Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Daily Horoscope for Jan 19-20, 2010


On January 19th Venus will enter your 11th house of friendships making this a time for you to find love among your friends or a lover acts more like a friend. Friends will contact you or you may receive an invite from a friend. On January 20th the good times with friends continue on. At 2:54pm a message or tact from a friend or partner may come to you. A friend reaches out to you or you seem to get along with friends at 7:37pm. You may have some issues with your career or a work project at 9:32pm. By 10:42pm you seem to feel a disappointment or frustration with a partner, friend, colleague or business partner.


On January 19th Venus will enter your career house making this a day when you may receive positive career news, praise and recognition. The good news seems to continue onto January 20th. You connect well with coworkers and colleagues or a client around 2:54pm. You seem to indulge in love and friendships at 7:37pm. Problems related to a personal issue or relationship will come around 9:32pm. You may receive negative news at this time. By 10:42pm work obligations and health will take priority. it may be late for some of you so it could be a health or work segment you hear or see on the news.


Venus will enter your 9th house of long distance trips and finding love at a distance on January 19th. You may travel with a lover or spend time with the in-laws. On January 20th you will focus on great love or travel opportunities and plans. A great day to find a great deal on a trip. At 2:54pm career contacts seem to improve and you are in a great mood. Around 7:37pm you will focus your time on improving a resume, presentation or communication with clients and coworkers. At 9:32pm your focus will turn to finances related to taxes, credit and loans. You may be happy with financial obligations. By 10:42pm you may have a disagreement with a friend or lover. It could bring a somber moment.


Venus will enter your 8th house of joint resources, taxes, credit, loans, child support and alimony on January 19th. On January 19th and 20th you may have two opportunities to receive positive financial news. At 2:54pm on January 20th will be a wonderful day to take a trip, plan a trip or communicate with someone at a distance. The great mood continues around 7:37pm. You feel quite social. Around 9:32pm there may be some problems with a partner. You may receive bad news or be involved in an intense conversation. power struggles may occur. By 10:42pm the home and career obligations seem to be pulling you in two opposite directions. Expect some challenges at this time.


On January 19th Venus will enter your partnership house helping you to compromise and collaborate with a partner. Today and tomorrow seem to be wonderful days to meet a partner or connect well with a partner. On January 20th you are in a good mood to spend time with others and make some new friends or connect well with a current partner, friend, attorney, friend or coworker. At 2:54pm finances related to taxes and credit seem to go well for you. At 7:37pm you are dealing with a financial or credit transaction. Around 9:32pm there may be some challenges or obligations related to work projects or health. You may feel a bit rushed to get a project done or take care of a health issue. By 10:42pm you are working hard to send out a text message, email or phone call. You seem to be working on some communication isses at this time.


Venus will enter your 6th house of work, service and health on January 19th making this a time for you to connect well with coworkers and see an increase in work projects. Financial opportunities or connections go well for you on January 19th and January 20th. around 2:50pm you are connecting well with a partner, lover or friend. At 7:37pm you are in a good mood to connect with those you love. A great time to write a letter or email. A lover or child may create some problems around 9:32pm. There may be crying an other intense emotions. By 10:42pm you are dealing with financial obligations and transactions. It may bring a time for you to feel a bit depressed or frustrated.


Venus will enter your 5th house of love and children on January 19th making this a time find love, fall in love or spend time with children. You will notice this today and on January 20th. On January 20th at 2:54pm you are focusing on work projects and connecting well with coworkers and clients. A contact may come at this time. At 7:39pm you seem to find love or spend time with children or a loved one. You are feeling affectionate and loving. Tonight around 9:32pm home related issues or a mother figure may irritate or frustrate you. By 10:42pm you seem to feel tired but must be moving forward to complete projects or connect with a partner. You may feel a bit emotionally moody.


Your home is important on January 19th when Venus enters your 4th house of home making today a day when you may look for a new place to live or decorate a room. The great mood continues onto January 20th. At 2:54pm you are spending time with a lover or child or may receive communication with a lover or child. You feel affectionate and loving also around 7:35pm. At 9:32pm communicate or a conversation seems intense and a bit aggressive. It may be that someone possibly a female figure is trying to control you or the conversation. By 10:40pm you are feeling tired and drained.


Your communication improves on January 19th when Venus enters your third house of communication, siblings and neighbors. You may also find love on the internet. The mood for communication travels into January 20th and seem to be a great time to reach out to friends and family. At 7:30pm you seem to reach out to others or someone is reaching out to you. You are in the mood to connect with friends, siblings or neighbors. Finances are a concern around 9:32pm. There may be problems with your finances or a financial transaction. By 10:41pm you may argue or disagree with a friend. Friends may bring problems or disappointments.


On January 19th Venus will enter your 2nd house of earned income making this a time for you to make more but you ay also spend it lavishly. Finances or financial opportunities may come to you today and on January 20th. On the 20th around 2:54pm you are feeling confident regarding your finances or a financial transaction. Communication, travel or communication about finances looks positive 7:37pm. You may feel manipulate, jealous or even a bit controlled around 9:32pm. Try not to control others or take control of a conversation. By 10:40pm you will turn your focus to the home and career obligations. Take the time to focus and rest as the next few days will be very busy for you.


it's a wonderful time to be you now that Venus has entered your own sign. you are in great moods today and tomorrow. On January 20th you may feel it's time to focus on your appearance especially around 2:54pm and 7:35pm. You are looking to improve your appearance and connection with others. At 9:32pm you are taking some time for yourself. it's a great time to recognize your fears and emotional baggage. By 10:42pm you are feeling a bit worried and stressed. Hopefully you are sleeping but make sure to take care of obligations so you are not losing sleep at this time. You may be woken up too.


You are giving selflessly and even focusing on keeping feelings to yourself on January 19th and 20th. On January 20th around 2:54pm you are feeling confident and positive now that the moon is in your sign for most of the day. You receive contact from others including the opposite sex and friends. Around 7:37pm communication and contacts increase. Everyone wants to be around you or talk to you. You may secretly reach out to someone special or give selflessly. At 9:32pm a friend may create problems or you may feel a bit pressured or controlled by a friend. By 10:42pm finances related to taxes, credit, loans, child support and alimony may be a concern or worry at this time. Budget wisely.

All times are EST


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