Monday, December 5, 2011

Venus Trine Mars- Love

On December 5, 2011 Venus trine Mars. There will be a sense of love whether it's towards another person or towards a craft you enjoy You may have the love of music, art or creativity. There could be the love towards someone else or a pet. You want to give to others as it helps you to feel close and connected to another soul or individual. Venus and Mars represent the male and female energy. You could meet someone new who wants to get to know you ad possibly build a long term relationship. It may relate to your work as you have strong energy to network. The connection may involve friends, groups and orgnizations. Mars is currently in Virgo so it can make you a bit critical towards others. You are very open to collaborating with with someone else and tackling tedious tasks and projects to get work done. I feel this opens the door for you to invest time and dedication to further your personal and professional goals. Everything takes time but with patience you can see a great development in your projects and relationships. You will feel a strong urge to love and to enjoy the company around you. It's a day to make the right impression for business or personal reasons. Sell yourself to build recognition and praise and let others know why it should be you that deserves their attention.


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