 2nd house of earned income. You have a good 6 months to make more money or see a new source of income. At the end of 2010 you had a full moon eclipse falling in this same house which could of brought an ending in your finances. The eclipse of June 1st will open the door to greater financial opportunities. It last 6 months so obviously there is plenty to look forward to.
Mercury retrogrades on August 3rd in your 5th house of love and children. The next 4 weeks may bring an old lover or partner from your past. It could be discussions of past issues that need to be resolved. You may argue with a friend with the full moon of September 12th. It could bring the ending of a friendship or you run into an old friend.
The full moon on December 10th will fall in your 2nd house of earned income. The full moon eclipse may bring more money or end a source of income in the next 6 months. It all depends what is going on. You may get rid of a source of income because you don't want to work 2 or 3 jobs. You may quit a job. It could be you complete a project that brings final payment and a paycheck.
It's going to be a busy year for work projects and opportunity to make more money so expect to have a busy year.
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