Thursday, December 1, 2011

Capricorn horoscope for December 2011

December 2011

It's all about you and your own wants and needs on December 1, 8, 26th and 28th. You will focus on what will make you happy. It may bring a transformation or change to your own personality or character.

Mars is still traveling in your 9th house of long distance trips, foreign people and places and will remain there for the next 7 months. You may travel or have others from afar come to visit you. It could be that you enter college or a university. You may learn a new language. You may have some legal issues to take care of too. Travel may occur on December 2, 4, 5th and 31st.

Uranus goes direct on December 9th from your 4th house of home. You may relocate suddenly or make some sudden renovations. It's time for change and this could relate to the people you live with or parents. You may still experience electrical problems but that's only if you are in the middle of repairs or live in an old home or area. You seem to be very mobile and active as it can help you to get projects done at home or at work.

You may experience problems in the home especially on December 22nd. You may have to forcefully relocate. There could be electrical problems in the home. There could be a big debt in relation to the home.

Mercury goes direct on December 13th from your 12th house of secrets and solitude. Secrets may have been revealed during the retrograde but now it's time for you to seclude yourself. You will keep emotions and feelings to yourself. Ideas run through your head but it may be wise to write them down before you forget them.

Venus enters your second house of earned income on December 20th. The next four weeks will bring a time for you to make more money but you also spend it lavishly. You may invest your money and material items that you think will bring you a long-term value or investment.

The Sun enters your own sign on December 21st which will give you for weeks to focus on yourself. It is going to be all about you and what you want for yourself. You will be the center of attention and everyone will give you praise and attention. You may change your appearance or purchase new clothes.

Jupiter goes direct on December 25th from your 5th house of love, relationships, children, sports and hobbies. The next 6 months will bring the opportunity for you to find love, fall in love or enjoy the company of children. You will also enjoy listening to music and having a good time around bars and clubs.

Capricorn Weekly Horoscope

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The full moon lunar eclipse on December 10th will fall in your 6th house of work, service and health. The next six months will bring a time for you to work hard for the money but you may easily see more money. You may change jobs or get a second job. It could be that you are also focusing on your health by exercising and eating healthy. It's time to get rid of what you don't need in your life and to build a healthier immune system and self. You may also spend time focusing on pets and their health and well-being. Saturn supports the eclipse from your 10th house of career. You can expect to see an increase of work projects, task and duties at work and at home. It's a good sign to have your ruling planet supporting the eclipse as it can bring change and adjustments. Neptune supports the eclipse from your second house of earned income. As stated before it is time to make money and to build financial security and stability for yourself. Mars squares the eclipse from your ninth house of long-distance trips, foreign people and places. It is a time of change but it can bring disagreements and arguments with other people especially women. You may find yourself having to stand up for what you believe in even if it means ending relationships and partnerships. You seem to be more independent and stronger. You may also experience problems with coworkers, employees, clients and customers. They may be more argumentative and disruptive. I feel the next six months can be very positive for you if you know how to utilize the energy that is there. It's great to work hard for the money if you're making more money but it can bring challenges with the people you work with too.

Communication increases through emails, text messages and phone calls on December 4th.

Love and relationships are highlighted on December 6, 12, 20th and 22nd. You may find love, fall in love or enjoy spending time with children in a sport, hobby or recreational activity. It's time to get out and meet new people. Explore new possibilities and opportunities. You take greater chances in love and possibly in gambling so be careful.

You can expect to work hard for the money on December 18th and 19th. You are focused on taking care of tedious tasks and projects. It's also a great time to balance the checkbook and take care of some accounting.

The new moon on December 24th will fall in your own sign. The next two weeks will be all about you and your own personal wants and needs. You seem to be focused on what will make you happy whether it's professional or personal. Pluto supports the new moon from your own sign. You have great motivation, energy and drive to complete and task and project. Jupiter supports the new moon from your 5th house of love, children, sports, hobbies and other recreational activities. You may find love or meet someone new. You could also conceive a child or give birth. You may decide to learn how to dance, sing or act. You could get involved in sports and hobbies. Uranus square the new moon from your 4th house of home which could bring disruptions in the home from family and friends. You may have to travel long distance to spend time with someone special. It could be that a child moves in or moves out of the home. A lover or partner may be doing the same thing. Be careful of any disagreements or arguments with people around your own or in your home. The new moon may bring life to you as you are open to change. It may be a bit scary but you will adjust.

The year and with you focusing on your career. You seem to take on many great opportunities out there for you. You are hard-working and will do anything it takes for you to accomplish her goals. You do well budgeting and saving and will do what you can to get ahead in your finances. As you enter the new year you will focus more on your own personal wants and needs. It's now time for you to take on what will make you happy before focusing on what will make other people happy. Your health will also be a main concern as you enter the new year but you will do whatever it takes to get healthier and stronger. In the process become more confident and more secure. Good luck and happy new year.


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