Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Weekly horoscopes September 28, 2011-October 4, 2011

On September 28th you will work hard for the money and you may may have to take care of many tasks and projects at work. it could be stressful but you are open to taking on the challenges. it may be a challenge to receive a job opportunity as others may have greater qualifications than you. Communication increases at work with emails, phone calls and short trips. It's time to focus on a partner on September 29th. It may be time to commit or communicate with this partner regarding any issues or problems. On September 30, October 1, 2nd and 3rd there may be financial issues or concerns. It could be that you have financial obligations that may be costly. You may spend more financially on a major purchase. You may be feeling a bit stressed or anxious over your finances.

It's time for you to let go what has not been working in your life especially on September 29th. You may clean out the closets or get rid of an unhealthy habit. It's timer to close the door and open a new door for yourself. If something hasn't been working then move on.. You will feel a weight off your shoulders. On September 30th you can expect to work hard for the money or feel that you are investing more time and effort for the same pay. You could possibly receive a job offer or opportunity to apply for a job. You will notice it easier to lose weight easily and eat healthy. On September 30, October 1, 2nd and 3rd it's all about you on these dates and expect to receive plenty of praise and attention. You want to be careful as you may indulge in food, drink and money only to regret the purchase or meal later on. Be careful!

There may be some financial obligations that you need to take care of especially on September 28th. It could relate to taxes, credit cards, loans, child support, alimony, joint ventures and assets or other obligations associated with others. It may be difficult to pay these obligations at this time. It could be that you owe a hefty debt or bill. On September 29th Your love life and children are your primary focus. It could be that you find love, fall in love or spend time with children especially in sports, music, movies, hobbies or other recreational activities. It may be time to have a serious discussion with a lover, partner or child. It could involve the future of the relationship or regarding financial responsibilities to children and their recreational activities or education. On September 30, October 1st and 2nd you may find yourself being a bit introverted. It could be you need time alone to plan and organize. You seek privacy to complete tasks and projects. Just be careful as you may fall ill at this time.


You may have a disagreement or argument with a partner on September 28th. The partner may be a lover, spouse, friend, business partner, coworker or employee. It could be that you have difficulties connecting with someone who is trying to help you out financially or with your career or personal relationships. There may be challenges in connecting with others so stay calm and try to compromise. Open communication can help relieve some of the stress. The home seems to be your focus on September 29th. You may relocate, renovate or make some changes in the home. It could be that you invest in furniture or home accessories. You may even invest in repairs or renovations to add value to the home. On September 30, October 1st and 2nd it's all about friends, groups, organizations and events. You may enjoy the company of friends but you may also find yourself spending lavishly too especially in food, drink and money. You may be careless with the spending or drinking and it can make you regretful. Try to contain yourself or set a budget.

Expect to work hard for the money on September 28th. You will have many projects and tasks to complete. Your health will also be affected by focusing more on exercising and eating healthy. It's time to get rid of any unhealthy habits from your life so you can live a healthier and happier lifestyle. On September 29th you seem to be writing, reading or educating yourself more on a topic of interest. You may take a short trip to visit family and friend. It could be that you make a make purchase including a vehicle, computer, cell phone or telephone. You may see an increase of communication via emails, text messages and phone calls. On September 30, October 2nd and 3rd you are focusing on your career and how to advance in your career. You may run into great opportunities and benefits at this time but be careful not to appear arrogant towards others.

You may experience problems with a lover, child, partner or someone close to you. It could bring a breakup or ending of a relationships or partnership. It may be time to have a serious discussion about the future of the relationships. On September 29th your concern seems to be on finances. You will find ways to budget and save for the future. You may receive a job offer or opportunity. You w ill also work hard for the money. On September 30, October 1, 2nd and 3rd there seems to be a time when you are focusing on travel, education, advertising, law or legal issues. It may require you to spend more than what you can afford. You may spend on advertising or marketing. It could be that you spend more than what you can afford on a trip or when taking a trip. Be careful as you may fall ill if you are eating or drinking too much. Play it safe and don't do something you later regret.

It may be time to get rid of what you don't need in your life including cleaning out clutter from the closets and garage on September 28th. You may also relocate, renovate or make some changes or repairs in the home. On September 29th it seems to be all about you and your own personal wants and needs. You may lose weight easily and show a more serious and responsible side of yourself to others. On October 1st and 2nd the focus seems to be on financial obligations connected to taxes, credit cards, loans, child support, alimony, bonuses and commissions. There may be financial obligations to take care of at this time. You may also work on releasing old habits and negative emotions and feelings from your life. It is a time to let go even if it is hurtful. Release what has been unhealthy for you.

You may have to fix a computer, cell phone, telephone or vehicle on September 28th. It may be that a vehicle needs repairs or you are having problems with communication and electronics. If something breaks down then expect it to be a day when you need to take it in for repairs. On September 29th you may be feeling a bit depressed or isolated. There may be many projects and tasks to take care of. You may keep emotions and feelings to yourself or from others. On October 1, 2nd and 3rd you are focused on a partner. The partner may be a spouse, lover, friend, business partner, coworker, employee, realtor, accountant, financial advisor, therapist or doctor. It's time to work with others to further your career, education, finances or personal relationship. There may be problems with a partner but these dates will do well for you to compromise. Good luck.

You seem to be focused on your finances on September 28th. It may be time for you to take care of some financial obligations associated with others or to pay off some bills. Financial transaction and communication should go well. You may also find yourself making a major purchase at this time. On September 29th you may look and seek the advice of a friend, mentor or teacher. It could be that they provide you some great advice for the future or in connection to your career, finances or personal relationships. Be open-minded as they may help you to lead a happier and healthier lifestyle. On September 30, October 1, 2nd and 3rd you can expect to work hard for the money. There may be many task and projects to take care of as you may feel overwhelmed. You also want to be careful as you may fall ill especially if you have been eating unhealthy for drinking too much. Excessive eating, drinking are spending can catch up to you later on in you may regret your choices too.

It's all about you on September 28th and it may be time for you to get rid of what you don't need in your life including unhealthy habits and people. There may be a sense of dominance or control coming from you or from others. You may seem a bit harsh or pushy so be careful on how you appear to others as they may not appreciate. On September 29th your career is highlighted on this day. You may receive a job offer, promotion, advancement, bonus or commission. It could be that you receive praise and recognition for all your hard work. If you are unemployed it could be a day for you to go to an interview that could possibly lead to a job offer. On September 30, October 1, 2nd and 3rd your love life and children are highlighted at this time. It could bring stress and anxiety over a relationship or in connection to children. It could be in connection to obligations with children especially for their recreational activities or education. Try to do your best to manage these issues as a may seem a bit overwhelming at this time.

On September 28th you seem to be focusing on your health and personal well-being. It may be time for you to take care of your body and anything that has not been working in your life. It's a great time to exercise and lose weight. It would also be a great time for you to connect and communicate with others regarding any issues or problems that have been bothering you. You will feel a relief and release from your body that will be very healthy for you. If it means you need to let go of some bad habits or bad people from your life and so be it. On September 29th it will be a time for you to look over your finances and plan for the future. It may be time for you to budget and save or take care of any legal issues that are pending. It could be that you start to view your future differently especially in connection to your career, education and finances. It's time to set up plan and be organized. On September 30, October 1st and 2nd is time for you to focus on the home. You may relocate, renovate or make some changes or repairs around the home. It could bring problems with the home or with people living in your home or nearby you. You may spend excessively are lavishly for furniture or home accessories.

It may be time for you to let go of some friends on September 28th. Depending on what has been going on in your past you may decide to cut yourself off from friends, groups or organizations that have been unhealthy for you. There may also be some changes in transformation in connection to a friend or group. If you have been experiencing problems in the past this may be a time to fix the problems and move forward. It would be like closing one chapter and opening up a new chapter for yourself. Financial obligations and duties are your focus on September 29th. It's actually a very positive day for you to focus on taxes, credit cards, loans and other financial obligations connected to others. You seem to do well on budgeting and saving and taking care of your financial duties. You seem well organized and can plan for the future. You may also receive the approval of a loan or credit card. On September 30, October 1, 2nd and 3rd communication may increase via e-mails, text messages and phone calls. You want to be careful as you may spend freely on a vehicle, computer, cell phone or telephone.

The Psychic One

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