Sunday, December 4, 2011

Daily horoscope for December 4, 2011


Communication increases through e-mails, text messages and phone calls especially with people who live a long-distance from you. You can expect to see an increase of work projects, task and duties on this day. You may also be focusing on your health and well-being. And 9:40 AM emotions a testified for you as you may be feeling sensitive and insecure. At 5:56 PM you indulge in love, sweet, food and money. Communication increases around 7 PM through e-mails, text messages and phone calls. By 10:20 PM you are in a calm and relaxed mood. You get along with people of the opposite sex and your home is pleasant.


You may see an increase of financial transactions connected to taxes, credit cards and loans. You want to be careful that you do not rack up the credit cards by making several purchases throughout the day. It could be that you are making some holiday purchases a try to do your best to set a budget. You will see an increase of communication with other people especially through e-mails and phone calls. You may also experience some problems with a lover, partner or child. There may be disagreements and arguments. It's actually very positive time to get communication issues out in the open. Be careful around 9:40 AM as you may be feeling a bit emotional and sensitive. It could be that you are reminded of old news and resentments. At 5:56 PM you may indulge and money and food. You could be in the mood to celebrate but try to set yourself on a budget or you will get carried away. Short trips, communication and transportation seems to be highlighted around 7 PM. By 10:20 PM your mood is pleasant and you seem to be getting along with people around you.


You are the sign that likes to communicate and today will be no exception. Your full of communication and will connect well with the people around you especially your neighbors, relatives, family and friends. You are social and outgoing and will see an increase of communication through text messages and phone calls. The home also seems to be highlighted for you today is you may relocate, renovate or sign the lease to a new home. You may also be preparing to host an event at home. You seem to be a bit sensitive around 9:40 AM. It could be that someone says something to you or you hear a piece of information or comment from someone else including television. Don't take things too personally as it can become wasted energy. Be careful around 5:56 PM as it is a time for you to indulge in fatty foods and sweets. As you get closer to 7 PM communication seems to increase for you Erie you may take a short trip or run some errands. It could be that you receive a text message, phone call or e-mail or it could be used sending out an e-mail or text message. By the end of the night you seem to get along well with people of the opposite sex and even family and friends.


You seem to be focused on your career today. It could be that you are submitting resumes and applications for new job. It could also be that you are working hard to take care of tasks and projects at work or at home. Communication increases via e-mails, text messages and phone calls. You want to be careful when driving as you may feel a bit in a rush and may even get into an accident. You also want to be careful on how you communicate to other people as you may be blunt and rude. Around 9:30 AM you may easily feel hurt by other people's comments as this shows the sign of your own vulnerability and insecurity. It could be that a female tries to control you or manipulate. It could be that you are trying to control or manipulate someone else. I would suggest for you to be careful around 5:56 PM as you may spend lavishly on item you later regret it could also too much food and drink too much. You are social and outgoing around 7 PM. It's time for you to connect with the people around you and see what they have been up to. You may receive a text message or phone call at this time.


The focus for this day seems to be on love, relationships, children, sports, hobbies and other recreational activities. Communication may increase with a lover, partner or child. If there are any issues to discuss then today would be a great day to bring out those issues and problems. You may see an increase of communication through e-mails, text messages and phone calls from one of these individuals. You may attend a sport or get involved in a hobby or other recreational activity including music, dancing and singing. You seem to be working hard for the money and working on making more money. You may submit resumes and applications. It could also be that you are working hard to make more money. You may feel a bit of confusion or manipulation from others including female around 9:30 AM. It is a time for you to be a bit sensitive so emotions may increase via it will right itself out in about two hours. You show great love and compassion to others around 5:55 PM. You want to be careful as you may lavish and indulge in food, drink and money. There is great communication through e-mails and text messages around 7 PM. It could be that you connect well with a lover, partner, neighbor or friend. By 10:20 PM you connect well with the opposite sex and you seem to enjoy peace and quiet at home. There is a sense of calmness and relief.


You seem to be working hard for the money or be taking care of task and projects at home and at work. There is a lot going on for you today so you will keep yourself busy. You may find yourself running around taking care of errands and tasks. You want to be careful and aware that around 9:40 AM emotions may increase because you are being sensitive or others are being sensitive towards you. It could be that a woman or mother tries to control or manipulate. It could also be that you are feeling a sense of vulnerability to other people. You may eat or drink too much around 5:56 PM. It could also be that you are indulging and sweets and fatty foods. Communication improves around 7 PM with the people around you. You may receive a tax message or e-mail from a neighbor, sibling, friend or someone close to you. By night time you enjoy the home and you are feeling calm and relaxed.


Short trips, communication, transportation, text messages and phone calls seem to be highlighted on this day. You may see an increase of short trips, text messages, e-mails and phone calls. There may be business or financial transactions. Finances also seem to be a great concern for you as you may have to budget and save for the future. You seem to be quite emotional and sensitive around 9:40 AM. It would also be a time when you may feel jealous, guilt, bitter, love and lust. Your ready to indulge in love and food around 5:55 PM. Your social and outgoing around 7 PM. It's time for you to enjoy the company of others including family and friends around 10:15 PM.


Finances seem to be highlighted today is you may focus on making financial transactions. It could be that you are paying your bills are looking over your finances. You may disagree or argue with a friend, group or organization. You may feel quite sensitive and emotional around 9:30 AM. It could be that there is a female trying to control you or you may feel an overwhelming sense of control manipulation from others. Communication increases through e-mails, text messages and phone calls around 7 PM. It could be that you are taking a quick short trip to run an errand or chore. By the end of the night your mood is pleasant and relaxed.


It is time to socialize and to be mobile around town. You will communicate with everyone around you and you seem to be taking short trips to run errands, task and chores. Also great time for you to take care of projects today whether it's a home or at work. It could be complications from other people including women. Around 5:56 PM you may find yourself indulging in love, food, sweets and money. Around 7 PM you may take care of a financial transaction or find yourself communicating with other people through e-mails, text messages and phone calls.


You will find yourself having many thoughts and ideas running through your head as you may have a busy day today. You want to do yourself a favor and log or write down all of these task and errands or ideas from your head. You may get lost and confused and forget some of the ease thoughts and ideas. You seem to be very focused on task and projects. If you are a student today would be a great day for you to focus on homework or study for an exam or test. You seem to be highly emotional around 9:40 AM. The intensity of emotions can bring about a sense of resentment, anger, love and lust. You may run to take care of a quick errand or task around 7 PM. It's also great time to communicate with other people around you including siblings, neighbors, family and friends.


Friends want to connect with you in you seem to socialize with friends, groups and organizations. Communication may increase with one of these individuals through e-mails, text messages and phone calls especially around 7 PM. You want to be careful around 5:55 PM as you seem to indulge in love, food, drinks and money. You may spend more than what you were hoping for. By 10:20 PM you connect well with the opposite sex in the people around your home and in your home.


It should be a busy day at work especially in communicating with coworkers, employees, clients and customers. It should be a busy day to take care of transactions, phone calls and answer e-mails and text messages. You seem to be very focused and busy taking care of tedious task and projects. You want to be careful around 9:40 AM as you may feel sense of intense emotions including jealousy, anger, resentment, guilt, love and lust. It would also be a time when you may feel that someone else wants to have the upper hand in the situation or could be you trying to have the upper hand in the situation. You may try to deceive someone. Around 5:35 PM you may indulge in fatty foods, sweets, love and money. Communication should pick up and improve around 7 PM. You may receive a tax, e-mail or phone call or could be used sending out a tax, e-mail or phone call. You communicate and connect well with the opposite sex around 10:20 PM. You also get along with people around you including family and friends.

All Times are EST


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