Saturday, January 30, 2010

Full Moon Jan 30, 2010

The full moon on January 30th will fall in the sign of Leo. The next couple weeks will bring a time for you to focus on leadership, amibtion, appearance, children, hard work, determination, sports, music and special hobbies. It is a great time to take focus on your direction in life including your work ethics and job security. You will take priority in education and vocational training to improve or increase your ability to advance in the work force. Hard work pays off when other present you with recognition and praise. Your ego and pride will increase and you want to show others that you have everything under control. Mars has been in Leo for the last couple month increasing your mobility and activity to get projects done. Venus seems to be opposing this full moon increasing a need to indulge in love, money and affections towards others. You may indulge in your appearance in order to make the right impression. You will treat yourself to a nice groom, haircut, facial or manicure. Saturn will bring great security during this full moon. You will focus on your long term goals and focus on accomplishing tasks to get ahead in life. Any challenge that comes your way will be substitued with optimism and feelings of positive energy that anything and everything that be achieved with dedication and hard work. The full moon in Leo will affect Leo's born around the July month but everyone from every sign will feel the affects from this full moon. If you are born around the 26th from one month through the 4th of the next month you too will feel the greater of the affects from this full moon. The next couple weeks will increase your confidence and security in your career and ability to achieve any goal. You have pride in yourself and feel that no one can stop you from succeeding. Keep fighting and you will move forward.

Find out how this full moon will affect you by clicking the link below.


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