Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Weekly Horoscopes for Jan 6th-12th.


It seems to be a challenging week for especially when you are focusing your time on your career. You may feel pulled in different direction or coworkers just don't seem to be getting along with you. Try to resolve any issues or disagreement but as time goes by you will be able to resolve and reach an understanding with others. By January 11th and 12th you seem to feel upbeat and able to take control of your work environment. You will feel compromise with coworkers and if you run a business then you will make the right impression with coworkers and colleagues. it will also be a great day for a presentation.


Your stress levels are increasing. You are the sign that is a workaholic but this week just makes you feel stressed. January 7th and January 8th will bring a couple of days full of tension. You feel you need to reach a deadline or quota and are unsure if you will make it. The pressure are increasing and it could stir up some controversies with others around you. By January 12th there seems to be someone positive results and you are feeling more upbeat and relaxed. Challenge seem easier to you and there seems to be a peace of mind. You have energy and motivation to move forward.


January 7th and January 8th will bring some problems with a partner in relation to finances. It could relate to child support, alimony or a loan. You may find yourself having some disagreements over money and the handling of money. It could also relate to a partner, spouse or lover. By the end of the week around January 6th you seem to be coming to a compromise and everyone is in agreement on how to handle the money. You will also find ways on being able to balance a budget, checkbook and save on finances. You may also plan ahead with investments, savings and retirement funds. If you can hire an advisor then do so or do some thorough research on how to better control and handle your money.


It's a great week to discuss issues and problems with a partner or love. The problem seems to come around January 7th and 8th when you cannot connect well with a partner or another individual is creating problems for you. It could bring a time when you seem to feel disconnected from others including friends and relatives. By January 5th you are getting along and having a great connecting with a loved one. You may attend a special event or even have a wonderful loving date with someone special. Your in the mood for love or give love to your family, friends and children.


Your work environment seems to be busy with projects and assignments. There could be some problems in getting along with others including clients on January 7th and January 8th. You feel flustered with projects and your creativity seems to be dry with ideas. Your brain is telling you to slow down and take your time. By January 11th and January 12th are two days when you are feeling positive about work and health. You seem to feel healthy and begin a new health regimen. It's also a great time when work projects run smoothly and coworkers and clients enjoy your conversations and direction.


Your love life will experience some problems this week. On January 7th and 8th a lover or child may bring problems or disappointments. You seem to feel a disconnection with this person and the problems need vital attention. You may feel that communication is pointless or cannot reason with this individual. By January 11th and 12th you seem to be connecting quite well with this individual and love is in the air. You may meet someone new or fall in love. Children seem to be getting along with you and creative projects look great. A great time to decorate.


Your home life has been suffering lately. You may feel confused whether to move or to make some changes around the home. January 7th and January 8th will create some problems for you to feel this tension. You may argue with a partner or roommate. It could be that you are not seeing the results you wanted on a home-related project. You are frustrated. By January 11th and 12th you are feeling love and peace at home. Creative projects come to completion or the decor you pick seems to fit your look. You are enjoying time with others at home or you seem to connect with your neighbors and friends at home.


Difficulties with travel or communication comes for you on January 6th through January 8th. You may receive a text message, email or phone call that brings disappointment or argument. You may read an email or post that is not to your liking. You may feel frustrated that something is not going your way. try to stay calm and let the problem ruin your day. By January 11th you are feeling warn loving feelings from communicating with others. It will be a great time to connect with siblings and neighbors or your communication and connection with others brings love. Enjoy.


There seems to be some concerns this week in regards to your finances. It could related to taxes or credit issues. You will most likely notice this around January 7th and January 8th. It could just bring a time when you are overlooking your finances and trying to balance out your debts. You will be able to come to some form of solution on January 11th. I feel that this will be a day when every financial plan you set up seems to be working or comes together. You feel confident that you have everything under control and you are able to balance out your finances for the next few months.


It is your month to shine but for some reason from January 6th through January 8th you are not shining so much. You feel tense, stressed and may argue with a loved one. There could be some issues that need to be resolved but try not to take it out on others. By January 11th and 12th you seem to be connecting well with others. It's a great time to focus on your appearance. Get a new haircut or focus on buying a new outfit. You have worked hard to gain some appreciation for yourself. Why not treat yourself for once.


Your not feeling so well or feel a bit of depression. You are a very social sign and yet from January 6th through January 8th you feel somber. If you have really been having some problems especially with a loved one then try to see if you can discuss the issues. Go to therapy or consult a friend. You can do so much for yourself. You can't control others. It may be time to accept that for once. By January 11th you are feeling love and admiration towards friends and associates. It's a wonderful time to get out and make some new friends. Be yourself again. You never know whom you may meet.


You feel social but for some reason you may not be connecting well with your friends or loved one's on January 7th and January 8th. If they bring problems then just try to keep your distance. Don't create confrontation because you will be the sign that will feel regret later. Try to communicate and be of help to others. You do best in that way. You are giving and loyal to your friends. By January 10th and 11th you connect well with your friends and everyone wants to be around you. There could be a time when you make new friends or get an invite to a a special event.


The Psychic One


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