Thursday, December 1, 2011

Leo Horoscope for December 2011

Mars is still traveling in your 2nd house of earned income and will remain there for about another 7 months. It's all about making more money and building financial security for the future. You will be arguing over money or being aggressive over financial issues and obligations. It's time to build financial security. You may receive a job offer or opportunity to make more money.

Money-making opportunities will also present themselves on December 2, 4, 5th and 31st. You could easily make money or receive a job offer. On December 6, 7, 12, 20th and 22nd your career is highlighted. There are great opportunities for you to build great security for the future by receiving a promotion or advancement in the future. Opportunities may easily present themselves so keep your eyes and ears open. You never know what may come your way.

On December 1, 7, 8, 26th and 28th you will be working hard for the money. It could also be that you are making more money but it also brings longer hours at work. You seem to be focusing on your health and well-being. It's time to take care of yourself and others including pets and children.

Uranus goes direct on December 9th from your 9th house of long distance trips, foreign people and places. It seems to be a time for you to expand your horizons and learn something new. You may publish or market a product. You seem to be open to studying and learning something new. You may find yourself going to college or entering a university. You mind works at a faster rate which can help you pick up new topics of interest.

Mercury goes direct on December 13th from your 5th house of love, children, sports, hobbies and recreational activities. The next 3 weeks will be positive to connect and communicate with family and friends. You may communicate with a lover, partner or child. It's time to act like a kid or play games with children.

Venus enters your partnership house on December 20th. The next four weeks will bring a time for you to collaborate and compromise with the partner. The partner may be a spouse, lover, friend, business partner, employee or coworker. If there are any issues or concerns than this would be the time to work them out. You will also be open to compromise especially if it helps to resolve the issues.

Jupiter goes direct on December 25th from your 10th house of career. You may find opportunities to expand and receive a promotion or advancement. You are also open to new possibilities including starting a business venture. You may receive praise and recognition for a job well done. It could also bring a promotion or more money.

The full moon lunar eclipse on December 10th will fall in your 11th house of friendships. The next 6 months may bring an opportunity for you to build greater connections and groups. You may lose a friend or disconnect yourself from someone whom you feel is unhealthy for you. There could be the possibility that a friend relocates or moves away due to a job offer. It could also be that you attend a special event or party. It could be a friends wedding or other special event. You may socialize and network to build referrals and connections especially or your job. It could make you more money. Saturn supports the eclipse from your third house of short trips, communication, transportation, siblings and neighbors. Communication may increase with friends and family. You may be taking more frequent short trips to visit friends and family. You may connect with a neighbor or sibling. You may take short trips to visit family and friends or to connect with a sibling or neighbor. You may also write more frequently. Neptune also supports the eclipse from your partnership house. The next six-month may bring a time for you to build a partnership for business or professional reasons. You may also work closely with others to further your career, education, finances or personal relationships. A friend it may turn into a partner or it could be that you work closely with others in a group or organization. Mars squares the eclipse from your second house of earned income which can bring some disagreements or arguments over finances or personal property. It could be with the partner, friend, sibling, group or organization. You will be working hard to get ahead in your finances and unique the company of other people in order to advance in your career. I feel the next six months will be a positive time for you to make new friends but you may also find yourself using old friends. It may be time for you to recognize who you need in your life and who is unhealthy for you.

Leo Weekly Horoscope

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On December 17th and 18th communication, transportation, siblings and neighbors main bring about some challenges for you. There could be disagreements or arguments but it also could be positive to work out any issues or problems with siblings, neighbors and family members. You will notice an increase of communication and writing whether it's e-mails, text messages or phone calls. You will find yourself busy connecting with other people.

On December 19th and 20th a partner seems to be your main concern very it the partner may be a spouse, lover, friend, coworker, employee, business partner, realtor, accountant, therapists or doctor. You may show greater compassion and sympathy towards a partner. You're willing to give more of your time and effort to other people. You also work closely with someone to further your career, education, finances or relationships.

The new moon on December 24th will fall in your 6th house of work, service and health. The next couple weeks will bring a time for you to work hard for the money. You may work hard for the same pay. You could also work hard to make more money. You will focus on your health by losing weight and eating healthy. You may also be taking care of pets and taking them to get exams, medications, vaccines and checkups. You may go to the doctor, dentist or chiropractor. Pluto supports the new moon from your 6th house of work, service and health which can bring great intensity and change to your health and work projects. Jupiter supports the new moon from your 10th house of career, promotions and advancements. The next couple weeks can bring great recognition and praise for job well done. It's time to advancing your career and to put yourself out there. Uranus squares the new Moon from your ninth house of long-distance trips, foreign people and places, marketing and publishing. You can expect the unexpected when it comes to change in your career. You may find yourself taking on greater projects, tasks and duties to advancing your career and to get work done. You seem to be open to many possibilities and opportunities that they may come at you suddenly and unexpectedly. It's time for you to be open to new opportunities as it can bring you more money and financial security. I feel the new Moon will actually be very positive for you in your career you just have to keep an open mind to greater opportunities.

The year will come to an end with you having to focus on your career and finances. You are a very hard working, ambitious and motivated sign that will not settle for anything less than the best. You will be open to new opportunities and finding ways to make more money. You will not let yourself down and will not show any sign of weakness to others. You will also be open to new opportunities to advance in your career. You may lose a friend but you will also gain greater friendships that can help you build security for yourself. If you want to advancing your career and build success you need to surround yourself with successful people or positive people. If you surround yourself with negative people all they will want to do is bring you down with them. In the process you may need to disconnect yourself from unhealthy people in order for you to receive success. It can be a bit scary to let go of someone who does not support you in your career decisions. It is the time of intense change for you and you will have to focus on what will make you happy and who you need to surround yourself with in order to be happy. It can be a difficult decision to make but you will figure out what is right for you. Good luck.


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