The word for the week will be "friendships". Your friends will support you and you will see a gain of friends. January 20th will be a wonderful day to focus on getting rid of any bad habits. You feel optimistic to plan a health regimen or to seek medical help. On January 21st it will be a wonderful day to have a serious talk with one of your friends or colleagues. The discussions could relate to finances. These conversation may continue on for the next couple days. You may come to some form of resolution from the discussion made earlier in the week on January 24th. You are thorough with your discussions and setting a budget or saving. By January 26th you may have an argument with a coworker, friend or even a sibling.
Your focus will turn to friends on January 20th. You are in the mood to connect with friends and seem to get along with all your friends. As you enter January 21st work obligations and career ventures will be highlighted. It could be that you receive a promotion or job offer at this time. The discussions may easily continue on for the next couple days. On January 24th you are feeling confident at work. You may have made some final negotiations or are very detailed in your work projects and plans. January 26th seems to bring some problems with someone of the opposite sex at home or in your work environment. Try to discuss and come to a compromise.
The week starts off with Jupiter giving you a little support with your career. You may feel confident of a job opportunity or you may receive an offer. On January 21st and 22nd you are focusing more on the future of your finances and where you would like to be in a few months or a year. It's a great time to think of the future and plans your finances thoroughly. As you get closer to January 24th you are focused on taking care of small details with your finances and may even plan a long distance trip. It's great time to plan an itinerary. By January 26th Venus and Mars oppose one another making this a difficult time with siblings, neighbors, communication with the opposite sex or even coworkers. Your creativity skyrockets but you may feel stressed at the time too.
It's a wonderful day to think of the future and even plan a trip on January 20th. On January 21st you are focusing your time on finances related to taxes, credit, loans, child support and alimony. It's a wonderful day to proceed forward with applications or even receive notice of a loan or credit issues. It's a great day to plan and budget with finances, credit and taxes. The next few days will focus your time on finances including January 24th when you will budget your finances and balance your checkbook. By January 26th you seems to have some disagreements regarding finances. It could be with a partner or with an accountant. It's the right time to figure out where the money is going or where you would like it to go. Good luck.
You will begin the week by focusing on finances on January 20th. There could be a positive opportunity for you to receive financial backing from a loan, credit or taxes. January 21st will be a wonderful day for you to take focus on communicating with another individual including a partner, sibling or neighbor. you will plan and organize well. It will be a time for you to focus on future opportunities and watch over your finances. The trend will continue on till January 24th. You will take a close look at how you have been managing your finances and where you would like to be at in the future. By January 26th you are experiencing a disagreement with a partner including a business partner. It could bring some problems at work or with someone close to you.
A partner may bring some positive news on January 20th. Finances seem to go well for you on January 21st through January 24th. I feel you may receive positive news about a job offer or financial opportunity. You will budget and save at the same time. A great opportunity to see approval for loans and credit or even for a tax refund. By January 26th you may see some challenges in regards to work obligations. You will also focus on highlighting your creative skills and talents which is great for work projects. You may feel or notice a battle among coworkers and colleagues but the job will get done. It's a wonderful time to proceed forward with projects and goals.
A work project or job opportunity may come for you on January 20th. January 21, 22 and 24th all seem to be days to focus on your own personal wants and needs. You will focus on what will make you happy and what you need to accomplish for yourself including going back to school and taking care of your health. By January 26th you will focus on love and children. A lover may make an advance or become aggressive towards you or it could be you that seems a bit aggressive towards a lover. Slow down and try not to seem harsh.
On January 20th your focus will turn to love and children. You may spend time with a child or meet someone new. It could bring a time to fall in love and meet someone special. January 21-24th will seem like a wonderful time to catch up on sleep, rest, relax or even get rid of bad habits. You will focus on taking care of obligations including your health and exercise. It will also be the right time for you to take stock of your body and health and focus on a better life. By January 26th you seem to be focusing on the home. You may decorate or make some changes around the home. It could be due to your job.
You are enjoying the energy from Jupiter traveling in your 4th house of home and the benefits continue onto January 20th and 21st. On January 21st through January 24th friends are important to you. You may make some new friends or rely on a friend for advice. It's an important time to reach out to friends or make a new friend with someone who is older and wiser. It can make a difference in your life. By January 26th your concern turns to travel and communication. There may be a disagreement with someone else possibly someone of the opposite sex. It could relate to travel plans or communication with someone important. There may be some form of disappointments.
The week begins with a great time to communicate with a sibling or neighbor. Communication will increase on January 21st so a great time to reach out to others via text message, email or phone call. On January 21st it will be a very positive time for your career. I feel the energy will continue on through January 25th. You may hear positive news for career including receive a promotion, advancement or offer. On January 26th you will turn your focus to finances. it could relate to finances connected with someone else. There may be some disagreements and arguments over money or how money is being handled by others.
Finances seem to be looking positive on January 20th. An opportunity or benefit may present itself. On January 21st you will focus on travel, religion, tuition, universities and your future projects and beliefs. The next 4 days will bring a time for you to plan a trip or even focus on college education. It could be the education for a child. It also seems to bring a time for you to plan more for the future and where you would like to be in your future. By January 26th you are feeling attractive and want to reach out to others. It seems to be a time for you to connect with loved one's even though someone may create stress or anxiety for you.
You know that Pisces has entered your own sign and on January 21st you are in high spirits and in a great mood. A great opportunity may come your way. On January 21st your focus seems to be on finances including finances related to taxes, credit, loans, child support and alimony. The energy will continue on through January 25th making the next 4 days a time for you to focus on budgeting your finances with credit cards, your taxes and even your loans and other resources. You may gain through a bonus or commissions or find new ways to gain financially or materialistically without working too much for it. A great few days to get ahead with your finances especially in relation to credit and taxes. You seem to be focusing on how to built your financial future and could seek the guidance of a financial advisor. By January 26th you are focused on work projects and obligations. Be careful as you may have problems with a coworkers or client. Good luck.
The Psychic One
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