Thursday, September 1, 2011

Sxorpio horoscope for September 2011

The focus for the month will be mainly on a partner especially on September 2, 14, 15, 22nd and 30th. The partner may be a spouse, lover, friend, business partner, coworker or employee. The partner can also be anyone you work closely with personally or professionally. You may collaborate with others to further your career, finances, education or personal relationships. It is also a time to work out any issues or problems.

You may feel a bit introverted on September 3, 7, 17, 29th and 30th as you may have many task and projects to take care of. It could be that you are creating and crafting a project for school or for work. It is a great time for you to write and create as your artistic side will come through. You may also feel a bit stressed and depressed or even worried about finances. There may be a sense of guilt or a sense of fear kicking and at this time. If you feel that these are issues that cannot be controlled then I would suggest for you to consult a therapist that can help you get through these tough times.

The home seems to be your main focus on September 8, 13, 16, 21st and 24th. You may relocate, renovate or make some changes around the home. It could be that you are purchasing new furniture or home accessories for the home. It is a time to decorate and change the decor in the room in the home. Your focus may also be on the mother or family. There may be concerns about the health of a family member. I feel that you will experience a bit of stress or anxiety connected to the home or family member on September 21st and September 24th.

You can expect to work hard for the money on September 9, 10, 17, 23rd and 25th. You want to be careful as you may also experience problems with the Internet, e-mails, text messages and phone calls. I feel that it is a positive time for you to advance in your career and work projects. You may receive a new job offer or new responsibilities at work. You also focus on your health through exercise and eating healthy. It could be that you join a sport or other recreational activity. You may also focus on the health of a pet as it is time for routine checkups and exams. You may also focus on your health through exercise or taking care of your body through routine checkups and exams. I feel this is a great time for you to take care of and six what has not been working in your life including broken down material possessions and office equipment.

Mercury enters your 11th house of friendships on September 8th. The next three weeks will bring a time for you to communicate and connect with friends. You will see an increase of social invites and greater connection to friends, groups and organizations. You may meet a new friend on a social network or connect with old friends on a social network, special event or party.

Mars enters your 10th house of career on September 18th. The next seven weeks will bring a time for you to expand your opportunities to succeed in your career. You may pursue a new career field or opportunity. If you're looking to began a new business that you will be able to accomplish many tasks at this time to get this business going. I also feel that you will have many projects to take care of a you seem to have the energy and motivation to take care of them at this time. If you are seeking employment then you seem to be highly active and putting out resumes and applications. You also may be open to network and connect with others who may possibly bring you a job offer or opportunity.

Scorpio Weekly Horoscope

Is Love Promised in your chart

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Venus enters your 12th house of secrets and solitude on September 14th. The next four weeks will bring a time for you to keep emotions and feelings to yourself. You may also keep secrets to yourself. It is also a time for you to give selflessly to others. You want to be careful that you do not give more than what you can afford emotionally and financially or else others will take advantage of you. It may also be a time for you to keep secret love affairs. I hope you are not pursuing a love affair because you're feeling neglected. If you are involved in another relationship like a marriage then you first want to see what can be fixed in the marriage before opening the door to someone else as you may later regret it. The Sun joins Venus on September 23rd giving you 4 weeks to rest and relax. You may find it as an opportunity to catch up on sleep or seek solitude for healing purposes. It will also be a time for you to seek therapy to get rid of any unhealthy people or habits from your life.

Mercury enters your 12th house of secrets and solitude on September 25th making the next 3 weeks a time for you to reveal secrets to others. It could be that you open yourself up to others and tell them the truth about yourself or about them. You may keep secrets or finally tell the truth.

The full Moon on September 12th will fall in your 5th house of love, relationships, children, sports and hobbies. It will also highlight artistic and creative skills including painting, photography, music and theater. The next two weeks will bring a time for you to find love, fall in love and spend time with children. It would also be a time for you to focus on your artistic skills through painting, drawing and photography. Mars supports the full Moon from your ninth house of long-distance trips, foreign people and places. It it could also be for education and marketing. You may decide to market a product or yourself via the Internet, radio or television. It may also be a time for you to expand your horizons mentally or physically. You may take a trip or travel to visit others from afar or from a foreign country or culture. You may also be learning a new language or culture at school or on your own. Others may come to visit you. Venus opposes the full Moon from your 11th house of friendships, groups and organizations. I feel that you will be working closely with others on a project or even to take a trip. It could also be that you are planning a trip with someone special or you take a trip with someone including a spouse, lover or friend. You want to be careful as you may find yourself indulging in food, drink and money. It is also a time to focus on children and spending time with them. You may hear news of a baby on the way or a child is conceived. I feel the full Moon would be great for you to connect with others and socialize with new friends and groups. Spread your boundaries beyond your own friends as you never know what information or connections you may gain by going outside the box.

Short trips, communication, siblings and neighbors will be highlighted for you on September 10, 11, 18, 19, 26th and 28th. You may take a sudden short trip or have others come to visit you from nearby. Communication increases via e-mails, text messages and phone calls. It is time for you to study and learn and educate yourself any topic of interest. You may also associate with family members, neighbors and friends. You may purchase a new vehicle, computer, telephone or cell phone. It may be time to replace one of these items.

The new Moon on September 27th will fall in your 12th house of secrets and solitude. The next two weeks may bring a time for you to reflect and keep to yourself. It may be time to take a vacation or retreat. It may also be time to get rid of something unhealthy from your life including an unhealthy person from your life. The Sun, Mercury, Venus and Saturn are all in your 12th house of secrets and solitude. It is a time for you to create and keep to yourself. You may retreat because you are working on a project. There may be a bit of somberness as you may be reflecting on your past in order to move forward to the present. Sometimes, we need to work on letting go of the past in order to have a healthier future. You may seek therapy to get rid of a bad habit or psychological issues. It could also be that you are focus on your health and well-being. Mars supports the new Moon from your 10th house of career which tells me there may be a time for you to seek solitude on a career or education project. I feel this would be a great time for you to focus and on your own talents and skills and to figure out what it is it's going to make you happy. There are times when you need to seek solitude to figure these issues out for yourself and sometimes it may be a bit depressing but it helps you to grow as a person. You may have to detach yourself from people that are not good for you and this could be difficult to accept. I feel the new Moon will help you grow as a person and will show your abilities to create and craft. Enjoy.

There is a lot going on for you this month and I feel that you will learn about yourself throughout the month. It may be difficult to accept change but you know that something needs to be done. I feel that you will come out as a more stronger individual in the process to live a healthier life.

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