Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Weekly horoscopes September 21, 2011-September 27, 2011


On September 21st and 24th you seem to be focused on friendships. You may give more to your friends or feel a greater sense of compassion and sympathy towards friends. They may offer to help you. On September 22nd finances are highlighted as you may work hard to make more money or receive a job offer or opportunity. You may also attend an interview or meeting. It could be that you submit your resume or application. The Sun enters your partnership house on September 23rd so expect 4 weeks to work with others for personal or professional reasons. It may be time to compromise and discuss or work out any issues or problems. The partner may also be a financial advisor, therapist, doctor or lawyer. It may be that you work with others to further your career, finances or relationships and partnerships. Mercury enters your partnership house on September 25th giving you 3 weeks to communicate with a partner. It will also bring the opportunity to connect with others for professional or personal reasons. You seem to be open to working with others especially if it helps you to grow financial or personally. On September 23, 25th and 26th you seem to be in high spirits or highly motivated to get work projects done. You also may pursue love or spend time with children in sports, hobbies or other recreational activities. You want to be careful on September 26th as work projects may increase. There could be disruptions or obstacles at work. The new Moon on September 27th will fall in your partnership house. The next two weeks will bring a time for you to form a partnership or to build a stronger partnership with someone currently in your life. A partner may be a spouse, lover, friend, business partner, coworker, employee, financial advisor, their best, lawyer or doctor. The next two weeks may bring a time for you to meet someone new that could bring you a long-term relationship or partnership. You may get engaged or get married. You may also form a business partnership or work closely with others to further your career and to build greater financial security and stability for yourself. Mars, Mercury, the Sun and Venus all seem to be supporting the new Moon. It can bring great opportunities for career and finances. It could also be that it helps you to build a stronger relationship with someone special in your life. You may feel a greater bond and closeness with others especially a lover or spouse. Uranus opposes the new Moon which can bring a sense of excitement, fun, unpredictability and the unexpected with the partner. You may also rebel against the partner. It may be that you are seeking something different and exciting including doing something adventurous and spontaneous. You may also meet someone from a distance or from another country or culture. They may be eccentric or different from what you usually attract. Pluto squares the new Moon from your career house which may create some difficulties at this time for you to build a strong connection with a partner when you may have to put your career or job first before them. There may be a sense of dominance and control over schedules and time to spend together. I feel the new Moon can be a great help for you to build a stronger security and stability with a partner, lover or a friend. You seem to be open to working on these issues and to find a solution to the problems.


On September 21st and 24th your focus seems to be on work projects and obligations towards others. It could be coworkers or employees. You seem to also be neglecting others in the process who may also be trying to help you to succeed. It's all about you on September 22nd as you seem to e focused on your own wants and needs. It could be your career or personal relationships. The Sun will enter your 6th house of work, service and health on September 23rd giving you 4 weeks to focus on work projects, tasks and projects. Your health will improve through exercise and eating healthy. You will also focus on getting medical exams and routine checkups. Pets will also be important as you may get a new pet or take your pet to receive routine exams and checkups. Be careful on September 23, 25th and 26th as you may be feeling a bit of stress and anxiety. It could help you to get work done but you may also lose sleep in the process. Mercury enters your 6th house of work, service and health on September 25th. The next few weeks will bring a time for you to take care of tedious projects and tasks. You have the patience and time to focus on the tedious details of a project, short or task. It could be a website or presentation. You seem to take time and creating the greatest works of art. Another day to watch out for come on September 26th as you may experience problems with others in authority. It could also be family members or friends. The new moon on September 27th will fall in your 6th house of work, service and health. The next couple weeks may bring you more work that can help increase sales, bonuses and commission. You can expect to work hard for the money or you may receive a job offer. It may be that you are exercising to lose weight. Saturn supports the new moon which will help you to be disciplined to lose the weight. You may also buy a new pet which shows you discipline on taking care of a pet. The Sun, Venus, Mars and Mercury all support the new moon which will bring you great results with your job and your health. You will notice results and appreciation for the hard work. Compliments come easily which helps you to keep pushing forward. Do not give up. It is your time to get out there and show them what you got. If you need to go to the doctor to take care of your body then do so you won't regret it.


It's time for you to focus on work obligations, duties, friends and coworkers. You need to get work done but may also feel tired and drained in the process. There could be communication issues too especially on September 21st and 24th. On September 22nd you may indulge in fatty foods and sweets. You may also spend lavishly. The Sun will enter your fifth house of love, children and creative projects on September 23rd. The next four weeks will bring a time for you to find love, follow love and spend time with children. You will also enjoy the creative arts including music, singing, dancing and movies. You may attend a concert or good more frequently to the movie theater. On September 23, 25th and 26th it seems to be an enjoyable time with friends but be careful as you may have communication problems with friends or family on the 25th and 26th. It could bring disagreements and arguments. You may also experience problems with electronics and the internet. Mercury enters your fifth house of love and children on September 25th. The next three weeks will bring a time when you may experience the opportunity to communicate openly with a partner, lover or child. . If you are in a current love relationship or marriage then there may be old unresolved issues to discuss and it could also be with a child. Secrets may be revealed especially in connection to love relationships. It is a time for you to act like a child too. Financial obligations connected to taxes, credit cards, loans, child support or alimony affect you on September 26th. You may have to pay a hefty debt or bill. If there is a court or legal issue then it may not go to your favor. The new moon on September 27th will fall in your 5th house of love, relationships, children, sports, hobbies and recreational activities. The next two weeks may bring a time for you to find love, fall in love and spend time with children. You may join a sport, hobby or other recreational activity. You will enjoy music, movies and theater. You seem to be outgoing and social. You may find yourself hanging out in bars or clubs. Mars, Jupiter, Mercury and Venus all seem to support the new moon which can bring great luck for love and relationships. It can also help heighten your creative and artistic abilities including music, drawing and painting. Show your artistic side and see what great projects or music you can create. It could help for your career, education or school projects. I feel the new moon may bring some challenges with friends or parents as you may experience a bit of power struggle, disagreements or arguments from one of these individual. Maybe your parents don't approve of your new relationships. It could be that coworkers, classmates or friends have an idea how to craft or build a project while you have other ideas. You may feel ignored or controlled. Try to do your best to stand your ground as you have right to make your point. I feel it's a great time to show others how you can create a great work of art.


You may plan a trip or take a trip on September 21st and 24th. It may be to a place near water. You may also decide to travel or exotic places or places with lights and glamour. On September 22nd you seem to be focusing on friends, groups or organizations. You may have a little too much fun by indulging at a party or with a group. It could be you eat too much too. You may feel ill by the end of your indulgence so be careful what you consume. The Sun enters your fourth house of home on September 23rd. The next four weeks will bring a time for you to relocate, renovate or make some changes around the home. Your focus may also turn to parents and their well-being. It may be a time for you to bring work home or you spend time with family at home. On September 23, 25th and 26th you will focus on your career or job prospects. You may receive a promotion or job offer. It could bring an interview or meeting. You are working hard but may also experience problems with coworkers and employees. There could be problems with the internet, emails, phone or cell phone. Mercury enters your fourth house of home on September 25th giving you three weeks to focus on improving communication in the home. You could also purchase a computer or telephone to increase your communication with others. You may also sign a lease or purchase a home There could problems with a partner on September 26th. It may bring disagreements and argument or the ending of a relationships. A partner may be anyone from a spouse or lover to a business partner, coworker or employee. It could even be a friend or family member. The new Moon on September 27th will fall in your fourth house of home. You may relocate, renovate or make some changes or repairs around the home during the next two weeks. The Sun, Mercury, Venus and Saturn all are in the sign of Libra and your fourth house of home. Great opportunities may come at you at this time. If you're looking to relocate to a new place I feel you would end of finding a place you would enjoy. You will also enjoy the neighborhood. If you are looking to buy some furniture or home accessories been your artistic and creative side will come out and you will create some great work of art for the room or for the home. You are very artistic and will find yourself being a great designer at this time. It could be you are looking to just paint a room which you will do well at this time. Mars supports the new Moon from your second house of earned income which could bring profits to the sale of the home. If you are in the real estate business thing you would do well during the next two weeks as they can bring you profits and sales from the home. You may also profit from the home by renting a room or selling furniture. You want to be careful during the new Moon has Uranus opposes the new Moon and Pluto squares the new Moon. Uranus can create sudden and unexpected events while Pluto can bring problems with the partner. You may experience a bit of a tug-of-war from a partner or from others whom I want to feel that they need it their way while you see it another way. I feel the new Moon can bring great results to the home especially if you're looking for a new place to live or to decorate the home.


The concerned on September 21st and September 24th will be on a partner. The partner may be a spouse, lover, friend, business partner, coworker or employee. You may work alongside others to further your career, finances, education or personal relationships. You feel greater sympathy and compassion towards others and are willing to compromise to make everyone happy. On September 22nd your focus seems to be on your career. You may receive a job offer, promotion or advancement. It could be that you plan a business venture or new way to further your career. It could include marketing and education. The Sun enters your third house of short trips, communication, siblings and neighbors on September 23rd giving you four weeks to take short trips around town and nearby out-of-town and to receive an increase of communication via e-mails, text messages and phone calls. On September 23, 25th and 26th you may plan a trip or take a trip. It could be that you have others from afar come to visit you. Your focus on religion, law or philosophy and may study one of these topics of interest. You may have to take care of legal issues. There could be problems with the Internet, e-mails, text messages and phone calls. You may enter college or University. It's time to broaden your horizons and focus on new opportunities. Mercury enters your third house of short trips, communication, siblings and neighbors on September 25th. The next three weeks will bring a time when you would take frequent short trips around town. Communication will also increase via e-mails, text messages and phone calls. You are social and want to connect with everyone including siblings, relatives and friends. You will also find yourself communicating more frequently with your neighbors. On September 26th you will work hard for the money but you should also see progress including more financial opportunities, duties and obligations and possibly bonuses, commissions and sales. You received greater recognition and praise at this time. The new Moon on September 27th will fall in your third house of short trips, communication, siblings and neighbors. You may take a short trip to visit family and friends or to visit someone special. They may come to visit you. Communication increases via e-mails, text messages and phone calls. The Sun, Mercury, Venus and Mars also port the new Moon which can bring great love and a connection from others. You may find love on the Internet through a dating site or social network. It may also be that you are communicating with someone special via e-mails, text messages and phone calls. The communication will be loving and affectionate. It could be that you are showing someone how much you care about them and that you are there to support them. Uranus opposes the new Moon from your ninth house of long-distance trips, foreign people and places. It is a time to broaden your horizons and expand your mind to learn something new or to visit someone special in your life. It is a time to take care of issues relating to the law or religion. There may be some legal battles to take care of or other obligations to take care of. It may relate to a partner or lover or someone close to you like a family member or sibling. You may also have legal issues relating to a neighbor or the home. I feel it is a time for you to connect and communicate with others to build a stronger relationship or connection. It is a time to get away from it all and take a short trip to relax and enjoy a little peace and quiet.


On September 21st and September 24th you seem to be focused on work obligations and duties. You will work hard for the money but you may also find yourself frustrated and stressed. It's a good time to exercise and eat healthy. You may find yourself drinking more water and eating fruits and vegetables. On September 22nd your focus seems to be on travel. You may plan a trip or take a trip. You want to be careful as you may spend lavishly on a trip, education, religion or legal issues. The Sun enters your 2nd house of earned income on September 23rd. The next four weeks will bring a time for you to make more money and to find new ways to build financial security. You may receive a job offer or opportunity. It could be that you gain through a side venture and bring in more money. It is time for you to plan for your financial future and budget and save for the future. On September 23, 25th and 26th there may be financial obligations and duties connected to taxes, credit cards and loans. You may have to take care of a hefty debt or bill. Mercury enters your 2nd house of earned income on September 25th. The next two weeks brings a time for you to focus on financial obligations, debts and bills. On September 26th you may have problems with a lover, partner, child or other obligations connected to education, career and children. You may feel bit of stress and anxiety as these obligations may increase at this time. The new Moon on September 27th will fall in your second house of earned income. The next two weeks may bring you a new job or new job offer. It could be that you gain financially as this Sun, Mercury, Venus all seem to be supporting the new Moon from the same house. Great opportunities can easily come your way especially in relation to finances. Uranus opposes the new Moon from your eighth house of joint resources, taxes, credit cards and loans telling me you have some obligations to take care of at this time. It could possibly be that you gain through benefits, bonuses and commissions. Pluto squares the new Moon from your fifth house of love and children could possibly bring a challenge with a lover, partner or child. There may be financial obligations connected to a child or lover. It could be that you are taking care of some financial obligations are bills connected to one of these individuals. I feel that overall the should be positive for you with finances but it looks like there some obligations you have to take care of within the next two weeks


You seem to be focused on love, children, sports, hobbies and other recreational activities on September 21st and 24th. It could be that you have financial obligations connected to one of these individuals or issues. You want to be careful as you may show too much sympathy and compassion for others and they could take advantage of you. On September 22nd you may have issues related to financial obligations, debts and bills. It could be connected with others especially if you're going through a divorce or child custody battle. It could be that you pay off a debt or bill. The Sun enters your own sign on September 23rd which will give you for weeks to focus on yourself. It is going to be all about you and what you want for yourself. On September 23, 25th and 26th your focus seems to be on a partner. The partner may be a spouse, lover, friend, business partner, coworker or employee. You may work alongside others to further your career, education, finances or personal relationships. There may be disagreements or arguments but it's time to also compromise and work issues out in the open. Mercury enters your own sign on September 25th giving the next couple weeks a time for you to revise or take care of projects from the past. It could be that you need to take care of obligations and duties from the past. It may be career, financial or personal. You will have to take care of some obligations and it could relate to family and friends. The new moon on September 27th will fall in your own sign giving you the next two weeks were it's all about you. You may lose weight and feel healthier. It could be you purchase clothes or get a new hair cut or hair style. It is time for you to focus on your own wants and needs. You may change your name or appearance. It could be that you are taking on something for yourself like you start a new health regimen or return to college. The Sun, Mercury, Venus and Mars all support the new moon which brings you great opportunity to make it about what you want for yourself and others are willing to support and help you out. People are willing to be there for you so take advantage of the opportunities that come to you. Uranus oppose the new moon from your partnership house which could bring assistance from a partner. You may get married or get engaged. It could be you work with others for personal relationships or your health like a trainer, therapist, doctor or weight counselor. It may be time to accept you need others help to move forward. Pluto square the new moon from your 4th house of home which could put you to make a critical decision regarding the home or mother. There may be a bit of a control or manipulation with others or from others. Try not to control other people to get what you want especially in relation to the home or people you live with. Take care of what you need to right now then focus on what you have to take care of for yourself and your family. It may be difficult sometimes but you will manage.


Your focus will be on the home on September 21st and September 24th. You may relocate, renovate or make some changes or repairs around the home. It could be that someone moves then or moods out of the home. On September 22nd will be on a partner. The partner may be a spouse, lover, friend, business partner, coworker or employee. It's time to compromise and work out any issues or problems. The Sun falls in your 12th house of secrets and solitude on September 23rd giving you 4 weeks to rest and relax. You may find it as an opportunity to catch up on sleep or seek solitude for healing purposes. It will also be a time for you to seek therapy to get rid of any unhealthy people or habits from your life. On September 23, 25th and 26th you can expect to work hard for the money. You may experience problems with coworkers and employees. There could be problems with your health or pets. You may experience anxiety or stress. It could be that you run into many obligations and duties that need to be taking care of by a certain deadline. Mercury enters your 12th house of secrets and solitude on September 25th making the next 3 weeks a time for you to reveal secrets to others. It could be that you open yourself up to others and tell them the truth about yourself or about them. You may keep secrets or finally tell the truth. On September 26th your focus seems to be on communication, transportation, electronics, siblings and neighbors. You may experience problems with one of these individuals or transportation. You may have to take care of repairs and renovations your be careful as you may have problems with e-mails, text messages and phone calls. The new Moon on September 27th will fall in your 12th house of secrets and solitude. The next two weeks may bring a time for you to reflect and keep to yourself. It may be time to take a vacation or retreat. It may also be time to get rid of something unhealthy from your life including an unhealthy person from your life. The Sun, Mercury, Venus and Saturn are all in your 12th house of secrets and solitude. It is a time for you to create and keep to yourself. You may retreat because you are working on a project. There may be a bit of somberness as you may be reflecting on your past in order to move forward to the present. Sometimes, we need to work on letting go of the past in order to have a healthier future. You may seek therapy to get rid of a bad habit or psychological issues. It could also be that you are focus on your health and well-being. Mars supports the new Moon from your 10th house of career which tells me there may be a time for you to seek solitude on a career or education project. I feel this would be a great time for you to focus and on your own talents and skills and to figure out what it is it's going to make you happy. There are times when you need to seek solitude to figure these issues out for yourself and sometimes it may be a bit depressing but it helps you to grow as a person.


On September 21st and 24th your focus seems to be on the home. Communication may extend at home or with family and friends. On September 22nd you can expect to work hard for the money. You want to be careful health-wise as you may find yourself indulging in fatty food and drinks. You may find yourself ill in the process so be careful. The Sun enters your 11th house of friendships on September 23rd. The next four weeks brings a time for you to socialize and attend special events and parties. On September 23, 25th and 26th you may find love, fall in love or spend time with children especially in sports, hobbies, music and other recreational activities. You are highly active which can help you accomplish many goals, tasks and opportunities. It's time to enjoy a sport or hobby. Mercury enters your 11th house of friendships on September 25th giving you 3 weeks to communicate and connect with friends, groups and organizations. You may connect and communicate via emails, texts and phone calls. On September 26th you are focused on finances or financial obligations. You may have to pay a hefty debt or bill. The new Moon on September 27th will fall in your 11th house of friendships. The next two weeks may bring a time for you to find friends and connect with old friends. You may even build a new friendship. The Sun, Mercury, Venus and Saturn all are in your 11th house of friendships. It is a time for you to be social and outgoing and have a good time. Saturn will discipline you and make you see the reality of your friendships and relationships towards others. If you have been neglecting a friend than it may be time for the two of you to sit down and discuss these issues. If a friend has been taking advantage of you then it may be time for you to sever the relationship or friendship. It is a time to take a hard look at the realities of the connections you have build in the past and in the present and see if they are worth holding onto. Uranus opposes the new Moon from your fifth house of love, relationships, friendships, sports and hobbies. An opposition usually relates to another individual. It could be that you lose a friendship to a lover or partner. You may gain a new love relationship through your friendships. A friend may connect you to someone special. It may be through the Internet or possibly even a dating site. You are social and outgoing and may even meet somebody by being outdoors and connecting with new friends. Pluto squares the new Moon from your second house of earned income.


On September 21st and 24th you are focused on short trips, communication, siblings and neighbors. You may take a short trip to visit family and friends. Communication may extend via emails,, text messages and phone calls. On September 22nd your love life is highlighted. You may find love, fall in love or spend time with children. Be careful as you may indulge in fatty foods and drink. It could be that you spend lavishly for a lover, child or friend. The Sun will enter your 10th house of career on September 23rd giving you four weeks to focus on your career. You may receive a promotion, advancement or even start a business venture. It is your turn to seek recognition for a job well done. If you are a college student then this is your opportunity to put yourself out there with projects that can help further your education or career. On September 23, 25th and 26th the home is your main concern. You may relocate, renovate or make changes around the home. There could be some repairs or sudden changes in the home or with the people you live with at this time. Someone may move in or out of the home. Mercury enters your 10th house of career on September 25th. The next three weeks may bring a time for you to revise or take care of any issues or problems at work including but the Internet, office equipment, coworkers or employees. You may have to revise projects and tasks. On September 26th it's all about your wants and needs. You seem to be taking on many tasks and projects. It's a great time to exercise and lose weight. The new Moon on September 27th will fall in your 10th house of career. The next two weeks may bring a time for you to receive a promotion, advancement or start a business venture. It may easily bring you more money or financial security especially through bonuses and commissions. If you are a student you may be focusing on your education and future of your education. The Sun, Mercury, Venus and Saturn all support the new Moon from the same house which tells me you will receive plenty of recognition and praise for the hard work you have been putting out there. If you're looking for a new job than I feel the next two weeks will be positive for you to get a new job or job offer. There may be more opportunities out there for you to get a job. Uranus opposes the new Moon from your fourth house of home which tells me you may run into disagreements and arguments with others in the home. You may have to relocate for this job or opportunity. You may bring your work home or even build a home office. Pluto squares the new Moon from your partnership house which can bring tensions and disagreements with a partner or someone close to you. It could be a female or friend. You may have to make some sacrifices in order to accommodate for others and this could be a difficult time for you to make such a decision. It will relate to the home or a female. It could also be the mother or people you live with at this time. There may be a time of change and a sense of transformation and obligations.


You seem to show great compassion and sympathy with others on September 21st and 24th. Be careful as others may take advantage of you. On September 22nd you are focused on the home. You may purchase furniture or home decorations. Be careful as you may spend lavishly on the home. The Sun will enter your ninth house of long-distance trips and foreign people and places on September 23rd. The next four weeks will bring a time for you to travel long-distance or to have others come to visit you. You may also study and learn law, religion, music, art or foreign cultures and languages. On September 23, 25th and 26th communication, short trips, siblings and neighbors are highlighted at this time. You may take a quick short trip to visit family and friends. You may purchase a vehicle, computer, cell phone or telephone. It could be that communicate extends via emails, text messages and phone calls. It's time to get rid of bad habits and people from your life especially on September 26th. You may feel ill and may be time to go to the doctor or receive medical checkups and exams. The new Moon on September 27th will fall in your ninth house of long-distance trips, or in people and places, education and studies. The next two weeks may bring a time for you to take a long-distance trip or have others from afar come to visit you. You may enter college or University or take time to take some classes or courses for topic of interest. You want to expand your mind and expand the ability to learn and study something new including a foreign culture or language. You may also market or promote a product via the Internet, radio or television. The Sun, Mercury, Venus and Saturn all support the new Moon from the same house which can really be a positive time for you to enjoy taking a trip or enjoy spending time with others. You seem to be in a positive mood but also very disciplined and focused especially on studies. I feel that new Moon would be a very positive time for you to expand your horizons and expand the abilities of what you can discover and life. Uranus opposes the new Moon from your third house of short trips, communication, siblings and neighbors when it can bring some challenges with communication and transportation. You may experience difficulties with the Internet, computer, cell phone or vehicle. It may be time to take care of some repairs or buy a new vehicle or computer. It is time to fix what is unhealthy in your life so you to move forward and feel a greater sense of happiness.


As the week begins you will focus your time on taking care of others and the well-being of others especially on September 21st and 24th. You may seek solitude but you also seem to be open to helping man-kind. You are selfless to others including pets. The Sun enters your 8th house of joint resources, taxes, credit and loans on September 23rd giving you four weeks to take care of financial or material obligations connected to credit cards, loans, child support, taxes, loans and other financial obligations connected to others. If you are in the middle of a divorce then the next few weeks might be a bit difficult for you. On September 24, 25th and 26th your focus turns to incomes earned. You may receive a new source of income or get a new job. You will run into opportunities to make more money for the future. Mercury enters your 8th house of joint resources, taxes, credit and loans on September 25th giving you 3 weeks to focus on taxes, credit cards, credit reports, loans, child support, retirement funds, investments, savings, pensions, joint assets and obligations with others. You may invest in property or opportunities. It may be time for you to focus on financial and material obligations with others including an accountant or financial advisor. On September 26th its time for you to focus on friends, groups or organizations. You may run into some challenges with a group or organization. There could be disagreements and arguments with them. Try to do your best to come to some form of compromise. The new Moon on September 27th will fall in your eighth house of joint resources, taxes, credit cards, child support, bonuses, commissions, loans, child support, alimony, gifts and rewards. The next two weeks may bring a financial or material gains for you. It could be through a discount or coupon. The Sun, Mercury, Venus and Saturn all support the new Moon from the same house. I feel that this is a great time for you to gain financially or materialistically. You may also gain through love and relationships or a partner or lover. Opportunities may come at you unexpectedly or in connection to others. Uranus opposes the new Moon from your second house of earned income which tells me there may be again in connection to your income. It may be through a bonus or commission or it could be a friend connects you to a joint opportunity. You want to be careful as it could also indicate that you spend carelessly are lavishly too. Pluto squares the new Moon from your 11th house of friendships, groups and organizations. It may indicate difficulties in connection to a friend, groups and possibly a female. There may be a sense of manipulation or control from a friend or group or it they may push you for financial support but you also want to stand your ground. You may spend carelessly towards your friends or because you want to spend time with friends but also make sure that you are setting a budget and saving for the future. You may also focus on retirement, savings, investments and pensions. I would suggest to watch over your finances and make sure that you do not get crazy with the money as you may have financial obligations or duties to take care of around this time too.


The Psychic One

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