The new Moon solar eclipse on June 1st will fall in your 6th house of work, service and health. The next six month will bring a time for you to see an increase of work projects, task and duties. You can expect to be working harder for the money but you should also see more money. It may be a time for you to change jobs or get a new job. You will also focus on your health by exercising and losing weight. It will also be a great time for you to eat healthier and to focus on taking care of your body through a medical checkups and routine exams. You may also have the concerns over the health of of pet. You may get a new pet and find yourself at the veterinarian for the next few months or maybe focusing on a pet your ready have and be taking care of their health on a regular basis for the next six months. You will also focus on to the care of projects, task and duties for the next six months but it will also help you to further your career and build financial security. The new Moon eclipse will bring you great opportunity to further your career and create stability and security for yourself.
Mercury will enter your 6th house giving you three weeks to take care of tedious projects and tasks on June 2nd. You will find yourself being more focused and dedicated to your work. You may also study and learn a new topic of interest. It could be that the topic will be your health and help to take care of your body. Mercury will enter your partnership house on June 16th making the next few weeks a time for you to communicate openly with the partner on any issue or problem. A partner may be a spouse, lover, friend, business partner, coworker or employee. The Sun will also enter your partnership house on June 21st. The next four weeks will bring a time for you to build a partnership including a lover or relationship. It could be that you are forming a business partnership. It is a time for you to work closely with others the you can build long-term stability and security in your career or your personal relationships.
Venus will enter your 6th house on June 9th. The next four weeks will bring a time for you to connect well with coworkers, employees and clients and customers. You will also enjoy your work environment. I will advise you to be careful if you are on a diet because the next four weeks will bring a time for you to indulge and fatty foods and sweets. Mars will also enter your 6th house on June 20th. The next seven weeks will bring a time for you to work hard for the money. It will also be a time for you to exercise and lose weight easily. If you have been indulging and fatty foods and sweets then you will enjoy having Mars enter your 6th house as you would discipline yourself to exercise on a regular basis so you can keep your weight down. You may also focus on the health of of pet as this may be a time to take care of routine checkups and exams. It may also be a time for you to take care of any medical issues or concerns for you or someone else.
Is Love promised in your Chart
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Jupiter will enter your 5th house of love and children on June 4th. The next 12 month will bring a time for you to find love, fall in love and spend time with children. You will enjoy the company of children whether they are your own or someone else's. I remember when I had Jupiter has see my 5th house I was spending a lot of time with my nieces and building a stronger relationship with them. It could be that you will be doing the same. You may be part of a group or organization that works with children. It could be that you are spending more time with your own children especially if you are involved in sports, hobbies or other recreational activities. Some of those activities may be music, dance, singing and sports. You may get involved in creative and artistic projects including theater and drawing. The next 12 month may bring a time for you to find love and fall in love with someone special. I will warn you that you may fall in love with someone but it does not indicate that they will be in love with you. You may use the words "love" with others. I hope that you are not investing more energy into others while they do not do anything for you. You are going to be more giving of your time and support so make sure that they are doing the same for you. You may also find yourself in bars and clubs.
You will find yourself taking short trips around June 3, 8, 10, 12, 21st and 22nd. All of these dates will work great for you to take a short trip to visit family and friends. It could also be that communication increases via e-mails, text messages and phone calls. You're more social and outgoing and will connect with the people around you including your neighbors, siblings and friends. You may spend more time on the Internet and making new friends.
A partner will be highlighted for you on June 14, 18, 19 and 29th. It is time to work out any issues or problems with the partner. It may also be that you work alongside with others to further your career and finances. You may meet someone special a new to building long-lasting relationship or partnership. It partner can be anyone including the spouse, lover, friend, coworker or employee.
Your home is highlighted on June 4, 12, 18, 26th and 27th You may relocate, renovate or make some changes around the home. It could be that someone is moving in or moving out of the home. On June 18th and June 26th there may be problems in the home including electrical problems and problems with things not working properly. There may be arguments with roommates, lovers and partners.
The full Moon lunar eclipse on June 15th will fall in your 12th house of secrets and solitude. The next six months will bring a time for you to rest and relax. It could be that you seek solitude at home because you are recovering from an illness or have to take care of someone else who is recovering from an illness or surgery. You will also find yourself being more tired and feel a need to catch up on sleep. You will be a time for you to take care of your body and well-being. It is time for you to get rid of a bad habit or someone who is unhealthy in your life. This will include addictions and codependency. It is time to let go of the old to make way for the new. If someone including bad relationship have not been working out for you than this will be a time for you to let go. Mercury will oppose the eclipse making this a time for you to feel a bit confused emotionally and psychologically. It could be that you are going through a time when you are trying to figure out what needs to change in your life but don't know exactly what it is that needs to be changed. It could be that others are confusing you and what to think and believe and you don't know how to react. It may easily make you and sensitive, moody and even find yourself making assumptions that aren't true. It is time to let go of what you don't need in your life so that you to move forward and have a healthier life and well-being.
Positive dates for love will come on June 8, 17th and 25th. These dates may bring you love, a relationship or even a baby. You may spend time with children or study and artistic skill. Your talents will improve and you will really do well in focusing on your ability. Sports and hobbies will also be positive for you at this time.
And you can see there is plenty for you to focus on this month. Your love life will improve and you may just find someone new to fall in love with. You are currently in a relationship that you will enjoy being around this person and may even have plans for a baby. It could also be that you are enjoying time with children and even focusing your time on music. I hope they you use the energy going around this month for you to further your career and build greater security for yourself. Good luck.
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