The tension is mounting at work but you also feel a bit overwhelmed with obligations. The Libra moon at 1:07am will have you full relaxed and feeling prepared to rest and catch up on sleep. The Scorpio moon at 11:33am will heighten emotions with Pluto in your financial houses. Career and finances seem to go hand in hand and you pay receive a paycheck or go on a shopping spree. The night especially at 9:26pm may bring a wonderful message from a coworker or colleague.
A partner or lover creates problems at home or at work. It could be a client or partner. The Libra moon at 1:07am will make you focus on work projects or your health. If you are getting ready for bed then you feel relief and healthy. Your in a positive mood. The Scorpio moon at 11:33am seems to have you focused on communicating with others especially those who can help your career. Your social and someone in particular may bring a great tip or peace of advice. By 9:26pm a partner, lover or spouse may reach out and contact you, send you an email or text message. It could be a female so it may be a friend reaching out to you at this time.
Stress and anxieties may be increasing for you especially connected to work obligation or work opportunities. It will go away but you may have to be a bit more patient. The Libra moon in your house of love and children seems to have you in a great mood around 1am. You are feeling the need to reach out and connect with others. The Scorpio moon at 11:33am will travel in your 6th house of work and health making this a wonderful time to focus on eating health and taking care of your body. You may connect with a coworker or pet. An email, text or phone call from a coworker or assistant may come your way around 9:25pm. It might be you reaching out to others even if they are asleep but you are still social and reaching out to others.
Tension build with a partner, spouse or loved one. Those you work closely to seem to be in disagreement with you. The Libra moon at 1:07am will connect well with Jupiter at a time when you are feeling content at home. You are at peace. A partner will connect on a greater personal or emotional level with you around 11:33am. You seem to feel love and affection. By 9:26pm your Scorpio moon in your 5th house of love and children may bring new love or warm loving feelings from someone special. A great time to connect with a child.
Work projects keep mounting but you are full of energy. the Libra moon at 1:07am will make a great connection to your Jupiter in the partnership house were communication or a peace of mind comes at this time. It could be that you are finding new ways to build a partnership even if you are resting at this time. The Scorpio moon at 11:33am will find a wonderful connection to Pluto in your 6th house of work projects. You are bringing work home or plan to work at home. work projects seem to be working well for you and coworkers may give you some emotional news. By 9:26pm your home seems calm and communication arises at this time with a female or close friend.
A lover brings problems and arguments. You seem fine and content around 1am. The Scorpio moon at 11:30am will fall in your communication house which could bring contact from a lover or child. You may decide to reach out to others including a lover. You are highly communicative. By 9:25pm your communication extends to friends, lovers, children and anyone who is willing to listen to you. You may be the support system for a friend or child.
You can't understand why you cannot relate to anyone right now. You are the sign that loves to be in love but right now you feel isolated and alone. Today may not be the day to expect love and affection. Your Libra moon sends great energy to Jupiter in your 5th house of love and children around 1:07am. You may feel content with love or seek it from someone. You may fantasize or dream of feeling loved. At 11:33am the Scorpio moon in your 2nd house of finances will make you take on financial transaction including just getting a bite to eat. Money issues arise at this time. By 9:25pm you may be making a financial purchase or receive money at this time.
You feel a bit drained but also feel that you need to focus on your own well-being. It's time to take care of your body or just catch up on sleep today. Around 1;07am you feel that no one can wake you up or disturb your peace of sleep. Your own moon at 11:33am will bring a great sense of heighten emotions of love, jealousy or affection. By 9:25pm your own Moon is extending your line of communication and connections to others. I feel you will receive contact from others. Everyone comes to you not the other way around.
Your main focus will be on finances and possibly the handling of finances with others. You may also spend time budgeting and saving. You are in a positive mood around 1:07am. You also seem to be feeling a bit confident on your ideas for work and finances around 11:33am. It seems to be that you are structured to get projects done especially in regards to finances or budgets. By 9:25am you are completing projects and feel all financial transaction run smoothly.
There is tension for you and it seems to relate to someone else. It could be a company, entity or individual. You will be fine on how you handle the situation but don't be too alarmed if it's not going smoothly for you right now. Finances seem to be a concern for the day especially around 11:33am. You may have a discussion about money or handle a financial transaction. The Scorpio moon at 9:26pm will have a great connection to your Mercury sign making you highly social with friends. You may hang out on a social network site or receive an email or text message from a friend. Have fun.
You seem to be very social today but one individual does not seem to be connecting well with you. You are the sign that wants to keep it civil but today doesn't seem to be that day/ You are in a great mood around 1am. The Scorpio moon at 11:33am increases your work security to get projects done or you may focused with a client. It will be a great time for a presentation or to throw your ideas out there. By 9:25pm your career projects and ideas seem to come together. You may be communicating with coworkers, colleagues, associates or even friends in relation to projects, meeting, interviews and conversation with others. A great time to throw ideas as it will be well received.
All you ask is to have plenty of friends and supporters. You feel a greater connection with your friends this week but today may bring problems with your friends. You feel relaxed and at peace around 1:07am. It seems to be that any financial issues related to taxes and credit will have a resolution. As the day arises your Scorpio Moon at 11:33am will make you focus on people at a distance, marketing or even making plans for the future. By night time especially around 9:20pm you seem to be connecting with friends and family living at a distance or anyone who may even help you plan a trip. You are full of dreams and of new places to go. Dream a little as these dreams may come true.
All times are EST
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